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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. Your quite right, but if one of my mates suggested getting a pet monkey, Id laugh profusely, make a crack about him smoking too much crack, and then go back to laughing profusely, before realising he was deadly serious, and probably start looking for lobster/monkey costumes to pass the time. Is this pet monkey thing in any way related to the senior mods avatards? Edit: Ie just read that I put avatards, rather than avatars, I could correct it, but it seems like quite a funny new word Ive created, so its staying.
  2. Is that, 150 each way?? because i know youve got a pretty performance orientated car.... but even at the lower end of that pricing, thats 13 gallons in fuel I really hope your getting more than 12 to the gallon, and to be honest, even if it was each way, id kind of be expecting you to get more than 24 mpg.
  3. church rehearsal, its not you thats getting married, what do you need to rehearse, drinking too much, then falling over into the buffet at the reception???
  4. makes sense, is his first name not luke though. EDIT : ignore this... this is where me and maher are dipshits, or at least i am... joe said "rainbirds on about comin drinking with us as well" so i assumed luke, (and i think maher did too, as he then asked me who where ian and john)
  5. Nah, were having it on Jardo's drive, so he dont have to use too much fuel to get there. As said, birmingham is pretty central. if someone from down south wants to take over and run a pompey TF car meet, feel free. likewise if the scottish dudes want to make a glasgow one, theres nothing stopping them, just if were talking about gettin the most people there, centrals good (unless theres a higher concentration of TF petrolheads south or north)
  6. looking fairly likely im turning up now. Is the rumour about mr maher only coming out for a quick pint on sat night true?i was expecting Essex rudeboi carnage off you lot, not a reserved night to be on top form for sunday. But yea, if fish sorts himself out, well be reprezentin shropshire.
  7. along with sexymike saying he wont come further south than brum.
  8. the location for this event shall be made to be exactly halfway between a southerner and a semi northerner. Nah at the end of the day, no ones really ever really going to be 100% happy with the location. If you ask me gloucesters a bit too south west to be honest ( 3 hours from london, 1.5 hours from birmingham, 3 hours from manchester. doesnt really have any benefit to people other than the cornwallers) birmingham for example is like 2.5 hours from london, 1.75 hours from manchester, 0 hours from birmingham, granted if your from the very south west, its worse for you, but its a bit better for pretty much everybody else. not to mention that making it gloucester, means everyone ends up using the m5(i.e everyone does the last 20/35 (Dependant on south or north) miles from the same direction, wherease with birmingham, youve got motorways coming in from like 5 directions.)
  9. Yea, some of the latest phones even have the ability to act as a wireless access point, tried it on my phone the other day (just out of curiousity) and it did work, so your phones effectively a wireless router, only trouble is i dont get 3g where i live, so it was fairly useless.
  10. If i were you, id just keep my head down and be thankful it isnt you for once.
  11. but on a serious note, bit unfair picking on the lad isnt it, and hes far from ugly,although im not going to say too much incase you go in search of my private life (look, those pictures of me you may find, the alsation was 100% consenting yea,and his colour said he was 27 in dog years). actually bollox to it, that last picture of him with neon blue underpants, means he deserves all the rippin tf can give him
  12. id possibly take it at face value, then play the dumb card and use the puppy dog eyes when you dont do what she expects. if you want to do a barbershop quartet serenade to her next week, sure our sweet country yokel voices will help things (if all goes to plan that is) Failing that, we can go out sniffin hair and slappin ass, if we dont get anything, ill cutch up to you nice and tight, and let you play with my ample C cups.
  13. not a big fan personally, just looks slightly shoddy, although i seem to remember when the frames very first came out, they where quite desirable. how does it ride compared to the Boxx??
  14. yea, i did that with red stuff once, as for the size, its a fairly common size in the pneumatic power world (my dad used to work at a dairy, and got clear stuff from there, that was used for something or other pneumatic, and we used to have some at work, again as an air line)
  15. Erm, the kid was seriously light.(think about 5 stone ish), and was doing like 1.5 times his weight, and hadnt hit puberty so wont be producing the same testosterone levels as people our age.and wasnt even close to being built. Itd be like you squatting 150kg.
  16. Yea. he didnt weigh 16kg though, was more than that, think your getting confused with the 3 year old girl from the ussr. sure she weighed 16kg, and was squatting like 20kg. but yea, he was saying hed done 50kg at 7.
