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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. what time you arriving babes? Ive asked for nothing, although some canadian dollars would go down an effin treat, in fact any currency would go down a treat.
  2. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  3. end of what? end of having decent headphones, skullcandys are some of the worst headphones known to man, not to mention, the way there designed to look cool, infact makes them look terrible.
  4. erm yay and nay, paying $100 dollars a year for pills(assuming shes on permanent medication) really isnt that bad, in the 2 weeks following my crash I spent £30 on prescriptions, which is like $50. so over the course of a year, if she has to go and pick pills up more than 8 times in a year, it'd cost her that over here. Also whats the tax on what you earn? I take home about 2/3 of what I earn after tax and NI etc, then get taxed again when I spend it. Id much rather pay for healhcare, than spend $1500 dollars a year on tax for the diesel I buy, after the goverment have already took well over $10,000 dollars off my wages. also the amount of people going privately these days is quite high(I already have to for dental care atm, and am debating doing it for healthcare) in which case I may as well be paying for it. Also in the uk, the rich looking after the poor doesnt work, its more the moderately rich funding the poor(often poor by choice) a lot of the people earning megabucks, dont pay that much tax (in relation to what they earn).
  5. lot less than that, i know lads who within a couple of years of starting proper (doin a 10 or 20 bag a day,but not every day)ended up with major mental health issues. But then I've got other mates who've blazed 2+ oz's a week most weeks for gettin onto 5 years, and there no different to us regular folk. I think the whole deal with weed, as opposed to drinking (as some people go loopy off drink within a couple of months of starting, and do themselves real damage, I almost class myself in this category) but with weed as its not socially accepted, its never like your going to get a talk on responsible weed smoking, or your dealer cutting you off when your too stoned, like pubs have to if your too drunk. likewise theres no Blaze'aware campaigns, No one really knows what its doing to you, or noticing the onset of psychological issues related to smoking cannabis, so theres little chance of you being educated into stopping before you go too far or noticing that your mentally different, until its too late to go back to just smoking responsibly.
  6. yea, its like an american version of the english game rugby football. which begs the questions, when the american students took the game back over there with them, why did they feel the need to alter it from the game of rugby.
  7. Muels being bulking up recently aint he???
  8. Fish-Finger-er


    Now I know thats bullshit, theres not a chance you could swim with them weedy arms of yours.
  9. Fish-Finger-er


    you where driving in 6 foot of snow? my bullshit detectors getting quite a strong reading.
  10. Ive bought a copy of joes single from tescos, and ive downloaded a copy via itunes, what more do I need to do. I really like it as well btw, not just doing it for the charts,not sure if its as good as miley cyrus's original,but meh.
  11. Erm the february and march price increases are basically because your looking to late to get the super early deals, but theres still enough time for them to not be uber last minutes. Its all about spending hours trawling the web(first choice ski/crystal ski (same company), lastminute.com, direct ski etc) when you say all in, whats that including?? booking a week to 2 weeks before last year you could of got half board in 4 star hotels in france and italy for sub £200, including transfers, flights, etc(even a meal on the plane) so with gear hire and lift pass your looking £400-450 ish. (we got 4 star in saulze half board, for £250, could of got it for £180 in other resorts, but we had to have a sunday changeover day) going solo is always gunna be more though, theres deals on last minute, to brides les baines(in the 3 valleys) for £159 in january solo, it is on a coach mind(although it does mean theres no ski carriage charges/you can rent gear in this country) we just booked canada last week for £299 for 10 nights, thats room only, buts its canada. and were getting longer skiing(comparable to paying £220ish for the 6 nights) If your trying to go on a budget, go half board, and make sure its somewhere with a buffet meal. We were basically stuffing ourselves with eggs, bacon,toast etc at breakfast, making up a ham and cheese roll and grabbing fruit on the way out, eating the ham and cheese roll on the first lift up in the morning. skiing all day, coming back, grabbing a €2.50 slice of pizza on the way back down in the avro, having a shower, chuckin a few pints down us, and goin to the evening meal (which was 5 course) and just absolutely pigging out, 2 or 3 main courses, sometimes having like 5 or 6 desserts. meant that if you didnt