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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. yea just read some reviews/forums discussion on them,aparently the pitch comp at £1200 isnt that brilliant, but the pitch pro at £1400 is real good. however for that price, the £1100 marin beats the pitch comp hands down spec wise and stretchin to £1400 for a pitch pro is a bit too far, and i dont think its £300 better than the marin(unfortunately the spesh's have hayes brakes as wel) think im pretty set on the marin,unless theres any other steals out there, looked at the kikapu buts its too flimsy, the dawg and the coiler are overpriced,heavy and underspecced, ive kinda gone off the giant, as by the time i upgraded the brakes to the marins level, then im suddenly not far off the marin, for a better bike altogether with a better set of forks) although need to prioritise, with thinking ive got quite a big shopping list. merc c class sports coupe(what ive been saving for) 20d/30d camera(although this in fact effectively free or close enough, ill sell me 350d with kit lens and a memory card for £250 no problem, can pick up a body only 20d for that,small step up, but it is a step up) flash for above camera. an xc bike desktop pc, with a nice big tft screen, for photoshop work. possibly a new laptop for when im working away/at college if the one ive got thats broke cant be/isnt advisable to be sent off to be fixed bongos got me tempted to get an r6 or the like at the beginning of summer. real do need to get some club photography jobs on a friday and saturday night, and perhaps one night in the week. think im gunna come home tomorrow as well, and strip down the trials bike and sell it off. never gets used, may as well go, i can then step aboard hms chit chat fully.
  2. yea but that dont matter, as mike can just take a quid out of the money he gives to nick for everyone elses. (basically take £2 out of say si-mans cheque)
  3. you can search by name on myspace.so get her last name, and type it in with uk only, probably only hit up a few results,
  4. [quote name='braintreetria we wernt arguing against the truth, we wer pointin out the area the person who made the topic(who should be in the know, after all if hes helping design the park) was way too small to be of much use.advice not arguments. as for fags, whats our opinions on the size of a trials park got to do with our sexuality?? and if you cant be assed to read the topic, why can you be assed to reply in it.
  5. yea should be able to do it out of any current account
  6. cant get on it to get stuff of it, not arsed about what ive lost, cant format it as i cant get on it. and if i change the hd, i lose the warranty, otherwise id of done it. ah, mike, do you do laptop repair, or just pc repair/building?? just curious as to how much a laptop generally costs to repair, say it needed a new ports installing down the one side(ethernet, s video, tv out) a new built in wifi adapter installing? not going to ask on the black screen as i got no idea what it is, at all. does joshs post in the post a pic of your missus thread count, may be cookies or temp files left from that so you dont reckon theyll be arsed that i got cs2 etc on there?
  7. yea ive backed up everything important(except camera pics), i do it any way twice a month. so i only lost 10 days worth of info(and 3500 photos from 6 months) but... the pc wont turn on atm, i cant get it into windows, or a boot menu or anything, it turns on as much as the lights and leds come on, the drives spin, but noooooo display. meaning i cant get on there and delete anything that i shouldnt have, and likewise cant restore the system to its original configuration.
