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Everything posted by Andeee

  1. Basically i currently go to doncaster high melton university centre studying my degree and drive through doncaster 3-4 days a week and i really fancy riding it i know where a few spots are such as the hub college n down near the tesco but would like to know where the rest is if possible please. I am from Scunthorpe and i am planning on bringing 5-6 of us through as we all drive. As for parking? I think its free parking down at the retail outlets near kfc unless any local riders know anything closer to all the spots but i think theres more riding spots near the kfc. Meeting time to be confirmed depends what time the lazy lot who i am coming with get up at lol. 11-12pm? The hub college marble walls? Kepp checking back and i shall put a definate time n meeting spot. Thanks Andrew
  2. That is just ridiculously light im currently riding a 06 gu stock which is running around 8.5kg-9kg and plus i weigh about 13-14 stone. I can see mega light bikes more prone for breaking due to the light componentery. People should really get more strength rather than stupidly light bikes. It wasnt like that back in the day.....
  3. Scunthorpe riding spots added Anyone fancy a ride drop me a pm and a fair few of us will come out
  4. Good stuff wigg. Wear the helmet though. Me and the scunny lads will be back in gainsborough soon.
  5. Good stuff! good riding locations i guess all in doncaster. I saw one clip which was at the hub im not familiar where the rest is. Do you ride town centre often? i will come through one weekend guaranteed and there will be 3-5 with me. Keep it up x
  6. im aware of the date as its normally on the 27th. Just curious if it was going to happen at all. As normally people starting giving rough number of whos going.
  7. As the title says when will it be? i know it sounds a daft question but someone whos a reguluar for them normally arranges it i know in the past it gets posted oct-nov time. Thanks Andy
  8. Hey there a few of you saw one of his vids which i posted which was called 56 days. Basically i thought it would be good to get his name heard and his riding ability showed to you all. He is originally from poland but currently lives in Scunthorpe North Lincs. He has been riding for 3 years mainly riding mod from adamant to zhi to ko and zoo . In the past he has been sponsored by Zhibike and Kobikes. He is currently sponsored by www.trialshop.pl but may possibly be looking for another sponsor if trialshop.pl stop the team as it may happen. EDIT: Its only letting me post 2 videos at a time? Enjoy You will have to exscuse 2 of the vids as the audio got disabled. Basically i thought i would share his riding with you all as he has taught me alot about trials. The videos are in order of old to current. He is currently working on one at the moment. Thanks Andy http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGRM4oUSVIU&feature=related http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGRM4oUSVIU&feature=related
  9. fanny is all i can say to you! Why post something like that if it wasted your time? Now you have wasted even more. On another note that gap is pretty big! Keep it up!
  10. Hey noticed your from scunthorpe. Where abouts? Im from there too i ride with 4-5 other guys a few of us have got back into it and have been riding since about 2003-2004. Would be good to meet up for a ride. What bike do you have?

  11. Just curious whos riding now'a days everyone has seemed to of moved on or lost interest. Im from scunthorpe by the way wouldnt mind meeting some new people to ride new places and learn new things. im not amazingly good but like to have a ride though i was thinking maybe trying to get a group ride possibly organised if anyone would be up for it. Thanks Andy
  12. Im from scunthorpe too. which end are you from? There 6-7 of us that ride in a group. you should come out some time more the merrier
  13. Biceps are aching!!! i wanna ride!

  14. Some good relaxed riding there. Im thinking of coming through to doncaster one day within the next week i really want to ride the hub college. When you guys next out? Also is there anywhere free n safe to park in doncaster?
  15. Tommorow guys. 11-11:30am Redwalls at the magistrates court? Text or ring me on 07725007632 if you cant find us.
  16. Ah sweet more the merrier... It doesnt matter how good you are aslong you can ride etc it should be a good day n good fun.
  17. That was.............. Amazingggggg. Ive always loved your vids right from when you started riding for zoo . You n Damon Watson seem to be compeiting on who can pull of the biggest stuff. Like for example the clip when you gapped from the thin bollard to the wall to front damon did that on his recent vid but the bollard on his wasnt as thin lol. Anyways keep it up!!! I look forward to the 2011 pitbull Ooopsss Andy
  18. As it says in the title folks. 3-4 of us from scunthorpe will be going through to meet matt wiggins and a few others just for a nice relaxed ride. 11AM Meeting time. Location: To be confirmed soon? Pm me for any questions x
  19. Hi there just curious if theres any riders still exist in doncaster i know the wath lads use to ride there but i think most of them have quit. Its just im from scunthorpe and do my degree at the doncaster high melton college campus and have seen a fair few riding spots near the hub n town centre. I would love to ride there and see what there is. So anyone still exist?
  20. Hey guys a friend of mine who ive recently been riding with recently who has inspired me to push me further has released a vid of himself unfortunately he doesnt come on here often but i thought id help get his name spread around on the trials scene. Kornel Brygola 19 Riding 3-4 Years Hometown: Poland Currently living: Scunthorpe, N Lincs, UK Zoo Lynx Sponsors: www.trialshop.pl Kornel has been riding for 3 years now and is a big natural fan but has started riding street a lot more he has a very creative big smooth riding style if thats a way to put it but it is very good to watch. VID
  21. Pizzapie your grammer is poor no disrepect or anything but how did you get validated? Mike as in Mikey douglas are you reffering too?
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