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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. erm....once you can do 3 x 15 or more, doubt youll see any noticeable gains in size. 4.5 kg really is too light for much. get a couple of 10kg from argos or something for like £20, actually be pretty usable then, at least for a good while.
  2. that was kind of mine(and i think a lot of peoples) points. the plane can move forward, irrespective of the treadmill. the planes movement has no bearing on whats under its wheel. (apart from the little bit of friction, which we ignore as its a hypothetical question.
  3. happy new year everyone, after deciding to stay in a couple of weeks back, then turning down going to gods kitchen at liquid in cardiff tonight(mates wer travelling down, about 30 people going from a piss poor backwater village in wales wer i spend summers drunk) cos of the travelling and it not being my thing. ended up at a house party with the few people who didnt go to gods kitchen but are in our kind of circle of drunken friends. didnt drink, drove home.was pretty neat actually. was real nice and close, only like 6 or 7 of us there. wasnt like a proper party, more like a social gathering, just sitting round talking, drinking socially. actually feel all warm and sloshy inside. came home nice and early, got stuff to do today, also the girl that invited me whose party it was, whos got a dickhead of a bf who was at gods kitchen,is generally pretty forward with me,offered me a place for the night etc. but as it is, its just been a nice night, theres no hassle when i wake up in the morning, theres no penis boyfriend who deserves a kicking spoiling for a fight. no awkwardness. and it was a hell of an effin drive. no cars on the road, no coppers on the roads, music on just brilliant. could say 2007's been crap for me, spent near enough half of the year on bail, had a scary night where i found out a girl id slept with had to have an abortion, but luckily was nothing to do with me in the end, lost a fair few friends, had times taking class A drugs which i never wish to repeat. but then its been a hell of an experience, and im still here. only bad point, this time last year id had my first shag of the year, there aint one in sight this year, well not one that wouldnt cause a fight.
  4. where in bristol you go out happy new year everyone
  5. exactly, and jarrod, what in gods name are you chatting about? i believe the plane and the treadmill is a hugely popular urban myth, and most of the arguments in this topic are based on physics. as opposed to your heat gossip?!?!?
  6. call me a boring fart, but im staying in. new years generally over rated(as a night out that is). sure its busy and packed but.... its like £20-25 a ticket compared to £5 -£10 on the door every other night of the year. its that rammed you do lose your mates, and end up on your own. its that packed it take you 20-25 minutes to get to the bar, then getting away from the bar you spill half your drink, you then proceed to drink the other half promptly as its so hot and sweaty, at which point the cycle starts over. theres no where to go and chill your beans for 2 minutes if you get too hot. as its that rammed. its take you 40 minutes to get to the toilets, and when you get there theres a massive queue you havent got a chance in hell of getting a taxi home. personally id rather take a tuesday night in satans £5 in, free bar for an hour, loads of people you know there, its busy enough that theres people you dont know there that you can meet, but its easy enough to find your mates in a couple of seconds. and you can just get a bus taxi home within 2 minutes of waiting. walk straight into a urinal, piss, wash hands, walk out, no waiting as opposed to £20 in, no free bar, queues to drink,queues to piss,queues to wash your hands, queues to que, a walk home and 18 missed calls of your friend who got caught up in 435.2 people all rushing for the dance floor.
  7. no, your wrong, it will be physically moving through the air though. as the air isnt on the treadmill. if the plane was set to fly over a treadmill at 200 mph, with its wheels an inch above the floor, with the treadmill going at 200mph,theres no connection between the 2, so the plane still moves at 200 mph. correct? now what difference does it make if the planes wheels are on the treadmill, its still got no actual connection between the 200 mph plane and the 200mph treadmill, the wheels just spin freely along the treadmill at 400 mph. the thing you need to get your head round, is the planes forward propulsion comes through the air, not the wheels.the plane moves in relation to the air at the back of its jets, not in relation to the ground under its wheels.