  8. yea expected something similar, as i say the films and music im not too bothered about, as they got no proof whether i do have the music at home/how i obtained it. again with the programs, its not like ive got loads of iso/downloaded rars of files, and keygens on the pc, will they be able to tell that my keygenned up cs2 was keygenned? or will it just look genuine
  9. right august 06 i purchased a laptop for the princly sum of £1100. its an asus by the way. soon after gettin it, the ethernet port, tv out, s video etc stopped working, but this didnt bother me, seeing as i didnt use them. the cd drive then went a bit iffy, it works, but not all the time.(i.e sometimes it wont detect theres a disc in there) then about 3.5 months ago, after a pretty hefty sesh on cs. the wifi/bluettooh console auto switched form wireless+ bluetooth, to bluetooth only, so i tried flickin it back(tabs between 3 settings in one direction only) to no wifi/no bluetooth, and then onto bluetooth+ wifi again, which it just got stuck on no wifi/no bluetooth. tried pissin round with it, couldnt get it to work, but was desperate for the net, so just went and grabbed a usb wifi dongle and used that for a bit. then about 3 weeks ago, the whole pc just froze up, screen stayed as it was, couldnt do anything, turned it off, and since then, itll turn on, but a black screen only, nothing else at all. no bios/boot screen/no manufacturer screen. just here the drive spinning up, leds come on etc. and nothing more. stays like that till you hold the power button down for 6 seconds to turn it off. now its got 2 years RTB warranty. 1) will they charge me for collection + delivery 2) will they repair all the stuff above for free, or will they get out of it saying its wear and tear/user abuse. 3) will they go sniffing through my HD, and if so is there any legal consequences for me from it. or are they not allowed to do it. basically, ill be honest here. theres a large collection of d/l'd music on there (but then i guess there is on every pc they repair) theres a few dl'd films on there.(and then about 100 more that have been on there, and then moved to external storage/deleted, if that makes any odds when they go through records) neither of which im too arsed about. but..... theres what i should imagine to be a large quantity of illegal programs on their. photoshop cs2 possibly macromedia mx studio, although i cant remember on that one( i have it on disc here, so one would think i had it on the pc, but never used it if i did have) photomatix 2.5 lightroom then a few other programs like poweriso, daemontools and the like. now are they likely to refuse to fix it due to having pirate software on there, or worse, are they likely to pass an image of my Hd, or details of the programs on it to the police. also. my phone(s) where synced with laptop and my msn convos where saved. now if you where to go through my phone, and my msn convo logs, you could probably find out a fair bit of information about me taking class A drugs(not an issue,unless mother finds out, nothing can be proved) but also with my phone being synced, theres a fair few shady people on my phone, with messages between me and them probably synced, which could possibly help pin them with a dealing charge, or at least stick the police on their trail if the info was passed over to them. can they legally look at what i keep on my hard drive, and if so, can they legally pass the information onto the police, and if they did, is their much chance of them doing anything?
  10. no, not as far as im aware it wouldnt. unless it states ipod compatible its a safe bet its not. it may, and its only a may, play files in there folders (f00 to f49) but those files will be in a pretty random order(there not random,they make sense to iTunes(and possibly iCharlie) but to us they are in a muddle) and thats doubtful as there all stored as hidden files and folders. ive been interesting in getting a clarion 7" screened unit in my next car. currently got a clarion touchscreen unit in this car(like a small screen 2 cm x 10cm, just displays monochrome pictures) with aux in and optional ipod interface(which ive never got round to purchasing) and ive been really impressed with it. the reason the 7" full colour touchscreen appeals to me, is the fulll length display of playlists, heard a couple of different way on how it works, some say it runs through a scroll bar up and down, others have said it comes with like 2/3 of the screen displaying the playlists then a rotary "clickwheel" style control on the remaining portion of the screen.
  11. are marins good or bad, i dont know bugger all about xc since i stopped buying mbuk in 2003. i always thought the marin full sus bikes where real good bikes, whereas the giants where a bit gimmicky, or has all that changed now? as for the reign 2, nope, well i probably can, but at the moment im favouring jejames as they offer 2 years 0% finance on bikes over £570,and 3 years on bikes over £1000, im owed an xmas and a bday present, which will come to around £200, so if i got me mum to put a deposit down of that, i could get like a £800 bike, or an £1100 bike for £25 a month. before you say dont buy what you cant afford, ive got £3000 in personal savings,which ive saved in the last 3.5 months or so(in which time ive also bought a £230 ipod, spend £150ish on dvds and xbox gams, and about £250 on clothes £200 odd on camera gear) so i can afford it. its just ive cancelled a phone contract in the last week, which was £21 a month.(i was running 2 phone contracts) so £25 a month on 0% finance, would mean id see no change to me monthly expenditure and be getting a bike chucked in. im free to any other suggestions bike wise for around the same money too. i love norcos and konas, but there just soo heavy and konas are soo underspecced for the money.
