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    Dave Caplan
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Trials Newbie

Trials Newbie (1/9)



  1. yeah man i have been trying to get used to gapping, coming from the dh world, i could already balance and hop and kick hope so yeah i still am learning as i have loads to learn but take your time it will come stick at it Dave
  2. Yeah looks good that one from realcycles (or what ever they are call) the 185mm one, yeah i found an avid speed dial 3 lever somewere i'm going to use when i upgrade to disc, dont know what shimano levers are like i'm afraid, only trust avid stuff how much is the xtr lever compared anyway?
  3. well not really as you need the whole surface of the pad to make contact with the rotor to make it sharp, and it would depend on the composit of the pad as well as the condition of the rotor, and as for cooling the only brake that i have had any problem with as for cooling was the really old C2's hope brought out, which you had a on fly wheel adjuster so that you could move the piston your self, which was a good idea, yeah but your rotor mate is really cool lol i wish i had money for one of those beasts lol yeah its best to get the bigest rotor (in experiance) well 160mm to 180 works great, as the rotor (the bigger it gets) rotates slower, so that it can bite alot better and get that sharpness back, so a 180 should be alot sharper than a 160 anyway
  4. I had a set of speed dial 5's on one of my old bikes long in the past, would say they work petty well, had one of those ti ones well the same design but not that expensive, wouldnt see the point in getting that really expensive lever for a cable brake, but yeah they work great.
  5. oh dear the world of pimp my ride has arived to bikes, i had a pimping if you were dh bike, the gold rims gold bolts all over, green outter cable for the gears, bike 3" tyres and a black frame and other parts, oh and a welsh dragon seat and a gold front bigun hub, so yeah i would say to "pimp" your ride, send everything off to get it all anodisd gold the lot of it, see what that looks like, gold bike Dave
  6. coming from the downhill world to this new strange place of trials, i know little about discs, oh just one thing yeah hydraulics can come in packs, the old shimano saints etc (that range of stuff) came in caliper and rotor and then the lever was separate, so yeah, anyway yeah i was wondering about discs on trials bikes as well, as i wouldn't mind getting a front one, but thing i will stick with a 33 on the rear because like someone said more pads and well prefer them. Difference between the trial, and the normal mono is that the trial has allot larger pistons, and not really a great deal of modulation which as i keep getting told you don't need in trials, and the trial brake just bites with a lot more power, talk to me on msn if you want to get hold of a cheap mono mini by any chance. Dave
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