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Joe Sweeney

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Everything posted by Joe Sweeney

  1. what bike(s) do you ride? where are you from? some pictures of your bike(s)..... where do you like to ride? and finally what is your dream bike? Well at the moment i ride a hardcore 8hcp soon to be a black zona zip with echo/zoo parts answer to number two abingdon yay sorry no pictures Any were i can really and finally probally and zoo
  2. you spell second wrong though
  3. if you have enough money get a better bike to start on so you have to replace less parts i would sugguest a Onza T-Pro very good bike to start on. They are sold i Tarty Bikes and Supercycles i think
  4. hi Been riding about 2 years and a bit getting better but very slowly
  5. zona zip yay getting mine at christmas
  6. liking the pink grips you thinking about anything else pink ? if you are i would say cranks
  7. yeh i was just thinking that as the zona zip is written in green i thought green parts might look quite good
  8. hi can i see a picture of your sexy pink bike ?
  9. i have to tighten my freewheel all the time a have got fedup with this so i'am now just going to buy a good one like a tensile
  10. hi just wondering why the silver frame is more expensive than the black/grey one or is it just the paint job sorry if you think this is a dumb stupid question please just igrone it and get back to what ever you were doing thanks Joe
  11. hi sorry made a mistake on my post, my friend used to ride a T-Vee and my brothers T-Bird is better but if you have enough money i would have to say get a T-Pro much easier to stay on the back wheel i think, this would be a good bike to start on
  12. hi do little jobs around the house like cleaning the car,house and moeing the grass while you are job hunting or what ever just so you can still be getting money
  13. hi anyone who has zoo bars are they good on a mod or are echo ones better. just wondering because getting some new bars for christmas thanks
  14. i would have to agree with cranks my brother has a t-bird and my friend a t-bird ridden both t-bird much better. hope i have helped you out
  15. hi getting a zona zip in Black/Grey for Christmas and wondering what people think the colour scheme should be i was thinking like spraying the frame black leaving the zona zip writting on and then getting sum green parts like forks,cranks,handle bars and maybe booster. Please give your sugguestions thanks Joe
  16. do little jobs around the house like cleaning the car,hovering and moeing the grass while you are job hunting or what ever
  17. i do not think trials is really about doing as many hops as you can but if you like to hop than hop away
  18. you can use water and anti freeze that work quite well but it's up to you
  19. i like light bikes and i'am going for a lighter frame a zona zip much better than my crappy frame at the moment
  20. just to refresh i'am looking for some Echo Green Cranks for a Mod and Echo or any other make green handle bars Thanks Joe Sweeney
  21. o did not realalise that so the first one then
  22. hi sorry i know i have posted this already afew but does anyone have Echo Green Cranks or Handle Bars ? Thanks Joe
  23. what are the tyres like because they look quite bold do you get good grip with them ? what about the pedals my mate rides some of them and i really don't like them. no grip
  24. good trials dvd's you say manafesto and get1 watched both have one both every good dvds
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