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About Montybiker41

  • Birthday 01/31/1992

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    Monty 220 Hydra, with Echo bars

Montybiker41's Achievements

Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. no no no, I'm a big time motorcycle off-road rider, about 11 years now, and i would recommend a pair of MSR gloves. Incredibly comfortable and not expensive. they have also lasted a year of heavy riding bicycles, motorcycles, and everything else. right now I'm running some specialized enduro grips that are very comfy and seem like they will last along time.
  2. Riding for about six months and I have a Monty 220 Hydra with Echo Bulge Bars, Brisa foam grips, and a customized seat pad that eliminated my seat for a cut out flab of a life-jacket
  3. I would say tat the biggest thing to do when your new at this sport is to just get out there and practice! I started on stuff like mountain bikes and a BMX bike butnow ive been riding for a while and it all comes from trying new stuff! Have Fun!!
  4. ok, just went for a ride on my bike and took it to a shop to look at it and it seems to beeleaking from the main connection from the hos to the caliper.
  5. I agree with this, but this was about four months ago. Also, they know me as one of the four local trials riders in town, obviously, me being one of them.
  6. Jt, I LOVE your style it seams to be leaking from the main caliper on the right hand side
  7. First, I got a right hand lever for the clara and then took he HS33 lever and turned it upside down. Then I took it to a bike shop and it was reblead and assembled for me.
  8. On my Monty 220 hydra, I have a Magura Clara disk in the front and a HS 33 in the back. About 4 months ago, I had them reblead to be set up motcross style (front on the right, back on the left). Now, my rear brake has been leaking a lot of fluid and I have been having to adjust the brake a lot and tighten them up..... What do I do?
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