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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. the guy i use locally, charges £40 for a new universal fob and reprogram (he has a selection, so generally he will have one which will work on your frequency). or £15 to program an existing fob to a different vehicle(but luckily peugeots can be programmed multiple times). I assume his mark up on the fobs is large, and that he doesnt have to supply any goods, some of his earnings for reprogramming skips the part of it going through the taxman.
  2. erm, most auto locksmiths should be able to program a transponder key fob to work with your current vehicle. (reading up on it quickly, most peugeot fobs are programmable to suit most vehicles, so a 206 key fob off ebay, and £25 to an auto locksmith to cut a blank blade and program a key and your away.)
  3. dont sweat it, if she is this awesome creature who your going to spend the rest of your life with, your going to get through it*, if shes going to go put about in freshers, and then break up with you, guess it says a lot about the person you thought you knew. *unless your a dickhead. im a dickhead a lot, everything good ive ever had with a girl has ultimately gone down the pan due to 1 of 2 things, 1) she turns out to be a bit twisted/a whore/fake/all of the aformentioned. 2) me being a dickhead. I believe this is true for most relationships.
  4. yea, im putting 30k down, but only borrowing £55000. over 25 years, id be paying £280 at 3.69% fixed for 5 years. im kind of messed up with regards what to do, because in all honesty i could have the thing paid off at the end of them 5 years. I currently own 16000 shares in bt via employee incentive plans. part of me says go with the fixed,because i know, from now till im 28(in reality itll most likely be 29, buy the time this lot is all signed and sealed) i know how much ill be paying per month. but then a tracker mortgage is rather appealing at the moment, what with the low rates, but then if the economy picks up, the interest rate goes up. of course the flip side of this is, if the economy picks up, my shares should do the same, and im never going to end up owing more than i do now, and 16000 x 3 = 48000, which is only 7k short of what im borrowing.
  5. not meaning to be cheeky but how much are all you lot getting mortgages for, im guessing your borrowing around the 100k mark?? also im getting buildings and contents (£30k, havent specified bikes or laptops at this time) for £15 a month. so far ive got as monthly outgoings council tax £64 insurance £15 tv license £12.50 water £25 gas £25 electric £30 which is coming to £175, im then adding £25 eventualities to that. add me mortgage onto that, and its not looking the best, but its doable, currently reckon i have £600 disposable income whilst working a flat month at work. taking that with my mortgage (£285), I should be hovering around the £500 mark. saying the amount I pay in keep at the moment should cover me food bills (£200 a month) can drop my contribution into shares by £80 a month, got a 5% pay rise in october, and a further 3% in january,can knock my gym membership on the head if I need to. ideally ill get a lodger in with me (ill end up with a hike of £60-80 a month in bills, but should be much better off) but just making sure things arent going to hit the pan if i cant.
  6. yea, ive looked into council tax and the like, but water/gas/electricity, was hoping to get figures on people like me(i.e you), who are young,and dont require heating on the regular. get phone internet and tv free through work, but ive currently got it set up goin to my mums house, and i may feel like a tw*t knicking it off her. Id basically budgeted mortgage + £2500 a year for bills, and was hoping thatd come out about right (so far seems to)
  7. Right, as a few of you know, im lookin at getting my own house. hopefully fairly soon(gotta go in and beg for a mortgage) just curious as to what everyone is paying household bills wise? im hopefully (providing the legal pack doesnt throw up any suprises, and the mortgage applicaion goes through and the offer gets accepted) moving into a 3 bed end of terrace house. will have a brand new central heating system and boiler. just curious as to how much im likely to be paying for electric, gas and water. wont have a gas fire. just rough guidelines really.
  8. no worries, happy to of voted for you ferrero. everyone else i voted for in the other categories was female, so hopefully if you all get your pictures taken together at the end, youll be surrounded by poon tang, in a largely male dominated awards ceremony.
  9. Fish-Finger-er


    i sit at my computer, looking back at my holiday photos, crying my eyes out. either that, or work, or go out and throw shapes. you seemingly post topics of a lower than average quality. but nah seriously, rain doesnt ruin anything (apart from trifles stored outside), i remember a while back i used to go riding in the rain, also other types of riding (Xc etc) are fine in the rain.