  12. got a text before, girl i used to kinda go out with. has had an abortion. turns out after making a couple of very fecked up phone calls to rather intoxicated mates, its impossible for it to be mine(it was round may/june time when we wer shagging, she had the abortion in early november, and it wasnt the full blown late stage one) but for a good 15 minutes or so i was shaking and could barely hold myself together. now im more back in the real world and composed, but its kicked a thought trail in, it only came out because she got drunk and started blabbin in the club, shed kept it pretty much a secret till tonight. so if it had happened with me, chances are i wouldnt of even known, which is pretty fecked up. also as we keep a fairly tight circle of mates and a fair few of us have been with a fair few of the same people, theres a pretty good chance it was one of my "mates". but she doesnt honestly know whose it is, which again is pretty fecked up. just started to make me think, casual sex has almost turned me world upside down twice this year. and also, its making me think,with the amount of times ive slept with people without protection, ive been pretty lucky not to have anything like that happen(unless im being kept in the dark over something). and as much as i already knew it, and have distanced myself from it too a certain extent, its proved how much shitty company i keep, really cant sleep now, full of thoughts in me fecked up head. chances are im gunna be up all night now.
  13. or we could offer advice, like we have, then when you dont like it, you bitch at us, and in future we wont add our designs. no ones said there park was better than yours, were just saying if you want to build something worthwile, then youll need a lot more space than that. wasnt saying you need loads of gaps, just showing you how 2 obstacles giving you one gap, with a run off takes 1/3rd of your park up. ok, for what you want in there, a scrap car(no windows, no wheels, no engine, panels with chequer plate riveted on bonnet and roof(+ boo if its a saloon), but again thats going to take up 1/3 of your park. so for 2 platforms gappable between(and to practice ups and drops off) and a car, youve took up 1/2 your park(as you wont need the 6 foot gap calculated between the car and the gap section) chuck in a 18 inch high wall 4-5 inches wide to practice upping to a narrow object/riding along. and an old tractor tyre. and your whole park is gone with a very small easy gap/up section, a car, a balance beam, and a tractor tyre. but there the kind of things id stick in a trials park that the council may approve. if you dont like my advice or suggestions. then you can shove it up your iArse.
  14. agreed, my backgarden is about 25 metres by 12 metres. and despite sounding quite big, when i cut up my half pipe and built a couple of trials obstacles out of it. i had 2 four foot square platforms, one about a foot high, and another about 2 foot high. i had a 10 foot wide patio, a small (3 foot) gap to the low platform, then another 3 foot gap, onto the higher platform, then dropped off the end. and could go back the other way. this was 2 small beginner (by todays standards) obstacles. yet was rather tight to fit into a 12 metre wide garden, (bare in mind if your dropping off something, even a low obstacle requires a bikes length + 2 foot for where your front wheel will land, then a run off. there was plenty of times i rolled into the fence doing it) if it was council approved skatepark style, chances are youd need a minimum of 1.5 metres or so at the side of a low obstacle like that, as if you roll/fall off the side. your going to land a good distance away from it on your side, doubt the council will want anything hard/sharp close that you could hit your head on. * also note im being conservative on the 1.5 metres front, thats barely a bike length. they most likely want more than that. thats only a rough drawing, but it may illustrate just how little room you got to play with, thats 2 4 footish square platforms, which are a pretty small obstacle to stick a bike on(i.e you can sit a bike on there, but the back of the back and the front of the front wheel will overhang, so if you want to take a pedal stroke before lifting the wheel you cant, so not ideal for beginners, if you where to gap to one, youd need to stop pretty much dead when you hit it). on the bottom side you got a run up like half a pedal stroke(pretty small run up) and then on the top you got enough room to drop off and then like a 3 foot run out before your front wheel hits the edge of the park. youve then got about 6 foot either side of the platforms to fall off. which is barely adequate. to see what i mean about distances. go out