Thats a 2004 mate.. Looks quite good condition for its age with original decals on.
EDIT: I have never heard any bad points on the 2004 frame. Friend of mine had one years ago they felt orite to ride and his was the long which measured at 1080 with pace forks.
It wasn't exactly defensive though was it really? If i was putting it in a shouting defensive manner then there would of been exclamation marks on the end of it. Chill you beanz
Why? Because i can.
You seem to use that picture EVERYTIME in any thread as your reply as if to say " Soz dont mess"
Can you not come up with something new?
Thanks for your thought. Maybe the big high lighted words may answer your concern. After going that long i feel ive lost the technique so steady nawww lol
Well my tickets were bought last week.. not long now guys cant wait.
Anyone advise a shop or website for good camping bundles for me and a friend we basically need tent, mats, sleeping bags n little camping nick nacks.
First time back on bike properly in 6 weeks due to weather and uni commitments. But now the weather has improved and i have all my assignments out the way with i thought id have a little ride tonight and gather some clips up.
Nothing to serious the spots i rode was quiet which was perfect so i could just crack on and have some fun.
Nice riding, nice song and great video quality.
To say this video was mainly a streety flowy/ brakeless types of riding going down.. it is really giving me the urge to get an inspired as strange as it sounds
Your best bet would be try ebay. Ok they might be out dated but there is bound to be someone out there after some forks like them. Anything that i cant shift goes on the bay and there is always someone that is bound to buy it.
I can't book weekend off... 2 numptys at work have booked a week of around then.. So i think i am gonna come down on saturday night n camp n be there all sunday.