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About Lee_Buchanan

  • Birthday 06/10/1989

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    Lee Buchanan
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Trials Master (5/9)



  1. Course they hurt................Whoever says they dont talk shit You get a tatoo done you have earned it... Weird feeling though,once uve had one done...u want another....
  2. Good stunts..... Shit video though,was boring to watch.....probs the depressing music,n shoddy editing.... Lee
  3. Lee_Buchanan

    Joe Baxter

    You wanna wesh your mouth out with soap n water.... Filth...Bet you havent showed ur muva n fava that vid eh... What would you mum n dad say ?
  4. Out Of The Sticks...... First Vid ive watched for a while.... That danny is a different class,Fcuk that hoppy hoppy bolleks...Hit it hard and fast The next big thing in my books... Good luck
  5. Mallet.......Hes a dick basically when you get to know him he knows what i mean...He'll only talk to you when he wants to! Do you know who his dad is ??? He'll probs be in his room getting stoned......
  6. Koxx Days 2006 When actually is it ? 1st and 2nd of april ?? Deffo the best biketrial event ive been to,Was a great experience there last year,and everyone makes you feel very welcome....And the comp isnt to serious its really laid back and easy to enjoy..... Worth The Ferry Journey Anyways ( Loadsa Dutch Fanny On There Last Time )Seem to remember having a good laugh with them,well what we understood of them....Was good wether last year aswell its more or less a holiday,Would be good to go for the full week ! Think we only went for 3 days last time...Was worth it for them 3 days though,To many good things happened to type out really.... Waiting about an hour for a pizza was even a laugh...Big group of us listening to the beach boys or somethings like that...Jack meek i think it was was surfing to it anyways.....Wayne near run over a hitch hiker on purpose aswell in my car that was amusing....The barbeques we made were dissapointing though..Good times,good stuff....You dont need accomadation just get a sleeping bag and sleep round the fire like wayne did...Wake up in the morning bit of foreign cereal and abit of foreign beer...Its top drawer.... Fred's borat impressions " My wife She Is So Nicccccccccceeeeeeeeee" Shit hot venue...Shit Hot People... Get youselfs gone Lee
  7. What He Means Nadine Staniforth has just got sponsored by Cleanbikes. Cleanbikes sells a product for £1600. Generally their sponsored people get 35% off stuff. All male riders got 35% off. When they were the best in their competition(s). Nadine Staniforth doesn't. She underachieves and doesn't promote the company particularly well, apart from entering competitions which she doesn't win in, which she doesn't want to enter. Yet. Cleanbikes still knock her £1000 off their best product. That's better than all the Male equivilents. Discuss. There Nowt to discuss you obvioulsy think your a better rider and think she doesnt deseverve it.. Everyone knows who your on about,and probably thinks your a fanny for posting this topic out of sheer jelously...You wanna get your head out of your arse and focus on your own riding as buk says Lee
  8. Im not so little, if you had ever met me you would no im one of the easiest people ever to get a long with..And not arrogant at all...Its just with idiots like you taking the piss over the internet and getting away with it...It doesnt run with me...I dont just stand for taking shit from lil queers over the internet.... all my sponsers will tell you that i have a great attitude towards them.....Go ask steve craig or phil and they will tell you that.Because they know me in person... I dont need to do any growing up at all,and im definetley not a cock..I may have a very large cock but certainly a cock i am not... If you wanna keep argueing keep posting...If you wanna meet up over a pint and some pork scratching that can be arranged...We'll see how manly you really are...Its all you that just puff around on the internet acting hard that need to grow up...
  9. He is the one that is arrogant,i appreciate alot of riders in trials everybody to that extent and everybody nos that i dont think anybody has a problem with me... Mod661 was the one that started slating my riding...So fcuk him The names bondy...Uni- body... Ill give you some to fill your crack in you woman... Be quiet
  10. Ill tell you why sedders... Because hes aarrogant fanny and abuses everyone... THE END
  11. Ill tell you what is it mod661.....You take my constructive critism and see how far you get with it and .... f**k Off! Everyone on this forum is sick of and your wank posts...Even your so called sponser fatmike thinks your a wanka. Id like to see you go out and make a video as good as that,fcuk the editing you call me sketchey and unbalanced...I seem to remember you falling off something about a foot high in leeds and you have the snottyness to bitch me? Unlike you I havent been sat on my arse all day on the pc bitching on this shitty forum...Or working at poxy halfords Ive been working...Till fcuk nos what time 8 ? Go grow a willy and stick it in a sock.... If you have anymore shit to say...Ill meet up with you friday and you can say it to my face....Wanna see you make a video as good as that one...Then maybe ill give you some abuse you skinny lil fanny...You'd probs snap going of 6 foot...And what you say about anyone being able to drop big heights is bolleks...Just gos to show you dont know what your on about. And to the people that said it was sketchey and rushed... Who wants to hang around on top of a 12 foot drop and f**k about ?and it wasnt at all sketchey anyway... f**k i no the riding isnt as good as craigs or neils or porters but we all have to start some were.Im only just gone 16 remember can you imagine if someone 13 made this video and you came back with some of the remarks you have ? Mod661 you need to grow up and take your head out of your arse....Mummys boy Unlike you i have alot of freinds in the trials world and id like to keep them because i get on with everybody.And its nob eds like you who spoil it.Because no fcuker likes you you try spoil it for everyobdy else... Go cry ! (Y)
  12. why the f**k you always go on about bumming i dont know ? Grow up you childish twat! Funny how you can comment on my riding...When you struggle to ride yourself I can appreciate matts comments..As i know hes a heck of a good rider but from you i cant.
  13. i know why dont you all stop fcuking moaning....(Your opinions) And go makes some videos of yourselfs..
  14. can a moderator clean this thread up because its knackered ?
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