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that NBR dude

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Everything posted by that NBR dude

  1. Would need a new wheel for that, as its not a disc hub, and I can't really be all that bothered to spend money on it. The chain does need sorting though, need to get some snail cams or something.
  2. Yea, and got the front brake sorted too. Found a longer hose in a box in the garage.
  3. Well as I've been bikeless for a while, and I found a few parts scattered around the floor, thought I'd buid something up for a laugh So here she is, its nothing amazing, and its no where near light, and to be honest I really don't care
  4. Bransgore always has the most random of weather, and the snow was definitely one of the strangest. Sounds like this will be a wicked comp, great start to the season!
  5. Personally I'd get a 30-58 stepping ring Ebay link The problem with using more than one stepper is it brings the adaptor further away from the original lens, increasing vignetting. Edit - Oh and Dr Nick, hes on about using a 30-43 then a 43-52 then a 52-58
  6. I'll be there offering my usual array of heckling, abuse and laughter
  7. Ahh Rich looks like you've been practicing some rail rides! Does this mean that rail by Tescos in Ferndown is going down soon?
  8. I cant do anything that requires set-up hops, like sidehops, gaps ect. I have to just do one hop and go. If I hop more than once, I can't put any power down at all! Can't tap or backwheel any higher than bar height.
  9. Thats correct, there were 2 versions of the St Blaize. I can't remember the differences between them, but I think it was just a few gussets here and there, and maybe a slightly thicker tubing.
  10. Just done the fix this morning, and everything is now perfectly working. Cost me £5.08 to repair, and did it in a couple of hours. So much easier and better than paying Microsoft £100+
  11. Maybe they've recently changed their policy then. They told me it would be 12 weeks before they can even look at it, so maybe they've had an influx of them recently.
  12. no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no and no.... Right some constructive help. Do not touch these so called "Full HD" cameras with a barge pole, especially when they are that price. The quality will look like its off a camera phone, and it will be a massive waste of your money. Have a trawl through Amazon and other sites at MiniDV cameras, which will be a much better option. If you want some advice ect about cameras, give me a shout on msn and I can show you through some options. True HD camers cost thousands of pounds for a reason.
  13. I bought the console from a shop, but was told it was pre-owened (demo model ect) but still carried the same garantees. Something that is a known problem by Microsoft, and a common fault in the console identified my Microsoft themselves, is not my problem, and is Microsofts problem. If I had misused the product then I would agree and never expect it to be repaired. A Manufacturing defect on the other hand, is something as a consumer, I'd expect to be rectified. Anyway thanks for the constructive help, I'm going to take a trip to PC World tonight to see if I can find something that will work.
  14. Appologies for the slight bump on this topic, but I've recently gotten the dreaded Ring of death. Phoned up Microsoft, only to be told that its not under warrenty as I bought it pre-owned from a shop, and that it would be an £80 fee + postage, with a 12 week minimum wait to be looked at, then a 3-4 week repair time, so I hung up. I had a trawl round the web and found some online tutorials so I've stripped it down ect, however I need some "Thermal paste". I've found some online retailers that sell it, but I'd like to get it repaired fairly quickly and dont see the point in £5 postage for a small tube of paste, so does anyone know of any physical shops where I can find it on the shelves? I thought maybe PC World would sell it, as its surely a common pc/heatsink tool for pc building. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and any success stories on people who have done DIY repairs. Thanks, Andy
  15. It would not be a Prawny photoshoot without the classic ass shot! Looking good dudes!
  16. Direct line and Aviva are the 2 main ones that are starting to phase out TPFT. Insurance on my Synergie was £540 TPFT, or £350 Fully comp, which is bizzar, however I can't complain at that one. Whatever you get at 17-18 is going to be expensive. You just have to bite the bullet and pay it. As soon as you have a years NCB under your belt (and obviously no points or crashes on your licence) it will go down a considerable amount. Insurance on my mini went from £980 for my first year, down to £500 for my second.
  17. Ok thanks I will have a look into it
  18. Yea pretty much as I put my foot on the clutch, the revs just continue to drop and the engine cuts out.
  19. First off, lets get all the mockery out of the way with the fact that I own a french car, thats big and unexciting to drive... ....Good, so to the problem. Ive got a '98 Citroen Synergie 2.0l petrol. Recently (past week or 2) I've had some issues with it. When I drive along, sometimes the engine will loose power for a second or two, as if its about to cut out, then kind of coughs and carrys on driving. It also, when at low revs (slowing down for a junction or whatever) the engine will cut out for no reason. It doesnt seem to do it all the time, just when it feels bored or something. It generally doesnt drive as well as it did, and feels kind of lumpy when you rev it or pull away. Ive tried running some injector cleaner through it, and done all the basic service stuff, but its still the same. I've also recently googled the symptoms to see if anything came up, and it seems they are identical to the symptoms suffered a couple of years back with that Supermarket Petrol problem that killed loads of cars. Now I will confess I do use supermarket petrol, because I'm cheap and it costs over £100 to fill my tank. Could it be this? There doesnt seem to be any more reports since, of dodgy fuel from supermarkets though. I will book it in for a check-up, but I thought I'd seek some advice from the knowledgable people on here first. Thanks Andy
  20. Ahhh the memories! Used to go on biketrials.com every single day and dream about owning a bike like those, and watching the videos. I remember the feeling when I bought my first Echo ES3 frame, pretending to be just like them.
  21. If anyone has seen the pics of Meeks snowman on facebook, I think he wins...
  22. People who take advantge of their mates, and walk all over them when it comes to oweing them money. Why can't people just be civil and pay back whats owed, or at least talk to them about it, its not a hard concept. People who will do 40mph in a 30mph zone, then continue to do 40mph when they get into a 60mph zone, that really winds me up! Cyclists riding slowly on the road, then ride to the front of a que of traffic, making all the cars who have just overtaken them, overtake them AGAIN! DVDs that have a 10 minute intro just to get into the menu, to play the film
  23. The Chris king noise is a novelty that wears off very quickly, and soon becomes annoying as hell, and you will be packing it back full of grease just to shut it up in no time. Like a lot of people have said, is it really worth the risk of potentially wrecking a perfectly good hub because it doesnt sound as loud as Mr X's? Just attatch a playing card to your chainstay if you are really that fussed about the noise...
  24. But the wheel and cranks I sent Jon over a week ago still haven't turned up, and I'm still waiting for a few christmas presents to arrive. Does seem really slow to recover from christmas this year.
  25. Crikey Dave, not spoken to you in ages! Good to see you're getting back into it, it bites us all at some point. Not a bad steed to get back on to either! Enjoy it dude Andy
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