  8. no the aerodynamics of the plane have everything to do with it, mark is saying the wheels of the plane have nothing to do with it, and he is right. (other than the tiny amount of friction caused on the treadmill. )
  9. the fuss is over now, relax, theres no buy it now price any more, the items got bids on it. everyone happy.
  10. meh dunno yet, probably depends on how bigger names are there in FMX, how close it is to other festivals and mates girlfriends letting them go (as wakestock and leeds are definite as far as were concerned,but i think my mates GF wants to drag him to download or glastonbury or both,and i may go along just for the crack, in which case probably wont bother with nass)
  11. Fish-Finger-er


    you should get a real tidy 306 within that budget. perhaps consider also a cheap a4 tdi, saw a couple go through the auctions for around £1200-£1600 in the weeks leading up to crimbo. george seamons off here had a toledo, thatd be tidy as well
  12. Fish-Finger-er


    what you mean by pretty cheap we talking sub £500, sub £1000, sub £3000 306 dt's, and the hdi's are good cars, however expect a fair few electrical problems to of reared their heads on 306's dt's by now (a lot these can be put down to the wiring between door and pillar as it likes to crush/short the wires out) due to age. but in all fairness that aint that many bad diesel engines out there. the 1.7 isuzu lumped vauxhalls all go on for ever. but then the vaux's are a lot more succeptible to rust than the 306's. theirs nothing wrong with the ford 1800 diesel lumps, but again the cars rust a lot more than 306's vag diesel lumps will again run for ever. i wouldnt be too worried about pickin out a car because of what diesel engine its running, pick what car you want,and then find a tidy diesel example(well the tidiest example your budget allows)
  13. its like 6 months away, save £2.40 a week, and youll have enough to go. edit: its late i mix me words up
  14. yea suppose i never thought of it like that, i more kind of thought "musharraf is going to be even less popular in pakistan than he is now,with the rumours of him doing it, hes bound to be kicked out of government any time soon"
  15. yea, but musharraf isnt really anti america is he. hes had plenty of money and military help from the us, to help both his country, and to help him stay in power. although he has spoke out about the war on terror and how he disagrees with it. he also kind of sided with america because he didnt want to feel the rath of them and india.
  16. as far as we're concerned yes, but the bloke that did this was (a rough guess here, im throwing it out to you, may not be the case)a terrorist. in which case to him being stamped out is rather bad
  17. no not at all, you can still do it your way, but... be aware your breaking the law, admittedly they may not find out, but youll only find out whether they find out when you need it the most. its up to you, if you dont crash you save yourself £600 or so. if you crash the following may happen: 1)technically you can be done for driving without insurance (6 points + fine, bye bye driving license(as its within your first 2 years of driving)) 2)you/your dad may(read you will, but it normally goes to court) be held responsible for any of the costs caused due to the accident (read damage to vehicles, passengers injuries,hire car fees, solicitors fees for the other parties insurers) which your insurance company would normally cover 3) your insurance company will also want to recoup any of their losses(i.e solicitors fees used in trying to put the other party at fault, and their solicitor/assessors fees for finding out youve got a fradulent policy) 4) you and your dad will also have the insurance policy cancelled. which doesnt seem too bad. till you go and fill an application/quote form asking you if youve ever had insurance refused or cancelled, and you tick yes (and its not in the last 5 years like accidents/fines, its ever) meaning most places wont insure you, and those that will be asking a hell of a lot of money for you and your dad to insure vehicles, for the rest of your driving life. 5) if they really wanted to throw the book at you, it is against the law,and could get you a criminal record, making getting a job for you very hard. you may get away with it. but considering the average claim for whiplash is something like £13000 per person now(as although you think its a neat £1500-2000 off claims direct, they take something like 85% of the money aparently). and its your first car. doing a rough head count between your mates with reasonably fast cars as first cars, see how many of them crashed their first car. and it looks mighty risky.
  18. it is with one of these firewire adapter although you do realise usb2 is the same speed as firewire??
