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Everything posted by Andeee

  1. Looks good. How did you get hold of some old echo/monty whiteline tyres? Ride soon?
  2. red brick walls.. myself a few others from scunthorpe and some dudes from yorkshire will be riding hull on sunday. I'll message the hull guys see what there saying
  3. Im from scunthorpe and ride hull every so often with the hull lads.. Im thinking of coming down this sunday if your game.
  4. Trials mainly works your upper body and legs
  5. Looks good Joe! Reminds me of a gu le I cant wait for the new stock frames/bikes to be out which you was on about at the shop last week. Thanks Andy
  6. Shimano Xtr bottom bracket tool is another name/term for it. as middleburn lock rings have the same fitment as a xtr b.b
  7. Just watched it possibly the best documentary that relates to extreme sports ever!
  8. 3 of us coming from scunthorpe. we should be at red brick for 11-11:30
  9. I've been speaking with steve and he says he will be out. Come on mate! Id do tommorow but got work
  10. Im back... after a 2 day suspension what have i missed? Seen as though me dirty joke got deleted LOL P.s which silly sausage made my warn status higher? And why did i get a suspension and warn for it? Explanations please.... Thanks Andy
  11. I guess window shopping actually does exist then... Next train to Tottenham please!
  12. Send the army in... Get the c*nts killed if there disrespecting our country like this.
  13. Oh my i just creamed...... Sweet vid Damon! How big was the gap and sidehop? Cant wait for your vid to be released. Andy
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