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Everything posted by Fish-Finger-er

  1. Fish-Finger-er


    also genetics, some people just have a higher metabolism for no reason, means calories are burnt quicker even when resting, less weight gain. also about being visibly fat, rather than muscly, again, altho working out helps, some of it is down to genetics and how ur body was treated in its early years to how it uses muscles/fat. some people naturally have super low or high body fat percentage , those people with naturally high body fat percentage, although they will be able to lose weight and lower there fat percentage. theyll never have the washboard abs(well they will, but it will be invisible under an inch of fat). this is down to either genetics, or the bodies upbringing, and its requirements for energy as a youngster. for example, if you were a person who was mal-nourished as a child, and were very thin. chances are the way your body works now, is to absorb all the energy it can from food, which it will burn slowly over 2 or 3 days,(rather than turn it to fat) as it knows turning it to fat is pointless as it will be needed soon, as youll often miss days without meals. as to wether its genetics or up bringing, cant be proved, as any tests like this on genetically identical people (mono-zygotic twins for those in the know) would be considered dangerous and unethical. yeah workin out helps, but some people, no matter how hard they try, will never get washboard abs, as there body will use protein and even muscle fibre for energy, before it will drop the fat levels down to 8-9% body fat(which is the level where washboard abs would become visible).and by the time you reach this,the muscles will have wasted(atrophy) to the point wer no abs are visible.
  2. got a suzuki swift 1.3 gls, only 74 bhp, and insurance group 5, however im changin it in the next few days. also it seemed to outhandle some 307 on some twisty b roads on monday, it came up behind me flashing lights revving engine in a 30 zone, soon as i left it i was up to 60, and kept it through 60 all the way down the road. the way my instructor tells me to drive. looked up into my rearview mirror on exiting a corner, and saw this peugeot 307(which would obiviously beat my car on top end speed),sliding across the road and clipping the verge. swifts are light as hell, respect to anyone who has a swift gti. hopefully gettin a 306 in the next few days, wanted a 1.9 xtd(only group 5 so not bad at 17), or a 1.8 petrol and keep it standard(group 6), however i seen a 1.4 not to far from mine, goin proper cheap(group 4), gives me more room for mods due to cheaper insurance. also hopin to purchase a 1.6 capri as a project car in the next few months.
  3. i turned the half pipe that i built into my garden into a trials course, i ended up with 2 4x4 ft boxes, one about 27 inch high, the other about 12 inches,, which i could stack on top if i wanted too. 4 kickers with curves in them (bottom half of the pipe up to like 2 foot high)(good for gapping off higher stuff into the ramp, so you dont totally case the bike), kinda cut the middle (height wise, so from 2-3 ft) out of the top 4 foot of the half pipe, giving me 3 foot of a near vertical slope, 8 foot long, which was for wallrides and shite. and then had the ladder up to the decks of the pipe as a ladder for hopping along. and the 2 6 foot high decks wer burnt, as wer other random bits left over. it lasted like a year, then i burnt the trials course, as id took big chunks out of everything.
  4. you know how there was an indoor party last time, how about an outdoor one in a random field somewhere this time,or will it still be too cold?? as for accomadation, if ive passed my test, ill sleep in my car, and if i aint, i probly wont be coming.
  5. come on someone must live and ride in manchester??
  6. yeah, but 3mm of soft compound pads that is usable, yeah there cool, and would be ace to pimp up the bike, but on a weekend of ridin , such as the N.Wales weekend in march, 3mm would last out a weekend of proper hard ridin if we wer lucky, running no tar, no grinds, and with no rain, hardly cost effective. however it may be viable if the replacement pads could be fitted at home, and wer made available cheaply,
  7. i got one street/fr rider to join us now, so better than nothing.
  8. i thought that when i saw the 1st pic, hed got a LHD bike, turns out hes just flipped the pic horizontally, so its like lookin in a mirror
  9. ill probly be there, as i should pass ma test like a week before, and mike, ssshh!! mr "im riding at the bike show". im up for sleeping in my car.if someone finds a parking space for it.
  10. i may well just do that, any idea on price, or expected release date?
  11. anyone speak russian, or know the price of the KOT ms2 frame, i want one and quick.
  12. I know a few urban free ride and street riders round the manchester area, and was guna pop up for a ride in a month or 2, can probly persuade them all to come out as well
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