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Everything posted by Andeee

  1. Nah am quite happy here to be fair... Why do you spend more time riding your keyboard on the forum than riding your bike? Answer that one for me ehh?
  2. See what trials-forum copyright police say....
  3. Who's bothered? A picture is a picture? Any picture does justice right? You've got way too much time on your hands dude to go through all that. Just saying...
  4. On behalf of the forum is anyone really bothered about that?
  5. Ive always gone by heavy duty frames... the ozonys was a one of deal.. i thought id try it out. Yeah its a beefed version. I thought id share this link with you all. Most frames are no way near the 2kg mark apart from this.. Back in the day there was frames ranging 2kg onwards... Now manufacturers mainly seem to focus on weight rather than strength.
  6. Check it out.. Only minor its 116mm rear spacing The price is quite good too! I wonder if yaabaa will be releasing anymore frames with 135mm spacing and near the 2kg weight.LINK
  7. A lot of bike trials news of today mainly seems to be internet based with all forums/clubs/retailers. MBUK still has a 2 page trials section of each monthly issue. ( Occasionally from back in the day they use to have a 3-4 page article on particular riders like akrigg, ashton, hawes etc...)
  8. Andeee

    Ryan Crisp

    You are very well dedicated for correcting peoples errors on this forum Ali. Keep it up(y)
  9. Andeee

    Ryan Crisp

    After reading all these pages... Is this guy making a pancake? Because i spy a tosser to be fair...
  10. Thanks for correcting.. i knew it started with a V lol Yeah the 3 setting drop outs... No... it just snapped randomnly. As steve said further up danny the rider checks his frames regularly for cracks etc. It is one of damons old frames by the way
  11. Middleburns are boss lad! beats all these overrated dengy ones lol
  12. Most trials cranks varie 160-175 True id agree on that one i mean the power of my legs feels ok i have been doing a lot more leg excercises at the gym recently. Was just curious what advantages people got with different lengths?
  13. Hi there currently riding a ozonys v2 curve with middle burn 170's a friend of mine had a go and said i would get a lot more pull/torque for when doing back wheels/ taps. But my curiousity is would i get a lot more power/control going to 165's ? Verdicts please? Andy
  14. Andeee

    2012 Inspired Range

    Wheres the hand signature by danny mac on these frames?
  15. I bought mine 5 years ago from a d.i.y stall at a market.... £11 it cost me.. Still going strong. Does the job.. Why pay more ?
  16. Nice vid!... I always had a thing for ryan leeches riding style when i first started and use to watch his shows on extreme sports channel when i was younger. It would be quite interesting to see a Damon Watson Vs Danny Mac vid.... That would be worth watching.
  17. 3 months on from leeds summer ride.... and max still has no brakes Sweet pics carl! Seeing max's riding is just crackers.... Would be good to see a vid out of him
  18. oh yeah i forgot about carls lol.
  19. Yeah to say it had been Damon'd before lol. It was just out of the spur when it happend. £500-£600 frame thats had its lasting span Andy
  20. Wheres the first you had seen n who had it?
  21. Just thought id share this with you.. Its the previous model to mine. The one with the blue/white finish. Was a group ride in hull other week when danny the owner hopped of a small bench somehow managed to snap it in half
  22. Stealthy looking Looks nice cant wait to see a vid
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