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zhenya last won the day on March 26 2020

zhenya had the most liked content!

About zhenya

  • Birthday 10/06/1989

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  • County (UK Only)
    Non UK
  • Real Name
    Zhenya Solovjov
  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Inspired Arcade
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  • Interests
    street trials, movie making
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Trials Monkey

Trials Monkey (2/9)



  1. 2020 used to be called the worst year ever, regardless are you agree with it or not, it made a decent changes in our lives. It did not affected my riding directly, but during the 16 years of constant dedication to sport I used to like, last couple of years I started feeling a bit tired and disappointed. This video is the last in the way it used to be. I am not saying 'Good bye', I would like to say 'Thanks for the good times and see you on the other side!'. Keep moving forward!
  2. Made my evening, thanks for uploading!
  3. Long waited one, glad to see a new profile from you after a while. Can't select any single line because whole edit is something completely different from what trials used to be nowadays. Good job!
  4. Winter of 2019-2020 was uncommonly 'warm' and I had a good opportunity to ride outdoors on good old street spots along with exploring neighborhood I had moved to last year. Tried to find various spots and cover interesting locations. Usually I used to have filmed my first outdoors clips by the end of March, but this time I have already made my first video (and hopefully last that I edited in sony vegas . Still have not decided, if I should just upload clips to gram or do vlogs instead? Is there still any point in video parts? May be I should make shorter pieces? I like riding and filming, but have doubts about sharing way. I have no answer, feel free to write your opinion. Hope that all this corona shit will be over and no one of us or our families will suffer. Wish you stay safe and healthy!
  5. By the mid of autumn I built my trials bike again and filmed some clips before rainy estonian winter has started. In the beginning I planed to use this material for the next video profile, but afterwards changed my mind and decided that it would be better to film fresh footage in a new year. As a result I made this small edit.. Have a nice winter holidays! See you in the next year!
  6. Definitely best video I have seen this year, or even couple of last years. It is just brilliant, good work from both of you! This is what street trials used to be about, creativity and unique spots, that most of the riders pass by without giving a second look. I liked everything starting from curb lines (especially spin combos on the back wheel) and ending with technical front wheel bangers. Hope that more videos like this will be filmed in future)
  7. 2019 riding season was quite messed up for me, have not ridden much, but still got some clips to edit. Expected more from my 15th riding year, but glad that I am still in game. Cheers.
  8. Thanks Mark! Nowadays you won't see a street trials bike with rim brakes (especially v brakes) so often
  9. Thanks! May be 10 years of riding street bmx affected it in this way. Too slow for bmx, but too bmxy for trials
  10. Most of the lines are perfect, without jerky moves or correction hops, just smooth and clean. Looks like it took plenty of hours to film, but you did it in 3 days. Even big drops are performed so easily, like if it was a 2ft ledge. Nice one!
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