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that NBR dude

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Everything posted by that NBR dude

  1. Don't the mono trials also have a bigger piston? From what I've found in the past, mono minis aren't really up to trials standards.
  2. Well that seems pretty concise. Maybe Mr Deng would be interested to see your final designs for the indestructible Andeee-freeeeewheeeeeel? Could go on a joint venture maybe?
  3. Echo ES3 Echo Pure Zoo Python Gu Typhoon Echo Pure Zoo Pitbull GU TP Echo Lite Zoo Lynx
  4. That was really really nice to watch, proper chilled with some stunning riding. Nice work!
  5. Indeed it is! Good to see she's still going strong
  6. Haven't posted in here in a while... few cars since I was last on here: Bought a cheap S14 drift shed to bomb around in, wasn't the prettiest but was just abused so didn't need to be. Was an awesome toy and slid very easily. Then needed something sensible and practical so the obvious choice was a GC8 Impreza Wagon turbo 2000. However, increased mileage and ridiculous fuel prices meant the 20mpg turbo tank had to go, replaced with a boring and very sensible Grande Punto 1.9tdi Sporting in ASBO orange. However all is not lost as I still have my weekend throw about as well...
  7. that NBR dude

    NBR 8

  8. that NBR dude

    NBR 6

  9. that NBR dude

    NBR 5

  10. that NBR dude

    Classic NBR vid 3

  11. that NBR dude

    NBR 23

  12. that NBR dude

    NBR 22

  13. that NBR dude

    NBR 21

  14. that NBR dude

    NBR 20

  15. that NBR dude

    Fred Jddd

    Fred Judd - nbrcycles.com
  16. It's not actually a 24" (well wasn't designed to be a 24" at least). It's a 26" (25" rear wheel) frame that someone has just put 24" wheels on and running disc brakes.
  17. Well, since it's December how about a festive topic? We've just put our tree up and wrapped the majority of the presents Here's ours:
  18. Best deal I can find is: Xbox 360: £37.99 from The game Collection PC Version: £32.99 from Buy.com
  19. I didn't think they made Try-all tyres, Try-all rims, or Continental tyres in 24"
  20. I did a little review in another thread for someone, I'll bung it on here for you...
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