  19. right most of this has probably already been said. you build up your no claims per policy you own,you cant extend that no claims over to another policy. i.e if youve got 7 years no claims on your dads van, you cant just go and stick 7 years on his van and your mini. however upon speaking/bartering/arguing with insurance companies, theyll often give you an introductory discount equal to x number of years no claims if you have some on another vehicle(may not be 7, may be 4 or 5, but most companies reach full discount at 4 or 5). however what you are doing is rather illegal, your not likely to get caught till you need it. and the more you need it, the more chance youll get caught. if you sideswipe a car and cause £800 worth of damage and claim, they may ask some small questions,who was driving, how much driving they do etc. if you cause £5000 worth of damage, theyll probably go a bit further into it, send an assessor round who will talk with all the policy holders etc. but if you crash into the back of a bentley arnage with 5 people in it, all claiming whiplash/head injuries. then the insurers will go as far as looking at bank statements for who bought fuel for it,asking neighbours who drives the car, perhaps going to your college/employers asking how often you turn up in said car. difference being an £800 claim when you dont really need the insurance company, and chances are they willl pay out a £5000 claim, when you could do with them, but im sure youll family could cope, and they may pay out but a £150,000 claim, where it would near enough ruin you and your family, and there very unlikely to pay out
  20. if theyve got grease ports(like little holes) buy a grease gun and pump them through. if not youve got 2 options, either take the end cap off, undo the nut and take th bearings/spacers out, cover in grease,fill the inside of the pedal with grease and reassemble(messy and complicated) or get a small screwdriver/a drill and stab or drill a hole in the end cap. insert grease gun, and pump through.jobs a good un.
  21. but then i have to say, my phone contracts costing me well over that (like £750 over 18 months,because it was the call plan i wanted(i wont say needed, as its not like id die without a phone, but its like the call plan below it may of just been enough some months,may as well pay the extra £5er a month to make sure ive got enough every month, and i got an n95 free with it in april, but in hindsight. id of been much better off gettin an older phone(say a w810i/k800i/w850i) and a wii/ps3/ipod. as i dont use half the features my top of the range phone has enough to warrant paying for them, but i have bought both an ipod and an xbox360 since then. dont get me wrong, your still paying for the console.but its not like your buying a console for £540, its more like your gettin a phone contract costing you £5 more per month, or your going for a slightly outdated phone(i dont think having a w810i would make me life any less bearable than my current life with an n95) to get a console
  22. yea, well having watched my fair share of illegally downloaded movies in me time im 100% confident mine aint a cam/telesync, or if it is, its good enough to pass for a screener, which at the end of the day is all that matters. but theres no shaking, no heads popping up, no bits cut off, no funny angles, no burn/scratch marks on the screen, the colours are 100% right, not washed out in places, dark in other or anything like that, and the audi sounds just like it does from a dvd.
  23. theres dvd screeners out, which are near enough the same quality as dvd rips unless your getting 1400mb ones and stickin them on big high def tv's, there pretty much undistinguishable at 700mb on a 19" monitor. well i am 100% sure the rip i have is deffo not a cam rip, and it has proper quality audio, not some microphone/line in socket jobby.
  24. actually ive had a thought, feck it im gunna set some goals for the end of 2008, but there starting from like now, rather than tuesday(as otherwise ill just have a big blow out before tuesday) a)drink on no more than 52 nights of the year, i.e im not going to drink more than once a week on average. b)consume no more than 0.0g of cocaine all year. really did go a bit silly for a few weeks this year, and im ashamed to say it, aint touched it in like 6 months or so now, but still be nice to not be tempted once. c) get abs at some point this year(is probably only gunna take shifting another 10-12lbs so shouldnt be too hard if i stop drinking/kebabing d) try and get a proper relationship, and call it a day on casual sex. it really aint done me no favours this year. sure its given me some of the best experiences of my life, but at the same time its almost ruined it twice.
  25. project 366 you mean?? i dont really have any, as it seems kinda pointless, make the decision to improve whenever you decide too, rather than on a set day, like all the people who will be in the gym on january the 2nd, cos of their new years resolution to loose weight, if they hadnt pigged out over xmas, they wouldnt need to work as hard now.
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