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Everything posted by Andeee

  1. 2 Weeks on friday til radfest.... Can't wait!!!

    1. dann2707


      It's gonna be epiicccc :D

  2. How much pocket money does this kid get to own a bike like that at his age?
  3. Got about 5-6 confirmed riders so far n still awaiting for more responses yet. Lets hope this is going to be a big ride
  4. How do we go about applying for the comp on the sunday if anyone knows? with it being a national round etccc
  5. Eastern European fashion ;-)
  6. Corel.. Yeah it was only for a few days I lent him the Maggie as he killed his hope lol. It does seem a opposite combo. Bit like running a front hs33 n a rear vee :L
  7. Was speaking to one of the dannys in hull who was wanting to ride today but unfortunately I couldn't n he's asked for a big group ride 15 or more? Lol So as it says would be good to see some new or old faces. 11am redbrick!? Let's hope the weather will be good. Will have me camera out too so be expecting a group ride vid. More the merrier! Andy
  8. Anyone got ProTools 10 yet?
  9. Now now.. have a read through this topic I believe you seemed quite confuzzled in that topic on modern trials and aftermarket components. I'll just take my maxxis tyres, king headset, sunline grips, kmc chain, dmr v8 pedals, bb7 calliper, xtr lever off my bike baring in mind they are not trial specific brands ;-) I should maybe invest in deng approved products lol
  10. Yeah i remember doing the topic for when dans ozonys frame snapped. Until that slovakian dude who goes by the name of "Ghostrider88" seemed to of got massively confused between my v2 curve and the v1.
  11. Find me an ozonys that has snapped within the space of a week from brand new and ill quite happily get on my knees and let you fart in my mouth.
  12. £10 sounds a good price for a over night acid bath. I wonder what the average price is for polishing? Hopefully will speak to me mate tomorrow n see how much he will do my frame and forks for and hopefully take the frame to a vinyl company to see if they can copy the ozonys logo in blue. If the prices are right for what i want i will hopefully get it done for radfest with some fresh set of try-all tyres. But am in love with that polished ozonys. Even Bruno likes it too!
  13. What methods did people use? Becuase i am limited with time due to work and uni ( as i would do it myself) but because its a serious task n process id like a good professional job thinking of taking it to the local body shop that has done stuff on my car. Also thought about getting some blue ozonys stickers made if i was to go for polished look. Here is my ozonys curve v2. I am thinking of going for the polished look after being influenced by a picture further down ideally frame and forks ( maybe polish stem? or black stem) I come across this beauty on Bruno's facebook
  14. Nice pics! Any reason why you have onza forks on your bike? Seems different lol
  15. Being sponsored is not really about getting high discounts or freebies. Id say its more to do with the rider representing the company and sport and hopefully promoting thats how i see it. Not to start a row here like.
  16. Bought myself an essential today for it. Yeah budddyyyyyyy. just need some good vodka to go with it (:
  17. To Pashley26. Just standard standard lights that is all ;-) Also got a bmw 318 m sport diesel on the drive which is nice!
  18. To Pashley26. They are standard lights that been tinted to a dark smoke ( Similar shade to the corsa vxr) I also thought i would customise it by having the reverse/indicator clear lense left as it is. to give it a look and style where as most people tint over that bit. Andy
  19. H e I MISS MY 8000K XENON HIDS </3
  20. I thought it was a bit disrespectful that nobody gave Jack a round of applause for his good efforts and representing the UK... I enjoyed watching it EDIT: Just found out he is only 15 years old? WHAT DA FUQ?
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