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Everything posted by Andeee

  1. Absolutely awesome ride today! Cheers Wiggy, Aaron, Carl, Tom, Mike, Chris, Chandler, Dave, Walker, Nigel and Jim . Had a few hours at indoor spot and finished off on some street. Video to follow late tonight ;-)
  2. Has a slight resemblance of pink i suppose.
  3. Indoor session ride today! Pictures and vid to follow later tonight ;-)

  4. Triallsaddict4lyf m8 Either what some people will not know is that Trialsaddict get there Echo stock off Tarty ;-) Ahhhhh how do you like them apples! So i suggest people quit with this whole "anti tarty" phase etc just because trials addict are cheaper by like £1.24.
  5. Only said it after seeing this. Although it is a false misleading ad lol(in terms of colour). DAMN they only do purple!
  6. Pink is the new orange ;-)
  7. sack the 24 n go stock ;-)
  8. Hey Benny am pretty good thanks and yourself? Yeah still riding. As for the comps unfortunately they stopped them at the end of the season that year . I'm hoping to take part in the tyke trials next year to get back on the natural scene. Would be good to get a ride sorted with you man! Andy
  9. MEETING PLACE: Brittania corner 12pm Got lads from Hull and Doncaster coming oh and the one n only Bing (Johnny Vegas) from Gooooooole. More the merrier. Can't wait!
  10. Now i feel scared. This kind of video is what made me wary on the whole screw on crank/rear wheel business after years of running middleburns and a pro2.
  11. Hey Benny Hows it going i remember meeting you before at a SMCC trial back in 2007. Wow thats going back a bit now lol. Good to see you've started back up! I think there is a face group known as Manchester Trials or along those lines where regular rides etc are arranged! Andrew
  12. Singleton this year (broke up 2 weeks ago) first time in about 6 years! Suppose thats 1 less to buy for and more for myself?
  13. I run the same setup near enough instead of echo cranks they are trialtechs. No spacer was required for mine.
  14. Niceeee clips also enjoyed the music too it was different which is good! Don't wanna sound harsh but that squat was poor in technique. Get lower!!! But good effort for attempting it
  15. Sorry could not resist they look so alike lol. @Prawn Your Audi must of had a lot of beans spent on it. How long have you had it? Seems to be progressing each time you put a update up. I love the black and orange theme.
  16. Just come across this... Genius! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iISCrx0xELk
  17. Wow so its like a eastern european Radfest . Just been on the website shame there is no english translator :/ Will have to wait and see what dates radfest is.. If i could find some people who are up for it i would definitely come.
  18. Saw a video of this years looked pretty good. Any pictures of the riding stuff etc? I only really saw the speed trial video. My birthday is on the 5th of that week . Would love to come would be an experience. Do many UK riders go? Many people there that speak good english? Cheers Andy
  19. Yeah i heard that too i just wish it would hurry up so females can be on the same level as us and so they know how it feels to be paying a overkill price. Finally something i can agree with the government on. EDIT: @Luke Rainbird What if they was to do it the other way round how amazing would that be... Ours go down... Theres goes up.
  20. You know what also grinds my gears.... Car insurance for women. Sexist b*sterds! in terms of price difference.
  21. I hate car insurance me..... Now i just feel the need to go out there and just go full on GTA style!
  22. Also Damon W for example. He did a lot of weight training and managed to destroy his knee from squats which means he can't ride anymore due to a serious knee problem he has. Yeah he was still going stupidly big during which is good but there is just risks in anything that you do. Mind you i saw a clip the other week of him having ago on someones onza zoot. Still bossing it! Just a shame about his injury and not being able to ride to a serious level.
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