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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. i think entertainment will become hugely more interactive. other than that im unsure. maybe its just me, but i actually think TV's gettin better. dont get me wrong, all the big new shows are crap. but i find myself watching films, and documentaries, where as a couple of years back i despised tv, maybe its jst im getting boring and can settle down to watch documentaries. but i can easily waste a weekend between 520 and 534 on the skybox. watched docus about forest fire fighters, subaru rally team(seriously i love this show, 8pm saturdays disco channel). a bit of ray mears, 2 episodes of lockdown(missed the womans prison one as sounded a bit crap). a docu on SWAT, another on the aryan brotherhood, one on the washington sniper, and another on san quentin prison, all kept me entertained. oh yea and football factories int'l(but thats probably a crap show, but i cant see it for my sexual attraction to danny dyer) could also sit and watch " a 4x4 is born, kit car world, a kit car is born, a bike is born, so on and so forth for days on end". adjust the programs you view, and youll be in heaven, honest, could break channels 100-519(althought 111 is sometimes good, top gear ***) and 534-999. and id be happy
  2. yea, but saying that before they even think its yours, acting all hard man " ive seen the bill so jog on piggy" doesnt go down too well. basically if youd stood at the scene, and said, look im sorry mr officer, i know it was wrong,and acted all remorseful and scared, chances are theyd of given you a pat down,took your name and address, took the baggie, and buggered off. as for the whole its not dealing unless you got more than a tenners worth, and you dont get done for anything less than that. its a total load of bollox. a tenners worth of rocky to me, would get me 15g(otherwise known as a genourous half ounce), but of green, id be lucky to get a teenth/1.75g for that. walkin round with a 15g chunk of rocky would get me in a lot more crap, than a baggy with a teenth in it. you can be done for dealing for sharing a joint with a mate, but the police arent as pedantic to let it go this far, possession is still a criminal offence, just because its been declassified, its still against the law. just the police would more than like to hand out a caution over a cheeky cig, than they would file paperwork and get you done for it. as it stands, youll finish your bail, more than likely get the option to accept a caution, or a reprimand(which will be wiped from your record as far as employers are concerned at 18, just will still be on the police database) you could of cause shove 2 fingers up at this, and say you didnt do it, so you wont accept a caution and tell them to shove it up there ass, at which point it becomes more serious, and you could see fines+ costs if yhe magistrates go against you. as for your mate, it depends how you work, with my friends, its whatever your caught for, your caught for, you dont grass, although you dont own up(say hypothetically one me mates was found socking some disco biscuits on entry to a club and a nosy bobby stepped in, they wouldnt be expected to say yea, thats mine, that ones mine, ive got a half of that one. ) but on the same front, dont think theyd just chuck something then let someone else get the blame.
  3. didnt realise how funny hippos looked till now. neither did i realise how cow like they are, go on look at it for a couple of minutes, theyve got a striking resemblance.
  4. yes i think as a nation we are 55% christian, as the census will tell you, but and its a big but, not many of them people are what id call active christians.at work there are 7 of us, 6 of them will be listed as christian on the census(dont think i am listed as christian, ive never been christened, so think my mother just puts me down as other, or atheist) out of them 6, only one of them ever goes to church, and the only reason he goes to church, is because his wife is a vicar. thats taking a typical country working town, with an old(ish) (only 2 of the "christians" is under 45) spread of people, the youth of today is less religious than ever, so i should imagine on an average out of 100 people, no more than 4 will pray(other than in times of great need) or attend church services(other than weddings, christenings and funerals). but on the muslim side, i should imagine the number of people who pray daily, and attend a mosque on a semi frequent basis(because out here we dont have a mosque for 45 miles or so) is much higher
  5. or we rebel against it, persecute the large majority of law abiding muslims. and also give the terrorist minority another reason to attack the uk. in the same way you lot all moan about us being tarred with the teenage tearway drug addict brush distructing the urban environment due to boredom. law abiding muslims cant be too happy with us calling them osama day in day out.