  17. no offence here, but is the stem (or the 8mm holes in the drop out) saving much weight at all?? i know its your mission to get it seriously light, but would takin 1/2 a cm off the bar at each end probably do you more good than this?? likewise, your still running valve caps, i know they count for nothing, but if drill a 6mm hole through a reasonably light aluminium part is worth doing, you may as well remove the valve caps too, and would you not save another few grams by losing the braided hosing. not trying to p*ss on your fire like, just think the little bits like that would probably save you the same, if not more weight than drilling holes through perfectly good bits. other than that, it looks ok, are the pedals massive or the cranks just really short??
  18. You could do either, but there really is no need. You can get a brand new decent spec stock for less than £1400 brand new. But bearing in mind your just getting into the sport, i really wouldnt go brand new, for £250-300 you can buy something tidy second hand, or for £400ish you can buy something mint. As to be brutally honest, theres no need for anyone to have a brand new bike really, let alone someone who is just a noob. If you ride for 3 months and get bored of it, that £1400 bike will be worth £400-500 tops. thats a massive loss(i know you can probably afford it, but i can afford to lose £1000 over 3 months without it ruining my life, but i wouldnt be happy about it) if you fall off(your learning) and injure yourself(no offence, but not being a spring chicken, bones take longer to heal,your probably slightly more fragile than a 16/17 year old) it may put an end to your riding (or you may hurt yourself and your wife may put an end to your riding) and its worth £400-500 tops again. (this is of course assuming you dont wreck it) If you ride it, find it and trials ok, then you ride someone elses bike on a ride in 3-4 months time, and you realise youve made totally the wrong choice of frame, and enjoy a shorter/longer frame with a lower/higher bb. and you sell the frame your gunna lose a couple of hundred quid. The only time in which you might of wanted a brand new frame,is if you fall in love with trials... but in that case, by the time the second hand frame reaches the end of its life, youd probably of being wanting to change it/update it anyway. and saving yourself £1000 for bits/beer/a romantic gesture to the other half, so shell let you out to play on your "stupid bike thing with no seat"(as she will refer to it) on a saturday afternoon. is always a bonus.
  19. Dont forget the boxmaster....boy 2.5 packs of fries left and you wussed out.
  20. Strength wont be too much of an issue on most bikes for you... your rather light (bigman on here is 19 stone(ish) and doesnt really break many frames, and goes rather big) you wont be going big, and are quite a lightweight. Providing you dont go for a superlight competition orientated frame youll be fine. As for a bike, i think i suggested to you before, for going stock, you could get a tidy new stock, and a pretty good dirt bike for that money(if you shop around). pointless compromising when you got that kind of cash to spend. (also by getting 2 bikes, when you inevitably break bits (no matter how light you are, you will break levers, hoses, mech's on trials bikes occasionally, and on dirt bikes, anything can happen really,although it doesnt tend to happen that much) youve still got a spare bike to ride.
  21. if i turn up to the london ride, will any riding be done... or will it just be everyone brown nosing the cool kids (maher and simpson) , all the wannabe bmxer's chatting to OBM and anyone left over giving fatpants backhanders?? As for mates on here... i suppose fish is the main one (awesome day today babes...even if you cant eat kfc competitively,and slagged the bike i was gunna get). but then theres a few people ive met off here a couple of times... who i think are fairly sound, and would be kinda upset if anything happened to them. on top of that, theres people ive met off here when i was 14/15/16(back when i was probably a mouthy lil shit, although chances are not a lots changed), who ive only met once, possibly twice. who ive just thought where generally sound people and really putting a good name to trials in anyway, remember on a worcester ride 5+ years ago halfway through the day, this scruffy looking fella on a battered pashley, 32t middle ring, a bash that was broken turned up,after having slept in late, didnt say a word to him, and he pulled a bunch of moves which proper blew me away, then 5 minutes later, was chatting proper laid back and down to earth. combine this with his active promotion of the uk competition scene. means that although i wouldnt really class people like tim stedman as friends, ive got a huge amount of respect for them as riders, even if there not household names like akrigg etc. then matt orr, seem to have a laugh on here/msn, even if its just chatting about skirt. likewise with maher, even if its chatting about skirt, and boxing. Then you got locals, like tom new and rich rewden, who i rode with a few times... live local to me, rich goes on holiday with my old school mates, works for the same company as me, but we never really speak on msn, see each other, or bugger all. theres no reason really...just dont.
  22. Ah pass, if thats the case, im sure you used to be able to retrieve playlists using a few aftermarket programs(google "retrieve playlists off ipod"). i thought youd just come to an empty itunes one day, for no apparent reason.
  23. From where?? if youve got the file with all the playlists in (library.xml normally), just file...import...then select the library file and its job done.
  24. All because of you licking a ginger girl?? or was that just an excuse for her to provoke an argument?
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