Buzzzzzz buzzzzzzz!
Grammar's not normally my field of expertise, but since you were kind enough to ask after me I thought I'd lend a little fuzzy hand
Welcome back, motherf**ker.
Spelling Bee is very sorry. Because I only weigh 85 milligramzzzz I sometimezzzz have trouble making the keyzzzz work. With 'e' also being the most commonly used letter in the English language it tendzzzz to get a bit bunged up with sticky pollen azzzz well. Buzzzzzz.
Buzzzzzzz, maybe not, but maybe you just don't pay pay enough attention in school!
That may be so but correct spelling and grammar goes a long way!
Please do!
Or you could follow the guidelinezzzz and put some effort into your postzzzzz!!
You may be trying to help the guy out but your postzzzzzzzz are an eyezzzzzzzzzzore of bastardizzzzzzzzzzzed English which makezzzzzzz Spelling Bee'zzzzzzzz eyezzzzzzzzzzzz bleed. It doesn't take a minute to spellcheck a post now doezzzzzzzzz it? Correct spelling and grammar makezzzzzzzz thingzzzzzzz far eazzzzzier to read and would stop busy Beezzzzzzz like me from becoming distressed. Buzzzzzzzzzzzz.
For the love of all things honey coated, please put at least a small amount of effort into your posts. Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
P.S. Spelling Bee also uses CCleaner in his hive and it works wonders for the cleanliness of Spelling Bee's computer.
I buzz in from time to time. It seems to me that standards have dropped rather substantially these days.
If Mr. John-hynes insists upon using such uncouth language, he should at least endeavour to ensure use of the correct spelling.