  6. also if we want to use extremely small percentages of certain ethnic groups to stereotype the entire ethnic group. lets take the last 40 years(since the major influx of muslims) terrorism in the uk: muslim terror attacks most likely account for a lot fewer deaths than those caused by "white"northern irish terror groups. murders by doctors in the uk: muslim doctors have caused far fewer murders/intentional deaths than those by "white " british doctors. about the only number of deaths caused by muslims over "whites" is terrorism via civil aviation, and thats only down to the lockerbie disaster, which no one ever seems to bring up in the subject of terrorism(although i have done here, as although its counter productive to my argument, it means im not taking sides and swaying information in my favour.
  7. yes, but if you want to talk a numbers. using this as a totally out of the blue not proven rough figures. say for example theres 10 million muslims, and 20 million "whites" as you would call them. then id say theres at least twice as many of them whites on asbos as there are muslims, therefore, making muslims person for person.more law abiding, the same with being unneccesarily on benefits, i bet you theres a far higher percentage of the total ethnic group of whites that are claiming benefits without true need than there are of muslims claiming benefits without the true need to.
  8. different budgets my friend, its not all exactly from the same pot, each cause has a certain amount of money set aside for it. you cant just go taking money from the gay rights fund, or the ethic diversity fund to help the nhs, as its not allowed, and would also be unfair for those the money was taken from, and itd be doubly unfair on any homosexual muslims
  9. they are from here, theyre as british as me or you fatty
  10. i dont see what everyones problem with this is, its a good idea, they obviously need somewhere to worship in, spending that money on a christian church would be a total waste, as very few people in the uk are religious and church goers no more, whereas many muslims living in the uk are. the muslim community is also now on its second or third generation making them as british as you or me. the muslim community is a better one than the white "christian" community, while were out getting asbo's there studying, becoming doctors, accountants, lawyers, those that are less academic are providing services to the community working in convenience shops, petrol stations and off licenses, while the white community sponges off the nations dole(as those white people who are on benefits unneccesarily sponge a lot more out of our taxes than the £100 million needed to fund a mosque). also think we as a nation should become more multicultural, if our nation was to become bi lingual, and speak arabic, it would become beneficial, we would be able to communicate easier with people in call centres, be able to speak languages of up and coming nations, so we could do business deals with them easier, would also reduce costs in the police etc, if interperators werent needed to communicate with terror suspects if we all spoke there religion. if we embraced there faith,maybe then we wouldnt be the focus of there terror attacks
  11. meh most likely crime watch or shrek.
  12. decided to watch this the other night, i was actually cryin at the tattoo bit, its the biggest laugh ive had since a week last tuesday wasnt good at all i didnt think, the intros mint, the rest is pretty tripe. watched epic movie, was expectin some shite movie, but it did make me laugh in parts, still wasnt that funny, so only a 5.5/10
  13. just caught me mum looking through an 18-30 brochure, when i questioned her about it, she said to me "your only as old as the woman you feel" if this is true, does it actually make simon 8. .........think about it
  14. 36-40 miles each day, altho considerin jackin it in, and gettin a van and doin multi drop as a job, my mates bro's just come out of prison and is doing it,as it basically means you dont need qual's/references, just a van, and a driving license. and hes making stupid money(like £600-650 a week) can also rack up the hours, as im only on 36 hour weeks, and at like £9 an hour or whatever, would much rather up it to 54 hour weeks, and have like an extra £500 a month or summit
  15. nah thats a pretty good rate, youd be payin £300+ for that through our work(not cos were screwing people, but cos bt cost the earth , as they dont want the custom) and dave, £20 a cylinder isnt that bad, at retail price. bearing in mind through work my bmw cylinders i obtained off a supplier at £14.20 a pair, but nissan terrano cylinders are something stupid like £120 a set, as no one apart from nissan makes them, theres no patent delphi parts or anything and thats trade price, think the meganes could be the same, or another renault of similar size. bmw 316, and its front mount induction kit, altho if im forced to keep it, its gettin a cammed and chipped m42tu, 160 bhp engine in it, then ill probably go homebrew on it and stick a small turbo on it, just for the crack nah thats a good price on a clutch replacement, altho having never done one on a punto, all FWD cars are generally similarly a bitch(sparing the 0.9 l corsa's, 1.0 yaris's etc, with the biscuit tin size boxes) with not much room to work round, poorly positioned engine mounts,and an awkward bolt or 3 at the top of the bell housing, id of guessed anywhere between 2.5 and 3.5 hours labour, which ill call £50(possibly more as ur from lonnndonnn. ), clutch kit is probably £30 at trade price for a none genuine one, so call that £40ish for a retail price, and ur smack on)
  16. you get good at multi tasking, and good at letting people down without pissing them off, phone is a major help too, today ive spent about an hour on the phone to various people, while talking to others on the net, just cos i been to busy for the pub, you rush round like a mad man, chat to people in the pub, move onto the next person, next person, out the pub, on the ph, one to someone else, while your on the way to going to see the half missus. then of course theres the fact i aint rode in about 4 months, which explains a lot of it.and my camera dont get that much use, neither does my motorbike, and i barely polish me car once a month atm
  17. yea, but if the cylinders were leaking could have brand new shoes on it, and the shoes are pretty much useless(altho u cud clean em off with solvent, and theyd get through the mot fine, as soon as they got hot, itd boil the fluid out to the surface). out of curiousity(and noseyness) how much did cylinders and shoes fitted set you back?? as i did cylinders and shoes on my beemer for mot, due to the one cylinder leaking onto the shoes. grand total was £29, but then i did it all meself.
