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Everything posted by CC12345678910

  1. Bleeding ur brake is simples. There is more than one topic on here. just search
  2. Have you stopped that thing eatin chains yet?
  3. 18.12 Is the ratio you really want. It is standard on any bike >£500 4 a reason. If you have a rear freewheel, drop to 16t, it will have the same feel.
  4. Ok. This is my first vid on stock as the title says. Could you leave lots of comments please as I am really interested in hearing what you think. Thanks Ciaran.
  5. the geo reads very similar to my because simple apart from the head angle which is +0.5 deg. I can report that my simple rides nice so that pure should be rite. I'm not gonna comment on stuff like strengh/value 4 money but all i can say echo's (and deng generally) of old were about the strongest around. Hope I've been sum help. EDIT: You should consider the Piranha frame as it is only £20 more Link: http://www.tartybikes.co.uk/product.php?product_id=10877&category_id=14
  6. old/bent out of shape spokes maybe? have u checked round ur hub for owt unusual (sp?)
  7. CC12345678910


    WTF are wheel slammers then? I presume it's a flatland thing, right?
  8. muc off degreser, a rag and wait 10 mins 4 it 2 dry. sorted.
  9. Cheers people. mod can close now.
  10. thats answered 1 question. Thank you.
  11. how cums the one that came off my dead main hose won't go back on then? and the ones i've got are gold and silver not black like the ones on tarty They both came out the same shroud nut as well when i've been told there should only be one in there. i'm Confused.com
  12. How do i get the olive on? Buy blocks and tap it on with a hammer, right? EDIT: BTW i don't won't to buy new cylinders. At the mo i have a standard set up.
  13. can't imagine the clarks one being shit, there stuff is usually pretty good. However, buy a bb7 bud, one of the best things i've done (the other one being buying an SL headset)
  14. To run a splitter do I need 2 M6/M6 cylinders? Can't see it working otherwise exept using a shroud nut like normal on the M8 side but I don't know how to put the olives onto the hose cos i've never needed 2 before now can someone sort us out please. Ciaran.
  15. yes. the two 5mm allen heads that hold the caliper together then it should just fall apart. EDIT: Gary: I already said that u fixed it for me. Learn 2 Read bitch.
  16. heard good things about EBC reds. Never heard owt about these things though
  17. just buy a new insert from onza or tarty and put ur new pedals on... I'm guessin the inserts for the tensile cranks will fit as onza stuff is designed by the same people. DO NOT helicoil. there is just no need. EDIT: PLAN B : we use this method at college. STEP 1. Find a nut that will thread on to the insert. (it'll be a common size, might take a bit of lateral thinking) STEP 2. Place said nut into a vice and tighten STEP 3. hacksaw into the flat that currently faces upwards STEP 4. thread pedal + insert into nut (which BTW protects the pedal threads perfectly) STEP 5. Tight vice good & proper BUT DONT MONSTER IT. STEP 6. undo pedal normally Now undo the vice and retrieve the insert and put it ur new pedal axle with a good smothering of grease (dito the outside of the insert & wind the pedal in normally SORTED Hope this helps Ciaran
  18. The crank could be rounded ... If it is, it's to get another one (prosumed it''s square taper)
  19. I think I had this, I didn't follow the destructions and set the caliper so the rotor was central instead of left of center (away from the spokes), did an up 2 front and it blow up. I think this is what has happened to yours. The topic might still live, i'll go have look. Back in a mo. EDIT: Gotcha! http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=141974&st=0&p=1982682&fromsearch=1&#entry1982682 and i 'popped it back in' with a bloody big hammer and gaz behind it BTW (he's the one talking shit at the bottom of the page)
  20. taey look effing horrible. IMO you shouldn't bother.
  21. Drop gap my arse you and gaz cut that up because that was my starter bike and you thought it were funny. I'm your mate and even i'm putting it in writing that both of you can be total c***s. And just out of intrest, Which pissed up braincell told ur fingers it were a good idea to post it and waist everyones time. Rant over. Ciaran
  22. trialtech foams. THE END just get some grip stops/ lock on collars to stop spinny grips
  23. Like the time that PCSO lass tried to move us on at the bird cage in kendal. He poked the top of her hat and he goes 'is that hard'
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