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Reece B

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Everything posted by Reece B

  1. Reece B

    The Lost Thread

    where you getting the torrents from? i cant seem to find it.
  2. whats memory has he got? either it might not be compatible or... does he have 2x 1gb sticks? try putting the memory module in at one of a time. to narrow down what cause the beep. always look in the motherboard manual to see what the beeps mean.
  3. dan have you got the mk1 golf yet?
  4. cheers adam! hadnt thought of that lol
  5. LOL! first time ive ever fooked a link up! oh well was in a rush and didnt check it.....was off for a game of half life 2(y) so any way whats the song lol....
  6. righty this is a vid that came out early last year, ive searched for the page cant find on tf. here is the link that i have on myspace. link HELP! Reece
  7. which they wouldnt....you would be straight off to jail.
  8. good job its not me in the pic! if you look at the bands friends im under Reece..... so yeah take the pic out of your post, was abit unnecessary.
  9. yeah man starions are great fun! lovely cars. much nicer than these moden cars...can actally feel the car working. non of this computer shit that take over load of old bollox haha
  10. my dads got a red one. ive got a white one to restore. 2ltr trubo 200 bhp standard... would leave any silly little civic behind and the best thing is, rear wheel drive with lsd = shit loads of fun haha
  11. cheers, we did go up to london and recorded in livingston studio's. will let you know when the song is available.
  12. cheers guys! btw that isint me singing =p im tone def! i play guitar and piano abit =p
  13. hey guys havent posted in bloooming ages. any way cut a long story short, stopped riding for winter and have been working away with the band. we had this song pro recorded in london, and are hopping that our producers will land us a label lol any way here is the my space link. linky please look and leave a comment on here on your view and thoughts. (ps joe pm me)
  14. has every one in like southend forgot about me? =[ obviously, well im in the same boat as andy, and to be honest i cant be f**k to ride! its the same spots over and over....i work 2 night a week, have band pratice one night a week and see the gf the other nights. there is no way of getting any time to ride trials any more. maybe a change in bike might help me get back into it... ps simps im not one of those eastwood lil theives lol, oh hows it going with the lady friend eh?
  15. Reece B

    Off The Rails

    you got a new front wheel yet? haha loved it! ride soo yeah
  16. +1 its a bloody great game! get your reaction time so fast! i also have got the crysis demo and oh my god JUST LOOK! cant wait for the full game!
  17. sexy time! love this vid! we shall have to go riding again soon!
  18. oh my god nile im in love that is just sick! and lol! how many bikes have thoughs wheels been on now? 3 haha are you riding tomro? please be
  19. yeah was a great ride when you lot finally turned up lol! hopefully next time we can find more spots where about do you live chai?
  20. ill hopefully will show my face too... see you there, also wouldn't it be quicker for the guys coming from Essex to get off at Stratford station? as Victoria park is like 5mins down the road...
  21. isn't it still under warranty?
  22. Reece B

    3d Modeling

    3d max 9 any goood?
  23. Reece B

    3d Modeling

    Hey guys, well im interested in some 3d modeling and wondered what type of programs are out there, and what programs for a beginner So is there many of you on tf that do modeling alot ? Any tips would be helpful, ta Reece
  24. whos that nile? also where are you man? havent been on msn in long!
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