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Everything posted by Andeee

  1. Any private plate owners on here? Just about to buy one for mine n found you have to inform your insurers to update your policy/certificate. I'm with admiral so any help from others with experience from this would help. As in do they charge etc?
  2. Well you know what they say: " Its just one of them days"
  3. Its just out of curiosity really. Trials parts have seemed to have gone down hill in testing/quality/warranty compared to 12 years ago when there was not exactly many trials specific parts about on the market. A lot of manufacturers for the likes of Mr Deng for example who seems to make products last for a period time of 6 months and only supplying 6 months warranty in my opinion its a bit of a stinge/con if you ask me. Friend of mine bought a zoo lynx bike from brand new just as the 6 month warranty had expired lots of parts started failing/cracking/breaking. It just goes to show he is not exactly testing them to the limits. Its not the same from how it was. Many riders like myself and others from back in the day used mountain bike specific parts where they rarely failed in the quality and always seemed to get tested for a fair period of time before they were released to the public and also scored some ratings in MBUK. Unfortunately times change and technology develops.
  4. Max Packman EDIT: Who da fuq changed my post to that > Huw Bristow
  5. To Ghostrider88 You dort half talk some shit lol
  6. Id rather take any protein shake whatever contents they have in than take a type of steroid. Am sorry but i just can't do myself to it.
  7. I drink protein shakes yes with water. Recently been taking a pro-biotic one to help my insides etc. But my diet i just cain the high protein and carbs to gain the size and train quite a lot in the gym, ride trials loads and my xc bike.
  8. Like i say its cheating. Wheres the fun and progress in normal training?
  9. I would not want to id rather earn my muscle/mass with training hard and dieting. I don't really wanna go for the croissant look for my build.
  10. What ever happened to au natural training? Some lads just need to stop cheating with there magic pills/supplements
  11. Really enjoyed that. Nice clips. Can't believe you rode on your own plus you kind of went at the wrong time as everyone was at radfest. Keep it up! Maybe next time you will visit Hull? ;-)
  12. To Mark W When you say these bars have been "Tested" by a bunch of riders. What period of time was they tested for? To say they only come with a 6 month warranty.
  13. I know it seems a bit off topic.. I bought a frame from Tarty about 5 years ago and it arrived with a small dent which must of been caused from transit. So i rang em n they asked to see pictures so i sent some as they requested. They rang me back an hour later and gave me two choices.. either send the frame back for a exchange or a set of free echo brake pads, stickers and a t shirt. Because you know a frame is going to get bashed from trials i took the 2nd offer. Adams top geezer for doing that.
  14. I can't quite work out all the negativity about this. The lad has bought a product used it for a few weeks to find a problem with it. Just send it back explaining what it is majority of companies offer a 28 days returns "policy". Normally in a situation like this you would be entitled to a refund as you are dissatisfied with the product or get an exchange. So what if Hope will laugh? If they pride themselves for a uk company manufacturing advanced bike components, them producing bottles is just shoddy.
  15. Heres the speed trial i filmed. 22 mins
  16. That was amazing.. It had a different feel to his video compared to his others. Great filming, riding, song choice and editing. Gutted he wasn't at radfest. Top vids as usual mr tunnicliffe! Andy
  17. Afternoon Gents Saw a post in another thread from meek saying its gonna be around a month til a radfest vid will be released so i thought id beat him to it . Been waiting about 2-3 hours for this to upload/process to YouPood. I thought id take the opportunity to film the speed trial and also zoom in on Johnny Vegas in the crowd lol. Enjoy! 12:15 - Johnny Vegas? lol WATCH IN 720P For full HD [media=]
  18. To get a pad sat straight/in line to the rim. I don't run a booster but when i tighten my clamps i tighten them equally so they are sat level i then put a bank card between the pad n rim and hold the piston in line with my hand and then tighten it up that seems to work for me.
  19. I now await for a northern equivalent of Jack Meek to build a place like barrow farm up north and hold a big yearly event.
  20. I feel sorry for members on here who work/represent for trials shops when they see threads relating to something that can be resolved simply through them and not on a forum. ( It is as if they are trying to give them a bad reputation in a way) Ok its only a £5 bottle but still you have just got to remember there is a returns policy for most online shops if you do occur with any faults or problems.
  21. What look/build do you intend to go for? If you are wanting to build more muscle/mass you will need to gain more weight like taking creatine etc.
  22. I sadly cracked me neon forks on the steerer at radfest. Sam T on here has offered me some Echo SL forks which came off his echo trial 24" bike and says a 26" wheel will fit? I just wanted to check with other owners on here seeing if they would know? He's offered them at a good price am not trying to say he is a lier etc lol just wanted to make sure they will go on my ozonys curve stock. I see the Sl forks that come of the 24" trial bike are not listed as a separate part on the likes of Tartybikes website. Cheers Andy Doggerz neon forks
  23. Uploading 22 mins of footage from the speed trial comp as i type this now... 10% with 190 mins to go. FML lol
  24. Typical Southerner introduction: " Owiteee Ladzzzz" This was what i was predicting on the way there in the car and it actually happened when we first met Jack Meek. Actually can't stop giggling about it lol
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