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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. You can make knives illegal, but ive got a folding hand saw at home, 8 inches closed, 8 inch blade. its a saw, not a knife, but id cut you good with it, do you then have to bring in a permit for carrying all saws/hacksaw blades/jig saw blades. Then you get to hand axes, screwdrivers, drill bits,corkscrews, pretty much anything you can stab people with. If i felt the need to defend myself, and knew id get 10 years for being caught with a 2inch knife, id carry a 8 inch screwdriver instead.
  2. may as well take her to the uk on a honeymoon, itd be warmer at least. Congratulations JT, but one question, how do your/her parents feel about all this.
  3. Its not really like that, ive been in a few open relationships, and to be honest, their often the best type. you still get all the chill and watch a film together stuff, go out for meals etc,staying in bed watching crap tv all day nursing a hangover, that you get with a relationship(that doesnt really bother me, but i know a lot of people crave that shared time together),but it means you can go out and enjoy yourself, if you go out, and some bird comes onto you, you dont have to turn them down, you can have fun, not have to to worry about getting that plastered that you might cheat. Also makes long distance relationships easier quite often, only issue comes is when they find the short distance person is a better partner than you, and its bye bye time.
  4. For the whole thing about, what if someone murdered your family member. if you watch ross kemp on the london teen gangs special, he talks to the mother of a lad killed by "the muslim boys", and theyd told the lad theyd murder him on that day if he hadnt converted to islam, by that day, he didnt, so he got killed. but listen to the interview with that mother, she says she forgives the lad that did it, because at the end of the day, he just got mixed up in wrong crowd, and her son didnt. there was nothing seperating them. For mr plod, national service, couldnt agree more... just dont see the downside to it (also have got a similar idea about people who want to come and live in our country, and be apart, should be willing to fight for it, and serve 3 years in the british armed forces, then gain citizenship in the uk). But on the regular front, i just dont see whats wrong with it, it teaches people discipline, gives us people who are trained to fight should the need arise (not talking necessarily wars here, but in the event of a terrorist attack etc, how to detain people, how to adminster first aid to victims etc, things which we lack as a country right now), gives young people a purpose in life, and also cuts obesity rates. As for the whole kill people who kill, im going to go with no. I had a mate serve 2 years for GBH, for something he didnt really do, but to be fair that wasnt that far off being a murder case ( 2 drug addicts were trying to mug someone who was blindly drunk, my mate was walking back through town after a night on the tiles and a quickie, at about 5am, when he comes across this (and knows the lad being mugged), steps in against 2 guys much bigger than himself, so hits them, hard, broke the one blokes jaw, and ended up with him on life support several days later, as he was giving the 2nd one a kicking, the police rolled round the corner, and nicked him, but the police only saw him beating someone up, the guy who was blind drunk, couldnt remember the incident, so his testimony was pretty much ignored, so with the polices view on things, and the 2 smackheads testimonies, my mate got sent down, but in all fairness, there probably wasnt much from turning that from life support, to death) would it be right if he was executed for that. likewise ive got scars on my inner elbow, from a fight in town a couple of years ago, where i was stabbed with a pint pot by a gypsy,luckily id got a couple of mates there, who layed into them,and some bouncers from a nearby club went beyond their job decription and ran down and turfed the gypsies out (as well as taking them round the back and giving them a kicking, but thats beside the point)but if hed of caught me in the stomach, and then carried on stabbing me, would someone knocking this bloke round the back of the head with a fire extinguisher to stop him stabbing me, but going a bit too hard and killing the bloke, really be ready for execution, bearing in mind hed of saved someones life. Again, something else i witnessed was when a bloke pulled his trousers up to reveal a ghurka knife as a scare tactic to my mate, who thought better of taking any chances, and layed into him before he had chance to take it out to try and use it. ive been round people and seen numerous knives be pulled on people, im sorry, but if a knife is pulled on you, and you then kill that person, without meaning to kill them, you dont really deserve a long stretch, let alone execution, I dont carry a weapon (other than my pork sword) but if someone pulled one on me, i think if i fought back, id make sure id be hitting them hard enough, so they wernt getting up till id got a chance to get away. which may mean a fine line between a beating, and a killing. about the people who steal should have their hands chopped off? a bit excessive you think. Oh yea, and sex offenders etc, is a 16 year old lad, shagging a 14 year old girl(the year below him in school), really deserve castration, as a child molester.
  5. do i win?? saturday night is still going on for me, and it is only ending, because ive got work in 11 hours.
  6. Pretty much, before the zebdi, most riders didnt have trials bikes, obviously there where a few exceptions. But DDG shooters, azonic ds1's/ds2's/evolutions, dmr trailstars, jack flash's, all the jump frames were used as trials frames as they are small, as where a lot of 14 inch xc frames. and years before this, the frames wernt even small. wasnt really till 2001/2002 that specialist trials frames became a widespread thing and the majority of people stopped using dirt jump frames.
