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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Jonno

    What To Do

    Thats just it, iv tried that more than once and all i do is end up sat on my bike getting bored, its bin like that the past load of rides iv turned up to, i just get really bored really fast, i dont understand it, but even when i watch trials vids, now and again il get the urge to go ride so i will and the same happens, within 5 mins of going out im bored, but thats only if i actually get the urge to ride, 9 times out of 10 i watch a trials vid and it dosent give me the urge to go out riding at all.. Cheers for the replies so far Jonno
  2. Jonno

    What To Do

    Thats it exactly!
  3. Jonno


    From the album: Jonnos random crap

  4. Jonno

    What To Do

    Thanks for all the replies so far guys, they all make sense, im just really unsure about it, i keep telling myself i need to get back into it but like i said its finding the time and energy (Y) Cheers
  5. Jonno

    What To Do

    Howdy People, Basically iv bin a bit on and off with trials recently (the last 2 months mabie more), im finding it very hard to find the time to go out on the bike at the moment with work, GF, college and various other things, and the time i do have my mates spare time always manages to conflict with the free time i have, so we seldom have time to ride together anymore which takes the 'shine' off riding for me, i also just seem to be plain loosing enthusiasm (sp?) and generally can never be bothered to ride when the chance arrises, i want to ride, but just lack the energy so never do, iv come close to selling the bike a number of times now, its really hard to explain but basically my question to you is what would you do in my shoes? quit or stick at it? cheers in advance Jonno..........
  6. i can see both sides if this (ie, all sorts of things that people recive free health care for is brought apon themselves, trials riding ect) but my personal opinion is that smokers should not recive free health care as they know the risks of smoking, smoking is a discusting habbit in my opinion. as some ones said more money should be spent on trying to get people to stop smoking rather than care for them when it takes its toll on your body.......
  7. Jonno


    From the album: Jonnos random crap

    My Car
  8. red rear king, blue front xc.
  9. In no particular order, my favorite riders and riders who inspire me the most are: akkers, ashton, bucky, danny holrody andy p, thats my list.........
  10. killers are good, snow patrol are f**kin ace, keane are ok at times
  11. the largest static gap iv pulled was measured at 6foot, but every time since i seem to fall just short :o
  12. Jonno

    Advice Needed!

    thanks but im after another ashton, looks like il have to take it to the local frame builders after all and see whats what, although as has bin said alloy dosent weld the best :closedeyes: cheers for the replies, Jonno
  13. Right, My ashtons got a crack round the bb thats about 2 and a quater inches, now what i want to know is: if i drill a small hole at each end of the crack will this at least slow the crack down? it will get replaced eventually but i cant afford a new frame at the moment so need a 'quick fix' for the time being. any help appriciated. Jonno
  14. does anyone have a link to the roadtrip 04 vid please??
  15. wow, thats.....different, i dont like the graphics/colour scheme(sp?) but the frame looks ok, very different to the first ones, hmmmmm, be interesting to see what it rides like, would like to know the wheelbase ect. Jonno
  16. not being able to do things you could do before, costs too much, injury, getting cleared off good riding spots, the list goes on. Jonno
  17. bought a t-rex frame about 2 months ago, was ok at first then i started getting severe back pains, so thought the frame may be a bit long for me, so went back to the ashton i rode before and my backs fine and dandy again :( Jonno
  18. if type 4 fits a koxx it will fit a base ta26
  19. Here sells them, email them
  20. joe, please could you post the pics up some were when you have then?? pretty please (Y)
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