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Everything posted by Lee_Buchanan

  1. is there still the dual speed trial races ????
  2. I'll be going,people i think we shud see this year : New Riders; 26 inch Waynio Tom Buck rossi Danny Smith TRA Coust Phil williams Ali C Neil Tunnicliffe 20 inch Craig Scott Chris Walker James Hyland Cant think of any more of top off mi head. Wud like to see more familiar faces there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wunt mind a crack mi sen! :mellow: Lee
  3. Mint video,Very random and i think that works well sum good ridign in there too though! TONY BLAIR!!!!!!! mint! Also the bear haha looked quality in fancy dress. Lee (N)
  4. Ill be the one on the koxx 20 inch xtp.Just pretty much mixign with everyone! leeeeeeeeee
  5. Cool video,very laid back and smart. I liked that,seen it ages ago i think but cool to see agen! Lee (N)
  6. (Y) im now able to log in.!
  7. meks you think how shit internet wud be without msn.
  8. Ok cheers.yer tis wank without msn.!!!!!!!! if i get logged in all my contacts go to pot and go offline. (Y)" poor due. Oh well
  9. When i try to log in i cant for sum reason, and if i manage to all my contacts seem to start goin off line when i try and talk to them. has someone hacked my msn ?? shud i download the old version again ? has anyone got a link to the old one. cheers lee
  10. Personally i think that is just a rip off of a vinco for a starter!!!!!!!! >_< And better yet it looks absoultely wank in my opinion. B) Only thing id take of that bike wud be the try all stem. B) My opinion. lEE
  11. Usually something like,what am i avign for mi tea? (N)
  12. That video rocks fukign arse. Nuff sed!
  13. Mt try all shoes lasted abotu 3 months. :blink: Rebos loads better ive had them over 3 motnsh now and they are ace :)
  14. Nice cool video. Could of down with better filming and editing but nevermind. I already had it off observedtrials.net but still. Mint video showing loadsa balance and control. Lee :blink:
  15. Too be honest i think all them frames look to have been rushed and not alot of thougth gone into them,them holes at the back look shite,just drilled in fort sake of it. My opinion. Lee p.s the carbon one aint bad.
  16. Just get your angle grinder back out,grind your rim like a biatch,then set ur pads up reyt.Jobs a good one.!
  17. have to say them shoes look poor,surely they arent riding shoes,just casuals ??
  18. No them forks are just lite guys on mi old onza. (Y)
  19. To be honest you cant really be moaning about a frame beign cracked after riding with it for 18 months,that is a heck off along time for a frame to last.Especially when the t-raptors are prone to snapping there anyway u shud be glad yours has lasted you that long,never heard about the drilling a hole thing in the crack??Does it actually work ? Lee (Y)
  20. :blink: The frame looks mint,looks nice and string too,does anyone know when it is realesed ????could be a big seller this one i think! Lee
  21. Cheers for all off your comments. :( New video sooonio. lee :blink:
  22. thought a few folk wud wanna watch, world indoor trials championships. now eurosport!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l8rz lee
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