tomorrow, find something of only say 18-inches - 2 foot high. hop to the edge on the back wheel, then do a little pedal kick off, land back wheel first, let the front come down, and then chances are youll let the bike roll forward a little to steady yourself. as soon as your steady, stop. note where the front of your front wheel is, in relation to the obstacle. chances are the very front of your front wheel will be a good 9 foot forward of the drop off. obviously thats on a low drop, as the drop gets higher, so does the distance youll go forward before you hit the ground, and the distance youll roll when you do hit it. so youll see what i mean about needing a 10 foot space to drop off comfortably even on low obstacles(and beginners who will be using low obstacles will probably take a longer distance than that) then get your bike on the edge of that 2 foot wall, and trackstand on the edge, then when your ready, jump off the bike and put both your feet to the one side of the bike off the drop (can can style) again chances are unless your trying to land as close as possible to the bike, youll be a good 3-4 foot away from the obstacle, again as the height increases so does the distance, and thats just overbalancing and jumping out, before you think about people overshooting the obstacle and going off to the side. alright my distances are only *ish, but then so yours trials park. and my 2 four foot platforms of 1 foot and 2 foot in height with a very small gap between the 2, takes up over 1/3 of the trials park.
  15. yea mike, its proper strong, and fairly easy to buy, places like wilkinsons etc will stock it. used it a couple of times to get alloy seat posts out of steel frames, but it pretty much distroys the seat post. i wouldnt use it danny, my thought is, if a seatpost will go that tight in a frame that it cant be removed with blowtorch, molegrips, hammers, chissels, and a vice, and within a few minutes caustic soda got it loose enough so it would fall in and out, stuff like bb threads, 4 bolt mounts and interference fit areas like the headtube, would be very easy to ruin beyond repair. suggest nitromores or the like, so much easier, so much safer.
  16. yay and nay, in my car, ive got an aux in on my head unit, which i plug my ipod into, then put me ipod in an ipod sized hole in the centre console by the handbrake, if a song i dont like comes on, its rather awkward to change song whilst moving, and nigh on impossible to change playlists without breaking the law. of course if you had a nice cradle mounted on the dash itd be a different story or an inline remote stuck on the dash near the cd player, or if youve always got a passenger in the car, but i drive 90% of my miles solo. so itd be real nice to have an ipod linked to me stereo so i can change songs.
  17. sorry to thread hi jack, but its kinda served robs purpose, and id only be creating an identical topic. looking to get an xc bike, but a tough one(im 200lbs for a start, dont ride that smooth, dont shave me legs and will hit stuff hard) looking at a giant reign 3 (06.5), a marin rock springs(07), and a kona dawg deluxe/coiler. (07) giants at £800 marins at £1100 and the konas are £1000 think ive ruled out the konas as they are pretty low specced for the money and heavy (the dawgs like 32.5lbs and aint that burly, the coilers more purly but is almost tipping the scales at 35 i think) the marins kinda outta me budget(i dont have a budget as in what i can afford, more what i want to spend and me roof was £1000), but it gets me an extra years 0%, so the monthly repayments are actually lower. but is the marin £300 better than the giant, both seem to get good reviews, but its all yanks reviewing them. the giants got things i like such as easton ea30 bars and stem(as opposed to marin own brand stuff) raceface ride xc cranks (as opposed to truative cranks) but then the marin has fox vanilla R 32 forks (as opposed to Tora 302's) hayes hfx-9 brakes(as opposed to sole's) most of the other bits are identical or pretty much the same(deore disc hubs vs formula disc hubs) so it really comes down to which frame is better, and the biggie which is pushing me towarss the marin is the brakes(ive used hayes sole and they where horrible, took ages to set up, then needed setting up again after a couple of rides, power wasnt that good etc) as id have to upgrade the brakes on the giant, so suddenly theres only £100 difference between the two, and for the brand, and the better forks etc im errred towards it. anyone had any experience with either or both bikes? and their experiences with them theres also a felt equilink 07 for like £900 but i cant find much on it at all. and as i aint heard of it before i went looking, i aint too keen.
