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Everything posted by Jason222

  1. Make: DOB Model: magnesium 26" Year: 2008 WB: 1072mm Chain stays: 380mm BB rise: +37 Head Angle: 72 Degrees Strength rating out of 10: 4 Weight rating out of 10: 9 Value for Money out of 10: 5 Spec: DOB Magnesium 26" frame, older echo disc fork, avid bb7 front, magura rear, gu cranks, dob rims front and rear. 9.5 kg. Overall: Wouldn't go back to it, didn't care for mine. Rides better than a lot of bikes out there, the weight is great, but the flex is a serious issue. Really hated the dropouts as well, they were always a bitch to setup.
  2. Check the echo website now, they've got a bunch of new parts in the TR series.
  3. I actually loved that video. Interesting style for sure! To all those saying he should get a bmx, when was the last time you'd actually seen a bmx rider ride like him? If he wants to ride his own way, why stop him? I've noticed that he's incorperated drivetrain into a lot of his moves, something that couldn't be done on a bmx bike with a harder gearing. I shit myself when I saw what you did at 3:18. Music was great too. Liked the darkness of the video. 5/5
  4. Simtra made a prototype frame with verticle dropouts and a hanger! Havent heard anything of it in a long time!
  5. Jason222


    PM me with your address, pay for the shipping, and I'll send you a bunch of tar.
  6. Jason222


    Do it anyway. You can use a knife if you want, put a slice every 5mm in the rim, it takes a long time, but it works. But if you put too many, it'll rape your brake pads.
  7. Deng needs to make 175 length cranks.
  8. Take off the brake booster and wings, and it's a GU LE! lol From the picture, it looks like it's got a really slack head angle...really hope it doesn't. Looks like another frame with a bit too much material used.
  9. Looks perfect! congrats!
  10. There are pics up of the new Zoo's on the tarty website. I want to know the geo!!!!
  11. Make: GU Model: LE 26 Year: 2008 Quick spec used with the Frame: Meta fork, king rear hub, avid front disc, maggy rear WB: 1084 Chain stays: 383 BB rise: 45 Head Angle: 71.5 Strength rating out of 10: 8 Weight rating out of 10: 8 Value out of 10: 9 Overall comments : Excellent Geometry. Frame is quite flexy around the seat stays. Way better frame than my previous dob and echo control frames. Relatively light as well. Would be nice to see these with a built in brake booster, and horizontal dropouts like the 09 echo control frame.
  12. Screw deng, jump on the meta fork bandwagon!
  13. +1 This man knows of what he speaks.
  14. Still waiting to see the new zoo's
  15. I've got an Adamant one, and absolutely LOVE it over the magura lever.
  16. This new echo stuff actually looks really promising. I'm excited to see the new control frame, if it has better geo than the old ones, I'll be getting one! Hopefully they've also kept the stiff-frame reputation of the control alive. The new Cnc'd rims kinda scare me though, it looks as though they took out too much material from around the spokes...and they really didn't make them all that light for a 'SL' rim. The front ones seem a little better weight wise. I hope these are still made of the same amazing grinding alu!
  17. So, I broke the axle. I managed to get the freehub body/axle out in one piece, but I don't know how to remove the axle from the freehub body? Can anyone give me some advice? Thanks Jason
  18. Click Here. Original thread.
  19. Anyone else? people on OTN are saying they grind well?
  20. I've had my king for 2 solid seasons of riding now, and I'm the second owner of it. It's NEVER skipped. I still think it was just the chain skipping, it can take time for a used chain to bed into a new cog. Or sometimes a new chain is mandatory...
  21. As the title says, I'm looking to find out how well ZHI rims grind. I might invest in a rear one if they grind as well as an echo rim, but if they're anything like the try-all or meta, I wont bother.
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