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Everything posted by Andeee

  1. Looks terribly weak.... Whats the guarantee on this 2 months?
  2. Good video but that song sounded like rape -.-
  3. Why is there some right keyboard warrior c**ts on here?

  4. My predictions Rotheram/Wath
  5. I have added you on facebook i only live 1 hour away from sheffield and know a fair few riders within the area. Let me know when your next down ill come out for a ride
  6. Picture 2+3 is in cleethorpes which is only 1 hour away from sheffield. If you have a look in the rides section i have arranged a big ride for cleethorpes next month you should come down
  7. That was amazing Damon it was like a blast from the past from your other videos at the spots you've filmed before but instead 24" and a different style... Will you be riding hull tommorow? There is a few of us from scunthorpe coming through n meeting at the deep at 11am would be great if you came out for a ride with us.. Thanks Andy
  8. I wish you clowns would stop clogging this thread with your posts lol -.- you both have facebook? i was all excited when i saw 13 posts in this thinking more people on the forum would be coming

  10. CHANGE OF PLAN....Looks like hull is on the cards
  11. As it says in the title there is going to be a fair few of us out... Meet at station at 11am? and for those who are driving pm me and i can recommend a cheap n safe place to park Thanks Andy
  12. 16th n 17th is the big cleethorpes ride... 10th would be good =)
  13. Wow amazing riding your name rung a bell from vids years ago when you first joined the forum the sections in the back garden on the vid reminded me of who you were... from your old videos.. How old are you now? You was quite small from your vids from years ago? Keep it up!
  14. Get it done donny is only 20 min drive for me plus i go to high melton uni 3 times a week which is 5 mins from sprotborough =)
  15. EX DISPLAY.. SOILED.... ? Damaged from factory? i.e scuffs/scratches etc...
  16. Having a weight weenie bike is being a complete utter Faggit

  17. Cool pics but all the time... Few of us will be coming through to sheff next month as ill have 2-3 weeks of uni plus the weather gets better n nights get lighter
  18. Nice bike! The trialshop.pl sticker on the chain stay are you from poland? If so do you know a rider called Kornel Brygola? He recently moved to my town from poland top bloke and amazing rider! Do you know if any riders from poland have come to the uk at all?
  19. Hey guys looking at upgrading my tensioner on my piranha due to the 74kings nearly dead n losing tension n chain coming off. Ive read reviews on the rohloff tensioner and they seem to have good reviews.. Whats the best for a short gearing as i am running 18-16
  20. Come to doncaster its only 20 mins away from sheff. theres gonna be about 8 of us riding
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