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Everything posted by Bruce

  1. Really liked that vid. Some really nice moves there. Loved the music too...dont know what everyone else is complaining about Also like the way you had the edit section and then the raw footage, just made a nice little contrast there Loved it! Keep up the good work. Bruce. PS. Gotta love the orange teeshhhhh! Good on you Adam! haha!
  2. On the subjects of the pads and brake bleeding; Onza Citrus pads are pretty lame, even with a really light grind. not worth buying if you ask me...for a few quid more you can get the Heatsink pads, which, in fact don't melt! I have a pair of them and the are amazing! I run them on a medium grind which makes them quite loud though. If you want to bleed your brakes, use Deionized Water (think thats how you spell it) costs about a quid for a biggish bottle and feels great o the lever. don't use tap water to bleed the brakes though, as they will fur up on the inside.
  3. I have had a ride on the Holroyd bike (the complete build thats on the website), one of my brothers mates has it, and to be perfectly honest it rode like a really heavy shit! Thats just my personal opinion though. lol sorry that reply was quite blunt now i read it back. Have a bash on the 24/7 see what you think. I really didn't like the feel of it though, the front end of the bike is ridiculously heavy and everything you do feels really slugish. Again thats just my personal opinion. Where abouts do you live by the way?
  4. Sorry mate i havent got any pics of my giant. Most of the parts on my Pure are new. The only things from the giant are the cranks (which are totally screwed now), the bars (getting new bars and stem though when i have some money), and the front wheel (which will be replaced also when i get my hope hub). I was going to use the parts from my giant but i thought i'd splash out and get my ride as nice as i could. Anymore questions, feel free to ask
  5. Finally! Pictures of my Pure Please excuse the mud and the crappy front wheel.
  6. My brother bought some of the Onza pads. Hes running a pretty worn grind on his rim and it seems to have eaten the pads I got myself some of the Heatsink 'Snowy' pads for 14quid....all i can say is they are amazing!!! im running them on a new grind (try-all rear) and they bite like a bitch! only down side is they also squeal like a bitch too...
  7. I can put some pictures up of my newly built Pure if you'd like? See how lush she looks The Pure rides really nice and i reckon you would like it. I was going to get the A2 but im glad i didnt now...i love my Pure lol! High BB bikes are ok, but i think going from the old school Giant you would be better with something a bit lower. Plus, like Ali said, theres more to trials than back wheel control.
  8. When i put the pedals into the cranks was really careful as i've had probblems with cross-threading before, so dont think cross-threading is reason for their death. The thread just seemed to rip out. Ive never had anything like this happen before...maybe ive put on weight or something...lol! Anyway, I think i'll go with the Middleburns, the quality on their components is second to none, so hopefully no more crank problems! woop!
  9. I think the A1 is also slightly lighter tha the A2. Personally i think the BB height on them is just too high. Im not against high BB bikes or anything. Have you looked at the '06 Echo Pure? I've just up graded my frame from the Giant to the Pure and i love it! Slightly cheaper than the Adamant A1. If you have any questions about the Pure feel free to ask
  10. Cheers for all the suggestions I was just a bit annoyed really, because in general i find Echo components are quite good. But theres not much point me fussing with these cranks now anyway as i'm getting myself a set of the Middleburn Super Pro-Trials cranks next week (yay!)....unless anyone has any other suggestions?? What cranksets do you lot use?
  11. My local riding spot is West Bay in Dorset. Plenty of natural riding as well as street. Something for everyone really, no matter what level you're at. (Some crappy town council photos here)
  12. First off, i would just like to introduce myself as i'm new to this forum. I'm Bruce. I'm from Bridport in Dorset. Theres some pretty nice riding down here for all levels of riders, so if theres any riders around that area, or who feel like a change and want to come down, let me know Theres only a handful of riders so it would be nice to meet some new people etc. Anyway, back on topic. I have the Echo forged ISIS cranks (these ones i think) and just seem to be having endless trouble with them. First it was the the cranks moving and loosening off the bolts. I thought it was my bottom bracket that may have been the problem, so i bought a new one but that hasn't stopped the problem. Also i have just noticed that the pedal thread on the left crank has practically ripped out... I just wondered if there's anyone else thats had problems with these cranks? (I will post some pictures when i get a chance.)
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