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Everything posted by Bruce

  1. Just thought i'd stick a few pics up of my steed. Got a few new bits n bobs to come yet and then it'll be perfect Let me know what you think. Cheers, Bruce.
  2. Alright, thanks guys will have to give that ago. Dont know if i can be bothered to buy the right tools so think the slightly bodge style method will have to do lol! Anyone know how i should go about pinching the brass fitting at the end of the cable and housings?
  3. Bit of a n00bish question really but how should i go about cutting a brake cable and the housings to size? What tools do i need? Also i need to crimp the brass fittings after cutting the cable and housings. What should i be using to do this? I know that there a proper tools to do this sort of thing but i doubt its worth spending the money when i'll hardly ever sue them. Its a 'Odyssey Linear Slic Kable' if that helps. I thought i'd ask as i dont really to bugger up a new cable just because i dont know what im doing. Tried the search but couldnt find what i was after, so sorry if its been posted before. Thanks for any help. Bruce.
  4. Bruce

    Two Ali C Vids

    Loving it! There are some videos that you watch and you just think to your self 'wow...ok now i really need to ride..NOW!' The first one is one of those videos. Whos the music by? I really liked that. Keep up the good work Matey. Bruce.
  5. Bruce

    My Finger

    I have the same problem with my little finger on my left hand. It makes gripping the bars a right pain in the arse, or finger in this case....um yes, sorry about that Its fine at the moment, probably because i havent had a ride in a few days, but as soon as a i start riding again it starts playing up! So annoying!
  6. I'd just ride the retards at my college... Put them all in a big pile and see if its possible to tap up them! Anyone up for that??.....no?....ok Bruce. NOTE: im not talking about real retards, that would just be harsh. im talking about dickheads that go to my college.
  7. haha! Ok, well it was worth a try. They're selling the Zenith on ebay (supercycles) for £199 with a CK headset!! Fooking bargain you should deffinately get one, they look like they would ride real nicely. Only thing i dont like about them is the paint job...looks pretty gay if you ask me.. Ask 'Prawny Baby' about the Zenith, he rides one. Hes also did a rather nice respray job Check it ooouut. Limey is fairly long but i love it! You have to come see it!
  8. Charlie what do you think you're doing! That your bike is a beast! Keep it! hahhaha! ...on a slightly more serious note...there was a 07 pitbull for sale on here a couple of days ago, wasnt it i bad nick either. Cant remember how much now off hand. Might be just be worth having a look throught the for sale/wanted section. OR, the 06 control is like 200squids on tarty now i think... Just a thought. Brucey. Ps: Are you at college? Come see my limey! Its sexy haha!
  9. I think a mate of mine put the rotor in boiling hot water (might have actaully boiled it in a old kettle...cant really remember) His brake worked fairly well afterwards. Just a thought really.
  10. I got your PM regarding the stem, but for some reason it wont let me reply to you Anyway, yeah that should be fine, just let me know. Also read your topic on your chain problems and i have a few spare half-links you can have. I'll can put them in with the stem if you want it. Bruce.
  11. If you want a half-link chain Tarty sell them, just not on the website. Give them a ring. Got myself on and it works a treat! Looks damn sexy too! You should be able to get a good tension with one of those. I can just about run mine without the tensioner, but i use the tensioner anyway, just to keep it all nice and tight.
  12. Ring them instead, much quicker, they will be glad to help you out
  13. Thanks for the advice so far guys. Its looking like the Onza risers ***. Edit: Has anyone used the Monty bars on a stock though? Cheers Ali
  14. I've just got myself a new frame (Onza Limey) and i want a new set of bars now... I cant really decide which ones to go for really. Just wanted some opinions really. These are the ones im looking at: -Onza Alloy Risers -Monty 221 Ti Riser Or, should i spend abit more (not that i can really afford too) and go for one of these... -Try-All Rage Bar -Onza Carbon Riser I have a pair of ZOO! riser bars at the mo (i think ive just sold them now lol) but i didnt feel they swept up enough for me liking. Any help would be ace! Bruce.