  18. also, just tell them your only 16, then u cant take out a contract anyway, its wat works for me, same as when the help the aged people want me to sign up for direct debit every month,when they stop me in the street, im only 14, honest.
  19. yea as a guideline, between the end of lap 13, and the end of lap 15. is a good starting point, but dont think its the best strategy, as i say it all depends on wat u do(like stickin real cheap tyres on ull probably get away without changin them)
  20. depends on fuel and tyre wear, and the other racers. and your positioning, theres no hard and fast rules. i personally never take tyre wear past 70%, unless its pretty close to the end, in which case i just have to ease off a bit on the corners.(losing 5 seconds a lap for the last 3 laps, beats losing 30 seconds on a pit) altho thats more of a guideline, if its fighting between 1st and 2nd and the other guy doesnt need to pit, ill quite often stay out, and just take my chances, keeping his bumper as a buffer between me and the armco when braking into corners. likewise if i need to pit on say lap 13, and everyone else pitted while i was stuck in traffic, constantly gettin boxed in by slower cars, id stay out a lap, in the hope i could get a couple of seconds extra gap in, and squeeze out in front. ill pit earlier if im aware the other cars are going to be pittin in 3 laps time and pitting now will last me till the end, as its generally a lot easier to catch up(as youll be doin 3 laps on fresh tyres, compared to there 70%), and then once ur in front stop the traffic. than it is to make quicker laps with you on worn out tyres and them on fresh to keep you ahead after your pitstop. other option is just to fit cheaper, harder wearing tyres and stay out way longer. never pit in the last 4 laps, as your not getting full use of your last set of tyres, and it gives u less time to catch up with the field.
  21. wat was the issue with the rear drums??? brake inefficiency???
  22. from the beginnin, obviously got spice girls. cos they wer cool, all saints - under the bridge(before we knew who rhcp where). ataris in the this diary. was the song of my adolescence. sittin up castlefields on my own, mini disk player on, 2 days in february on repeat. may 18th 2004, was kind of my low point in life, must of sat there for about 7 hours that night, with that song on till it became mantra like, just thinking about stuff. but now that song holds an absolutely unreal meaning for me. hoobastank, the reason. again well takes me back to troubled times at 15/16 when i just wanted to fight the world. sum 41 and blink, new found glory. hellogoodbye the first time round. castles in the sky, scooter, deja vu, tupac- changes, this could go on all night
  23. yea, obviously fat works too, but tends to have an effect on your arteries, and what with smoking already clogging them up, we dont want your pumper going boom due to constricted blood vessels when you see rocktrials bird in a bikini from the 3 months there travelling in aus holiday pics do we now
  24. fatty, 2 minutes, and ill stick the lot up on ukw. and think its early september it starts,3rd or the 10th most likely, but then thats only going on previous years, although this year it may be different. as it wont be running at the same time as lost(as lost is running feb to may) it may move from monday night, to the wednesday prime time slot,and may also be moved back 2 weeks or so, so the season finale wont collide with the season opener of lost. (as although the 2 will are on opposing networks, they both will most likely realise that to keep viewing figures high, itd be better to have them at slightly different times.)
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