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About PhilFromLuton

  • Birthday 11/16/1985

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    army tank

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    ridin, my own interpritation of what i call ''trials''<br />errrm.......

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  1. ...100% not true! riding on your own is boaring as shit! what i ment by scene was to have a constantly progressing group of riders/friends to ride with! i dont think trials has progressed at all in the last few years. - The bikes have changed alot, but lets face it, the riding hasnt! to me at the moment BMX is a far more inspirational and accessible scene. ...guess it depends where you live though.
  2. i hear you i wanted to do it all, but its slow to get good at anything quickly that way. im 100% fed up with (streety) trials! there is no money in the sport! minimal media coverage, and lets face it it's hardly a scene to brag about! the problem for me came when parts and components brake and ware out! i cant afford to keep replacing shit all the time! and the offers of sponsorship ive had are a joke!! i was considering selling my 24" leeson, but the money id get for it wouldnt be worth it! so im gonna hang onto it incase i have a bit of a trials lapse. im just riding bmx now, for the indefinite future. BMX is where its at! ....build a bmx up, and leve it at that! their tough as hell and take an absolute beating! phil
  3. ah man no option for skin tight lycra!!! failing that, jeans, a tee, cumfy kicks, a hoodie and a PERUVIAN BEANY!!! ...motion / graphics student ...i wanna ride like Eddie Cleavland! philiiiiiip
  4. FLOW!!! ....tut tut! mark man! im ridin a Fit s2 haha trials is dead phillippppppppppppp
  5. HELLOOO ok... Websites! tell me whats your favorite and why! ...in as much detail as you can. reason being, im working on a new site that should be pretty rad once we get its structure off the ground, so tell me what you like lookin at and why, pleeeease >>pointers - why do you like the look of it - does its flow of information work well - is its easy to navigate your way through the site - what makes you keep going back to that website - what would make that website (or an aspect of it) better - what's kinda stuff do you think is missing from the internet? - do you use the internet more than your TV? ...and anything else related you'd like to share thank you Phil
  6. Some Riding in barcelona with myself and the bmx boys from luton/dunstable the holiday was back in april. and this edit was started back in may, i watched it so many damm times in the edit that i got sick of it and couldnt bring myself to do a re-edit almost 6 bloody months later ive pulled my finger out and finally cleaned it up ready for viewing... apologies for the crappy you tube compression, downloadable version should be up on the glasseye tv.isg account some time soon (thanks Mr G) so ill keep y'all updated... hope you enjoy ..some old vid's and this one also up on profile @ www.myspace.com/phil_feeney cheers Philly
  7. a bit of gossip for y'all last night Mr Shrewsburry took a bit of a serious tumble at bridgend skatepark. Said he tried to manual some super high ledge but came down front heavy cutting his eye and dislocating his shoulder! after the paramedic pumped john full of morphine they went for a little ride in the ambulance to the nearest hospital! Where doctors tried to figure out how to put his arm back in! in the end the sent him home, but he has to go back into hospital today, if they cant manage to get in by hand they'll have to open him up! so wish john luck, in the hope that he doesnt need an opp! phill
  8. Joell man!! i challenge u to a duel!!! try one-up my vid... and ill one-up yours... and we'll keep goin till be both EXPLODE lol ...man i hate being so broke that i cant travel far to ride. i was hopin to travel and kill some spots this summer, but im confined to luton and dunstable if u do county gap before me ill rape u in ur arse! lol nuff luv
  9. ...curb comp vid ive made for ridestreet. http://www.supload.com/vid/i_hate_curbs/271936219/wmv/ cheers Philly
  10. Right this was a lil college vid i threw together some people think street/trials is a newsence, some say its vandalism... i recon if dance can be considered art, through the 'art of motion' then why can we not concider ourselves to be artists? we basically take someones interpretation/expression of art through archetecture and re-interpret it to express our own form of art through our creativity/motion ....creating an almost layered form of expressionism? ...hmmm i might just be talking shit, but it did spark an interesting debate between lecturers with opposing opinions the vid asks the question ...you watch and you decide cheers Philly http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/view/141
  11. F##K ME!!!! joel man!!!!!!!!!!!! i cant believe it!!!!!! you are one lucky boy, cos that is one hell of a serious injury!!!!! im glad your ok though man cos it doesnt take much to crush a trachea. m8 hope 2 speak 2 u soon, gimme a text when u can talk again or are able for visitors. shit man!! cant fukin believe it! ...by the way, dont think this is a valid excuse to get your sorry arse outa doin county gap this summer!! lol get well soon bro philly
  12. hahaha nope that cast iron curtis is long gone!!! thats my 1010wb leeson 24" ...i like it but there are soooo many things id love to change about it! i wish some company would put some money into producing a PROPER 24" machine!!! still gotta make do with what we got!
  13. HAHAAAAA awesome pics man!!! shame about the riding lol philly
  14. Hello, i've had lots of people asking for my old stuff so here is all that i have... hope you enjoy! as always criticism is welcome!! ...and some of this stuff is really REALLY old, so i hope you can appriciate the progression of riding and production between videos thanks philly >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> -edit 2- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/...eeney_edit2.WMV -edit 3- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/...%20edit%203.wmv -edit 4- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/...eeney_edit4.wmv -edit 5- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/...05th%20edit.mpg -edit 6- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/...eeney_edit6.wmv -nass 05- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/nass_2005.wmv -epic- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/...thing_promo.wmv -VGB- http://www.trials-shack.co.uk/phil_feeney/...%20DVDpromo.wmv >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> enjoy!
  15. hehe kurb face is back!!! joel man totally awesome video!! lots going on! i love it man this summer we are gonna own it!
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