want to go out in the evening, the option there was to just go and fall asleep after your feed. (we did it once by accident,but if you aint got no one to hang round with in the evenings, and you want to save money, it could be a good shout), Italy would of cost us £470 without alcohol (total cost was £900). and of course our food bill would be massive if we hadnt. going on your own is a bit crap I'd think,although depends on how/who you are, in sauze last year in the whole resort, we only saw like 5 or 6 groups of young people, of which we only really managed to socialize with 3 of (with the ones we didnt bother talking too, 1 was a bunch of geordie lads who just seemed like they thought they owned the place,another was 3 banging fit girls, but they where all rather well spoken and didnt want to know us, and 2 fit birds who where out trying to take everyone for a ride(whilst not giving a ride),which it took the aformentioned geordies 5 or so days to work out. so there wasnt many people you could socialize with. I assume it would be better in the more party orientated resorts, but pass. Other options are, going on somewhere like snowheads(Ski forum) and just browse the trips bit,theres always people needing someone to make up the numbers, as theyve booked a chalet and someone has dropped out, or organising solo group trips, quite often get good prices, and you are at least going to have some common groung with the people your going with(as in your not just a randomer that tagged on with them in the bar the night before). or going to one of the snow festivals (the big snow/snowbombing) as they have singles deal, and youd be sharing a chalet/dorm with others, but bare in mind, your basically going to a festival with snow, so dont expect early nights and if clubbing/getting on it aint your thing, it aint gunna be brilliant. I would say im going back out to either canada(if i can get the same deal again) snowbombing, pas de la casa(however, although preferably half board), or somewhere else half board in march and youd be more than welcme to tag along(if fish gets a job, he may be coming, but I somehow dont see it) but not knowing who Im going to be going with yet, how long for, and the fact, that if getting lairy every night aint your thing, it may not be your scene, I wouldnt go counting on it.
  12. See, I dont see why Pete cant come back really(yes im glazing over the lawsuits hes threatened certain forum members with, not sure if any of them ever got sued), If hes sound (like danny kearns etc now are) then hes just another member, if he starts acting up again, hilarity will ensue till he gets banned.
  13. Yea, they basically go in there with the mentality of "yea I may get bit,and yea it is poison, but by the time its took its toll on me, ill of ripped your head off" which is kinda how id like to approach life.
  14. are they not honeybadger eggs?
  15. I would right out the big list, but its easier for you lot to envisage this way. my perfect woman would basically be joe maher in a wig. edited: cos i included 2 male names
  16. Unless theres a major misunderstanding, im not talking bollocks, Ive done 2 weeks in france, 1 in Italy. In Italy, we just ski'd whatever we came across, hit a few black runs(some of which where extremely easy, others not so) on the lifts going up 2 of the runs, there were signs as you where getting on the lift " for expert skiers only, gradient exceeds 65%" or words to that effect. I got down both of them without too much hassle. No offence taken mate, im trying to avoid the whole idiocy of going out there unprepared, but at the same time, I dont want to be sucked into snow and rock or wherever trying to flog me £400 worth of solar powered underwear.As when we had the talks on equipment the first time I went(as it was with my school) they basically told us we needed thermal base layers,a T shirt,fleece, then a ski jacket, which we bought. I then went to france and when we came back to the hotel for lunch, everything apart from the tee and the ski jacket got dumped. As far as I could tell anything at like -20 or below, is really going to be, zero skin exposed. but i wasnt sure(since ive never skiied anywhere close to that cold, and Ive got mates whove been canada and never really mentioned what they wore.(as well as calgary being a fully functioning city at -25, obviously with people working outside, presumably not looking like a group of terrorists). as for my equipment choices, ive pretty much bought what you suggested buying about 2 weeks ago, (elan zenmaster skis(same as the slingshot of this year) dynastar legend bindings, and rossignol bandit b14 boots) as for me being more into park than powder/back country, a large part of that was due to up until a week ago, I never thought I'd be going canada this year, and having only been to and at the time planning on going to europe, I wasnt expecting to see much this year, so getting big backcountry skis seemed rather pointless given that being in europe id be spending a lot of time on the piste. so the plan was to get a park ski for playing on, that I could hit the mountain on.
