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Acko Mod rider

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Everything posted by Acko Mod rider

  1. Has anybody got any mint sections for this game because i am getting bored off the old ones Thanks
  2. yeh the game is classs better than most wanted cos u can shape ur own body kits n that
  3. so what is the cheat or what make and stuff is the dumptruck and is it good ?
  4. HI has anyone unlocked the dumper truck in the reward cards on need for speed carbon/ or is there any cheats to unlock them all. Thanks Acko
  5. Are viz bars any good because i might buy some Thanks
  6. What pads, What about onza carbon bars any good, which forks, what freewheel and how much Thanks
  7. What do people think i should get on my 06 t-pro i want to make it a better ride and look good aswell Thanks Josh
  8. Good video,Good tune, Bad riding no only jokin good riding, all in all good video
  9. I have a Standard 06 t pro and im wondering what I should do to it to make it better.
  10. Not really Ive been playing it for ages mate its just i couldnt be botherd to put it on trials forum
  11. Hi there i have found a trials game where your on a onza T-pro and can hop,pedal hop and hook it is a hacked version of elastomania and comes with not many maps but they are long you go on chris or create new player and then play, external file then click one of those... the link is http://www.observedtrials.net/vb/showthrea...4617#post304617 you also need to download winrar
  12. Can u pedal hop, if not you get up on the back wheel lock the back brake,then wait a second till the front wheel drops, then kick the pedal and let go off the back brake but remember to grab it again after you have kicked or you will end up ass over tit....lol
  13. Hi does anybody have 2 month trials for xbox live as mine has ran out now so i need a new 1 or 2 add me or pm me if you have got any. Thanks Josh
  14. if anyone likes dirt jumping i know the perfect place it is called Great Ayton bike tracks and it starts at little jumps, and builds to monster ones. heres a link to a site with pictures: http://www.extremesports.ltd.uk/wheretorid...yton-trails.htm
  15. Does any 1 want to start trials riding ask around and tell them to add josh_atkinson84@hotmail.com
  16. Does anyone live near middlesbrough if so add me on msn josh_atkinson84@hotmail.com and we can go ridin 2geva
  17. How do people jump and sidehop so high i can do it about 1/2 a metre and thats it realy thanks Acko
  18. were can you get good cheap bikes and frames.
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