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Trials Punk

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Everything posted by Trials Punk

  1. I'd be up for it if I had a bike. But due to unfortunate circumstances which includes a large cow from texas, a guy called desperate dan and a pie dish i can't.
  2. Just give it a bloody kick man. Especially if its a BB in a leeson. Give it a smash eh? Merry crimbo songs on a kazoo.
  3. Go to www.welshsidebmx.co.uk Some really nice riding especially with dumb ass coady, he's getting good. Plus something about a finger. Download all the vids there and check out the photo section, think one of my photos is flying around there somewhere. Check it ouuuuuut.
  4. Fair enough. At the end it sounded weird, like "ehhh". Maybe thats just me lol.
  5. The kerb comp thread has been on the first page all day today. As far as i'm aware, but then again i'm not a very aware person. Really good vid, well editied and good riding. With a nice sound affect added to the end, what the hell was that? Spanglish for "cut" Hmmmmm. Lol. Gonna be a close call between 3 I think. Boons's, leedtrials and yours. I don't think having seperate topics for every vid would work too well, there'd be a flood of topics.
  6. If anyone wants me to send them that song then add me to msn. If not loooooseeerrrrr. Any more videos for in HERE then fellas?
  7. Do you think it would work if I ran my mech like yours but with 5 gears. Just a thought so it would be easier to run a thicker chain.
  8. That is rather large sir. If I do say so myself. Well done. I couldn't manage something like that.
  9. Cheers. Its a grrrrreat song. My msn is trialslife@hotmail.com Its called Fccsong by the legendary monty python crew.
  10. I'll try my best to get down. I'd really like to come along. John S, if your catching the train down do you want me to accompany you? Just tell me what train you'll be on and i'll try get there. Plus we can play snap with our leesons. If they were the same colour. Bumford, you still got that bloody cast on? I'm sure its fixed by now. ;)
  11. Lol cheers. I was chuffed when I got the sound in time with the video. Lmao. Good fun but I got some weird looks off the neighbours.
  12. Cheers. I should have a put a caution rating on that one. Disturbing song.
  13. Well I managed to film it. Its very differnt, I don't think many people have front hooked, front toched and wallrode a kerb. It wasn't easy but i did it. Theres a high a low quailty for it. Hope you like it. Right Click and save target as. High Version Low Version I'll tell you the name of the tune a little later.
  14. That was really good boon. I'm impressed. Not quite a kerb but you could have still done the same things on a kerb.
  15. With a bit of luck i'll film and edit my video tommoro. Its definatly differnt and something i don't think anyones done on here before. Its going to shock you. Its gonna be "big" Hopefully I will get it done.
  16. Cheers for that. Just working out dreamweaver now. Ohh the joys of modern technology.
  17. Alright alright. Seing as I have no work, no school just college 3 hours a week. I think I can handle it. Well here goes nothing, time to learn.......
  18. What you on about? Dreamweaver scares me. Confusing. Dosn't it make sense that i'm not good at computers, yet i've got errors on the site. Blahhhh.
  19. How do I use a liquid layout? I'm using frontpage if that helps. As you've probabbly guessed i'm an utter idiot when it comes to anything technicall with computers.
  20. I'm about to do a newer version of www.ride-trials.com I rushed this website wayyyy too much and its very ugly. So I'm going to make a simpler version. What I need to know is how to I make the pages able to fit on the screen of everyones PC's at home. What I mean is on my computer its fine, on otheres you have to scroll left annd right to see the rest of the page. So how do I make it universal like this site for example. Hope you can understand what i'm going on about. Cheers.
  21. I'm definatly voting LABOUR. After the conservtives had finished their reign, they had sold off the railways leaving them in the state they are in now, closed down almost every single coal mine making unemployment sky rocket as well as doing our economy in as the coal from wales WAS THE BEST IN THE WORLD fact. They also run the country into massive debts. Now labour (blair) has come along and had to tackle the mess they left as soon as he stepped through those doors. Inflation and morgage rates have been the lowest for years. Labour are even trying to slowly buy the railways back to get some stabililty there. They've tackled alot recently, imagine what they can tackle in the next 4-5 years. They will have a much easier job. MRSA, has been around for bloody ages. Want to know something, you most probably have mrsa creeping over your body as your reading this. It only attacks you when you are weak and vunerable. Its a hard to contain disease and I admit the hospitals need alot of improving. Really they need to bring back the matrons again, ohhh matron you say. And also nurses shouldn't be allowed to take nursing clothes home with them. They sould be washed in the hospitals. Imagration is another topic which I'm sure your aware of. If labour get into power again, do you think they are going to ignore these problems. NO! Unemployment is low. THE OTHER MAJOR PARTIES Conservtive. Michael howard, slimy git. I don't trust him one bit. He blabers on about immagants too much. If he came into power I doubt we'd have any british industry left. He'd probabbly close them. Lib dems. Bandwagon. Just imagine the people out of monty python doing the ministry of silly walks thing around number 10. Thats what it would be like. Charles kennedy is a headless chicked. Does he really know where he's going? Nope he has no head. Vote labour.
  22. Well I'll try find the number. I just fancied ordering them last night thats all.
  23. I need to know where to by arrow racing tyres from. www.202426.com do them but their site don't work, any body know any others? Sooner the better. Cheers.
  24. Don't you mean, pounds200 ko? (Y)"
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