  17. Mahoosive bump, aimed towards Elliot, or anyone else whos ski'd places other than france/italy/austria etc. booked a holiday to canada(panorama) in 4 weeks time, slightly worried, given the current temperatures there seeing out there, and the temperatures for the months of december and january, that im going to be skiing in minus 30-40. Has anyone ski'd /boared in this temperature before? because im seeing this as a far cry from turning up in italy on a sunday avro, still hangin from a night out in manchester the night before, in last nights jeans, and a t shirt I changed in the airport bogs, walkin round the village in a t shirt till i checked in, and skiing in boxers, snowpants, tee and an open jacket. (the stuff Ive always ski'd in, be it january or march, but ive only ever done europe). am I going to need to be wrapping up a bit more, and if so how much?? are we talking long johns and a vest? or adding a microfleece on top of that lot as well? im going to be packing a scarve, not that ive ever used one before, but if its minus 35 on the slopes, am I going to be needing a thermal balaclava under my beanie hat? Really unsure, and not wanting to spend £100 on thermal gear I dont need, but likewise, not wanting to turn up grossly unprepared.
  18. episode 11 and 12, where kinda combined into one episode in the states, that was 1 hour 40 long, and showed the remaining quarters, and the 2 semis. so look for an episode 11 that is over an hour long, or find a 12 that is 50 minutes long. Yea I agree, missed the first 1 minute 20 of the mcsweeney fight watching the tale of the tape, with commentary in the back ground, bits of diego's interview were clipped out, it just seemed rather low budget, but I almost feel like it was down to this season being a bit sh*t (only 1 final, no real stand out fights, the big fighter going out early, no one with any charisma staying in that long (wes simms etc))
  19. Is mpg really that bad? given that its effectively a 2.6, the one i had a thrash a round in was gettin 20-25 mpg,which didnt seem that bad for a sports car with that size of engine. Torque is surely an issue with any high revving n/a engine? but revs/power level the playing field against torque, or at least thats how Ive understood it. I still think theres a lot of potential in the rotary engines, as bare in mind how many companies have been investing money into R and D for the conventional internal engine, for an extended period of time (well over 100 years) and is essentially a tweaked idea of a steam engine dating back much further(using the expansion of gases to move a piston in a linear motion and converting it into a reciprocating motion) when compared to a wankel rotary engine, which is well under half the age of the conventional engine, and by only a few companies(mazda being the main one in the last 30 years, but theyve also had to develop conventional 4 stroke engines too), it wasnt that long ago, when engine rebuilds where extremely common and fairly frequent on regular 4 stroke engines, its only recently that were seeing engines reaching 200k + without rebuilds.
  20. why must I join, will my life cease to exist if I dont, if the females win, will we end up being the inferior gender, relegated to making babies and housework,whilst being payed 17% less wages for the same job??
  21. was about to suggest nutrisport 90+ till you said straberry flavour, as for some reason, their strawberry powder, feels like powder when its a liquid. which is ming.
  22. When it comes to that skanky hoe, I cant blame him for rubbering up, more STD's than GCSE's that girl(although thats not saying much )
  23. Pot, Kettle, African american. I see how you failed to mention the fact that you left hayleys 18th, being took home by her mum, after throwing an eppy, and crying, cos silvia got with another girl. not trying to embarass you, you do that yourself, just making sure you realise it aint all perfection, rose tinted glasses and all that bullsh*t. And to be honest, simpson wasnt being a c*nt, he was telling the truth, most people (including me) dont do it to you that much, as we dont like getting banned/warned, but occasionally people get that pissed off at you, that they decide to let it out, hence simps post, and some of my posts to you, which is why when we say it, you say were being harsh, or to close to the bone (its about as close to the bone as you can get, what with being true and all) I give you this granted, you may now of actually realised how much of a twat your were/still are,so I guess maybe it is doing some good as a fair bit of this has changed, but bits of it still ring true.
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