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Joe Sweeney

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Everything posted by Joe Sweeney

  1. because it's a cheap bike and they could not fit good parts on it
  2. hi i think black and gold my mate rides a gold and black t-pro looks very nice gold forks, bars, hubs and cranks the rest black it will look very nice
  3. i will probaly go for the echo tough bars in green Thanks for the advice
  4. hi just wondering what bars would be better zoo or echo ? Thanks
  5. hi i would sugest a tensile on the front both my mate and my brother ride a tensile with a 12 tooth on the back it's very nice to ride soory about that last post it was an accident
  6. i would say a maggie but it's up to you
  7. yeh good video liking the riding very smooth
  8. around the abingdon town centre is not bad ride there every week or so
  9. what bike did you have was it a long or short frame ?
  10. yeh 661 gloves are good i've had both skinz 1 and 2 liked them a lot i think creepy crawler tyres are good both me and my mate ride with them they are very good
  11. thanks everyone that's what i thought but i was just checking
  12. i look for a helmet which is light, strong and looks quite good
  13. go for a T-Pro very nice bike my mate has one ride very very well
  14. what frame ? need some pictures
  15. i suguest zoo brakes me and my mate have them and they are very good Link www.tartybikes.co.uk
  16. i would suguest a Mod because you can chuch them around them so much i think they feel so nice on the back wheel
  17. hi just wondering if the Zona Zip Trials Frame is good for it's price because i will be getting it for christmas
  18. yeh just go for hs33's much better brake
  19. no no their would be no point get a bike with good parts so you do not need to replace all of them onza t-pro is a good bike you would just need to replace the cranks get a front freewheel and new bars
  20. i got an ironman helmet and it's very good it's got one of those things at the back to adgust
  21. i live in abingdon near john mason school which is crap by the way
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