  15. I rang up Tarty this morning and spoke to Dave and ended up going for the new Echo ISIS one. Probably would have gone for the SKF one but i would have had to buy a new tool to put it on as well as some more bolts, so i went for the Echo as i can fit it as soon as i get it...and then hopefully (fingers crossed!!!) everything will be ok and i'll be able to ride! Apparently the Echo BBs are the new ones and much better quality. Tarty havent had any problems with them so thats good enough for me. I'll let you know how i get one. Thanks for all the help guys Bruce.
  16. ok so these look like my only options: Truvativ Giga Pipe £35 or... SKF BFR-300 £43 Which should i go for? Any one used either of them? The SKF one looks and sounds better. Both of them need a Shimano BB tool (which i dont have...). guess im gonna have to borrow some money
  17. Just got some picks of the promblem. sorry if they are a bit crappy. ^ This is how far the crank can go on before the arm actaully hits the cylinder. ^ This is the clearance i get from the cylinder with the spacing shown in the pic above. So far im thinking im gonna have to go for the Echo ISIS one one Tarty and have to borrow some money or something. ^^ can anyone verify this? Is this is correct it could save for a bit of money that i dont have...
  18. Its hitting the cylinder by about 2-3mm at the moment. I will go have a measure in a second and then post what i find. Finding it hard to track down a 128x68 BB though... Anyone know anywhere that has them in stock? i have a maximum of 40quid to spend.
  19. Thanks for the advice. Sorry about the double post by the way. Stupid internet browser
  20. Thanks guys! That sounds like the solution. Are you 100% sure this will work? I just wnat to be sure before i go buy one and then find out it still hits. Im running heatsink snowy pads at the moment on a try rim which makes the cylinders stick out quite far. Would that make much difference?
  21. I just got myself a Onza Limey frame. Spent most of today building the frame up and it looks lush. Just put in my BB and went to put the cranks on.....only to find that the cranks are too long and full on hit the slave cylinders on my rear magura! I really need some help/advice on what to do. I dont have the money to buy a new set of shorter cranks, and i really dont want to have to do this as ive only just bought the cranks. The BB is the longest ISIS one i could find (118mm i think) What can i do?!? Thanks for any help guys Bruce. ps. The cranks are 175 Tensile Urban Ledgends by the way. Dont know if anyone would be interested in a swap or something?
  22. I just got myself a Onza Limey frame. Spent most of today building the frame up and it looks lush. Just put in my BB and went to put the cranks on.....only to find that the cranks are too long and full on hit the slave cylinders on my rear magura! I really need some help/advice on what to do. I dont have the money to buy a new set of shorter cranks, and i really dont want to have to do this as ive only just bought the cranks. The BB is the longest ISIS one i could find (118mm i think) What can i do?!? Thanks for any help guys. Bruce. ps. The cranks are 175 Tensile Urban Ledgends by the way. Dont know if anyone would be interested in a swap or something for something similar?
  23. It has nothing to do with the fact that we're not mugging people, shoplifting etc. The fact is, most of the time we have no right to be riding in these places. I think this post sums every thing up nicely: ^^^ this man speaks the truth. I know its not perfect, but at the end of the day, if you dont own it...you have no right to ride it. We just have to exept this. Like VillageDave said, if we can just be aware of the other members of the pubic when riding and we are not rude when we do get told to move on etc, we cant go wrong Bruce.
  24. If you dont want to get some trials specific one, try some of the Fox Racing shoes. I have these and they are really good for riding in, think they are BMX style or something. Alot cheaper than a trials shoe. The grip is really good and lasts fairly well as its a real hard compound rubber. They hold your feet really nicely too, especially if you go for a size small than you actually are and let the padding mould to your feet. Sooo comfy! I love mine. Get a pair in brown, the white ones are skank! £40-45. Sorted. Bruce.
  25. Bruce

    New Bsxl Vid!

    Damn good video! ...proves that german people can fly!!!
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