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About maxxis26

  • Birthday 09/07/1986

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  • Interests
    riding the beach front rocks in bude<br />everytime i ride theres somthing new
  • Location
    Holsworthy - Near bude

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maxxis26's Achievements

Trials King

Trials King (4/9)



  1. After talking to my girlfriend for a while about getting back into trials she went out and found me a saracen trials bike, I know it's not much but at least it gets me back out. I started on a saracen mad when I first got into trials so I'm unbelievably happy
  2. I'm 28 and have just returned after a 7 year absence, picked up a cheap bike and started riding again I seem to remember a time when it was called "jibbing"
  3. Try some copper grease on the back of the pads, it will take a lot of the noise away
  4. Has brought another bike and starting trials again

    1. Skoze


      where did you bring it from?

    2. MartMini


      and its not me for once!!

  5. This was the film that started it all off for me all those years ago I remember first being lent it by a friend (who never got it back) and then watching it on extreme tv on sky Epic video
  6. Simple fact is carbon is flexy it's just the way it is trials bikes are built to be rock solid so any flex or movement is bound to worry anyone but until development moves on the simple fact is carbon will flex
  7. If your really that worried about it swap them for alloy bars
  8. Think it may just be the nature of the material being a weved material it will have a bit of flex it's just the way it's made I guess
  9. Ok so I've been out of trials since my ankle operation last year and I'm slowly working my strength up. I'm rebuilding my full sus first and I'm building the wheels and want to use Alex rims DX32 bug it seems there not made anymore so what do you recommend boys?
  10. has anyone ever made a tilt-shift video? found this and wondered if anyone had done it for trials http://www.passingloop.com/?p=1923 - video is on the page
  11. http://tiltshiftmaker.com/ cheers mate
  12. a while ago someone put a few pics of some natural riding and using somesort of online editor it made the picture seem really deep and made the riders look small hard to explain but can anyone help? i want the website to edit some model railway pics
  13. hi, long time no see, you still riding? ride plymouth on christmas eve?

  14. add me to the list as a possibility
  15. right ive decided my bike is too heavy and needs to go on a diet after the plymouth ride i realised it too heavy right the bike is a standard build as follows - no parts have been modified/drilled or cut spec is adamant A1 magura rear hope mini front rear echo rim atomz front zoo cranks echo sl bash trial tech chain echo forks vp pedals tryall bars and stem link - http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=143807&st=0&p=2009932&#entry2009932 ive concidered squaring the holes in the rims and single walling the rear... good/bad? any help appreciated
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