  7. Sounds like it could be of use,perhaps if you take it off to check in the morning, take some pics, and do a mock up of what you did, just so we can see what your doing(kind of hard to visualize, although ive got the idea, just can see some people not understanding) little note: youve probably damaged the threads cross threading it though, so in future you will have to be careful screwing it in, as its nowhere near as strong as it was i should imagine little note 2: use spellcheck when drunk.
  8. Doggy? keep a t shirt on. although being jon, chances are shell be blind anyway
  9. lan cable into the router, technically speaking, you should never change router settings wirelessly,but meh, everyone does.
  10. also, technically im a descendant of jesus, and we all know who his real dad was (sorry no offence joseph) god. just hopin i get a cut in on the inheritance.
  11. I read that as huntley, which wasned exactly brilliant. As for me, my nan/grandad/mum lived in... as well as this place i believe ... think there where a few other places like that as well, but not really sure. my great grandad came over here due to being the captain of a norwegian ship. One of my uncles is a doctor and teaches medicine at cambridge or oxford (Cant remember which) other than that its all boring. That explains the girls jeans your wearing then ....
  12. Reflex is the one in the black tub with the kind of hologram label yea?? had it before, it seemed pretty good. I still think USN 90+ in chocolate is the best going(but it tastes like crap in strawberry)
  13. No offence, but your an idiot... If you place it somewhere like reading, its just another city ride, not to mention we dont actually have permission to ride there, so cant really see you gettin the backing you want from a company to help make the event big, if the whole event is a (technically) illegal street ride.
  14. Yay and Nay, the speed limits still 60, a vts will still do 60, if a vts will slow down for the corner, that car at the same speed will slow down for the same corner. If its built for the strip, brakes arent really that bigger deal, they need to slow you down, thats as far as it gets... Its only when its being used on a track really(or under unsafe driving on a public road, that its going to need bigger brakes) and having spent £6000 doing up the engine, i dont think your going to have £2000 spare to sort the brakes
  15. You said this in madeley - with a pic of the LHD saab??? put on your itinary, your stopping off at wantage, which is madeley as far as im concerned. point C on your list i think.
  16. Ah fair enough,although i wouldnt drink in pubs in madeley, but thats cos im a fassy'ole (infact madeley aint that bad, its just still part of the Telford ghetto) If your going on to grimsby after half 4, you do realise you wont reach there till 9'ish.
  17. technically hes still 20 minutes off route, but on the grand scheme off things, its rather close(as in your telford, and as far as im concerned hes a telford boi through and through) Why are you going that way though? what is in madeley? Its so far outta your way, when you could either just m6 it round rather than going on to the 54, or toll road(and miss out junc 8-10 of the m6, as they are a nightmare)
  18. Yea, yesterday, just playing team deathmatch, i went from like -2000 to -1400 or something stupid on k/d, its all about playing team deathmatch, and not HQ, even though HQ levels you up so much quicker. Gamertag is kevster182
  19. tried stickin the number into google, you never know, she may be an ex bebo hoe, or the like, and have her number on there. as for the not touching a girl whos slept with 18 guys when shes 21, i dont really see that as that bad. say she started shagging at 15(not a bad age to start at,thats only 3 a year, 4 months is a fairly long term relationship, thats before you throw in the 1 or 2 1 night stands on holiday, the guy she got with on the rebound,and the guy who dumped her as soon as they slept together). I suppose in my head, i kind of draw the line(relationship wise, ill shag anything) with any girl whos been around more than me, but then thats still wrong, as the only reason i havent been with more, is because i couldnt get more.
  20. Any reason why your driving practically past fish's house on the way back, even though its way out the way, if he ends up gunned down tomorrow, im blaming you. What the hell is there in madeley? other than a good fight and the odd sket.
  21. nah the DVD seasons came in parts, ive got a feeling it was 2, but not really sure. EDIT: yea thats half way through the season, theres 2 parts then.
  22. Meh your kill death ratio in that match wasnt all that, admittedly 6:4 on me, but meh. Prestiged friday night, started working my way back through the ranks, also realised how much better kill:death you get playing team deathmatch, compared to HQ. Also, do you not think that as soon as you get the stg-44 on cod5, the game instantly becomes soo easy online, its accurate, has got the fire rate, doesnt recoil that bad, and fires just slow enough that you can squeeze off individual shots and not reveal your position.
  23. Just because youve graduated from NMC doesnt give you the entitlement to type like your back in there, and make pointless topics like your back in there.
  24. Could sell the bb seperately,and start again, isnt the end of the world, but in a word no... The king BB's are for shimano external type BB's, which tensile and middleburn dont come in. but as i say, you could sell the cranks and the bb(probably to a free rider) for a fairly tasty sum, and probably be most of the way to a set of tensiles and a decent BB.
  25. Dont bother ive got one, its manufacturered badly, its not straight, it flexes so its straight when its on the door, it just isnt all that, hanging off it feels scary when your used to using a proper chinning/dipping station.
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