  10. honestly, i dont appreciate riding like that at all, but i really enjoyed the videos, for everyone moaning about the highjump and 962 on the punch machine, its only a video, it wasted a couple of seconds of your life with them shots. and for what its worth, I think half the reason i enjoyed it(about the only TGS video i have enjoyed recently) is because it doesnt take itself too seriously, and proves there is more to life than riding bikes with no seat. Ill be honest, if he can do something normal people cant, ill quite happily watch it in the next video(unless its something crap like eating 4 ginsters pasties in 3 minutes).
  11. im big enough that i dont need to run. the trouble is, i never find goals work, because if its to be a certain weight, i always end up losing loadsa muscle(my holiday photos show this).and with lifting a certain weight, i find its easy to do it if i pile on the lbs.
  12. where do you find the motivation to get over the "just about in shape point", i get to it every few months, decided i want to show it off, go out and eat and drink too much for 2 months and put on like 2 stone, rinse and repeat. that is all i need.
  13. been browsing as tempted to build up a new all mountain bike. found this, but it aint in my size, but honestly think its bargain of the year, so sticking it up on here so someone else can hopefully take advantage (i was tempted to buy 2, flog em on ebay) commencal meta 6 frame for 300, can get a fox float for £165, and have a pretty sweet all mountain/enduro set up.
  14. the other thing is it depends on your riding style. apart from the odd trip to cannock chase, my riding is all north wales, and ive been overtaken on climbs by people,to overtake them on the next downhill, then have them overtake me on the climb after it, comment "you should of got a hardtail, makes the climbs easier" whereas i see it as "should of got a full sus, makes the dh's quicker" generally find with people like that, by the end of the day, your ahead of them, as you can just plod on all day on the climbs, whereas they seem to slow down 10 or so miles in.
  15. this although dont feel the budget needs to be as high. check it out that at 1075 is a bargain. (although check out the mondraker bikes on merlin, some of the hardtails are super cheap)
  16. you can also add "the woman you take out to bella italia cos your a romantic b*****d, is not the same woman you end up in a long term relationship with, she changes, puts less effort in,becomes naggy and possessive" because this is how the majority of them work. However if im honest, i stop trimming the pubes after a couple of weeks, and they can just deal. so its swings and roundabouts.
  17. see I dont think by believing in it, (well not believing it, but researching into it. and getting obsessed with conspiracy) i will be any better off(financially or emotionally).so i like to call bull on the whole extreme illuminati thing, and as for big companies being in with governments, yea thats how business works, backhanders and corruption to make yourself richer, goes on on a much smaller scale everywhere.
  19. you sheep all need to open your eyes
  20. do the chinos not have to be hand me downs from your older brother, who is significantly taller than you.
  21. havent been into phones (other than using one), used to buy and sell a few (seem to remember selling andyNBR one on here, which turned out to be blocked, and it cost me £60 to refund him). some phones, will say inactive sim, or invalid sim, or the like, if you stick a sim card in them, and they are blocked. might be worth looking into what message that phone would display if the phone was blocked. (sometimes they will display different messages depending on what network sim you put in them) other option of course is the phone is locked down to one MCC (mobile country code) so it cant be used outside its home country (again im not too up on this, it may be that it does work with some uk sims, as i know the uk now has 2 MCC's, so it may be unlocked to take any network sim, but only from a certain country code,which may even be the uk). This was done supposedly so that when we were getting colour screens etc, india and other developing nations where getting 3310's but there paying the equivalent of about £10 for them, whilst we were still paying £60/£70 for them, so it was stuck in to stop people just buying a crate of 3310s in india, shipping them over here,unlocking them and selling them on and undercutting nokia. this is all stuff from like 5/6/7 years ago when i used to buy trade ins off a mate, then flog them on in college for £10/£15 profit.
  22. . cabot tower (alternatively cabot circus is a shopping centre) industrial museum on the waterfront the clifton suspension bridge SS great britain. the boat that sells cider, called the apple unfortunately our trips to bristol started at the apple, so the next cultural stop was always wetherspoons.
  23. all quiet tonight??? news etc isnt reporting much???
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