  18. erm, loads on the calories, carbs and protein. as much water as you can, then for mass building. stuff like squats, deadlifts, chin up, bench press should be your staple training diet, then chucking in other exercises to compliment them/finish you off. obviously if you feel your lacking in a certain muscle, train it harder. as for what kind of program, start at training 3 times per week, ideally for somewhere between an 45 minutes to 75 minutes. with the exercises above. start at like 3 sets of 10-12 reps(supposedly you should do less reps to build mass, but as its all about what works for you, and 3 sets of 10-12 is a nice starting point). then just mix it up till you find something that works best for you.(by which time youll probably read up on it on places likes muscletalk.co.uk etc). weight should be heavy enough so that your almost having to/having to break form on the last rep, if your having to continually bounce the bar off your chest or swing your back into movements, then its too heavy, if you can do it and aint grunting, hisssing and squirming, its too light. im getting really really demotivated at the moment, need to do cardio, but its just soo boring. also really annoyed that dhl have lost my protein. trained twice this week. and just done press ups/crunches on the other days.
  19. motivation, surely its that point when your there grunting and hissing as you put the bar back in the rack and then look round. and theres some lycrad up tart with big breasts bouncing up and down on the running machine, "im doing it for that". im actually finding it pretty hard to get motivated right now, its winter, all me body wants to do is pile on fat, which is real annoying, although insulating.
  20. see i dont not believe in god, i just dont believe in religion. either as an actual believe in a god that the religion has created, or in the positiveness of any one religion over any other. sure christianitys got its good points, but then so has hinduism and bhuddism (the only 3 relgions ive ever read/looked into(i did religious studies at school) sure most of the others, including islam have. as for christianity itself, well theres a bloke i work with(who i hate, but well not go into that too deep here) whose wife is a vicar, and hes proper into christianity, which is fine, but he does try to shove it down my throat at any given oppurtunity, and also dismisses other religions a lot, hes bad mouthed jehovahs witnesses, jews, muslims, sikh's to me, and i dont even speak to him any more than i have too. but religion isnt all good, apart from using religion as an excuse to brainwash muslims into suicide. theres cases of jehovahs witnesses dying due to blood transfusions being against their religion, and there plenty of cases of the church of england protecting paedophiles. im way less than perfect in life, done plenty of things i shouldnt, but.... thats because of who i am, the choices i make etc.but the truth of the matter is, id probably still of done them things if i was a christian, i just wouldnt admit to it, i know of 2 girls who are supposedly devout catholics, no sex before marriage etc, but ive had first hand experience that they do partake in sex before marriage. the bloke at work i previously mentioned is a strong believer and follower in christianity, yet hes one of the most crooked people ive met, well hes not, i know a few more people that are way more crooked than him, but he just wont admit that hes crooked, when weve all seen him steal stuff, fiddle things etc. sure im probably wrong and eternally live in hell for whats happened, or ill come back as a millipede or something. but till then, meh.
  21. f**k. never ever met oli, still kind of felt like i knew him thanks to TF, as a few have said, didnt seem like the kind of guy it would happen too, never seemed or spoke like the kind of person to drive at the limit or anything. cant really say anything that hasnt already been said. RIP, thoughts go out to family and close friends. youll be missed mate.
  22. http://www.8bitjoystick.com/archives/jake_...d_chocolate.php my link button aint working, theres plenty more on the web though.
  23. yea its possible, just type "xbox external hard drive" in google
  24. menu (the big button to the left of the directional pad) > tools > settings > phone > network , then select gsm.
  25. no, i was meant to be gettin it her for her birthday/mothers day next year. and just gettin her a cheapy, but my laptop broke, so i bought one, which im gunna use till crimbo and then im giving it to her for christmas and birthday.
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