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Trials Punk

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Everything posted by Trials Punk

  1. Well thats a legandary post there. "Go to bed" You'll be suggesting that coconuts migrate sooner or later. The guy is right it should be going similar to where the white line is. It just seems to make sense.
  2. Is anyone up for a ride in bristol not tommoro but the saturday after? So far its just me and my mate niall. I'm sure daniel ko will come along, and i'm attempting to get his royal heiness tom turd out. So it will be around 11.00-11.30 at temple meads. Hopefully see some people there.
  3. And theres me thinking mavic was all for interested.
  4. I GOT THE BEAST BACK. Riding in my local town Caerphilly and some bald guy in a BMX pulled up asking how much our bikes were worth as he had one like them. I asked him the make he said Base Bikes TA26 with no seat. I asked him the colours of the tyres and the hubs and he said red. He then said is it yours, I said yeah it got nicked off me in churchill park. He said I could have it back. Apparantly he'd reported it to the police (even though they never told me idiots) after it got dumped in his second garage left underneath a car bonnet. It is in the exact condition as I left it in. Set up to how I used to ride which was weird. RESULT.
  5. If we don't see this blooooody video soon everyone will have your guts for garters. Respectivly of course.
  6. Its really not worth it. You might aswell just leave it on that extra week. Its not going to hurt is it? Go buy a new game or something (Y) entertain you for a week. Hopefully ride bristol with you sometime when you've healed.
  7. As I have a second oppinion. That second opinion has tattos and has designed tattos and helped out in a shop which does tattos. (Y)
  8. You calling james a challenge? (Y)"
  9. To be honest I can't stand tattos. Few of my mates have them and half the time they just look dam stupid. My one mate has the grim reaper covering HIS WHOLE BACK. He only got it because it looked cool. At least he can't see it though otherwise I'm sure he would have got bored of it by now. You should get a tatto that means something to you, not something every other idiot will have. Plus that is a harsh job whoever did it. Seing as it looks bad I'd continuosly check it for infection. Always look on the bitghttt side of life (Y)"
  10. Well I certantly saw less of him. At the end of the day the system works, if people don't like being at the bottom of the pile then they should work their way up by posting good helpfull topics.
  11. To increase the nuclear power of the blast. Make posts in chit chat count, and bring back the post counter. OVERLOAD. *crash again* *sigh*
  12. Actually I think that would be quite a good idea. Make a log of whoever is in pre members and new members that join. Get rid of mods and sm's (leave admin here of course) and just let it run loose for a week or two. Record the whole event and keep it somewhere for people to see what happens. Then but pre-members and any new members back in to where they belong (for now). Put mods and SM's back in. If this is possilbe I reckon it would be quite a good idea to show people what would happen. Might be a bit of a task but it would be worth it I think. Would be a shed load of work. I'm not expecting anyone to agree with me, just I think that idea should be taken a little further. (Y)"
  13. Just found this. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....topic=39495&hl= Your bitching about members trying to become senior members, but here your incouraging them? Bit of a contradiction on your part.
  14. Royal Trials you don't half turn up with some rubbish. Like others have said if we didn't have a heirachy here it would just be a mess. So what if someone wants to become a senior member anyway? They've got something to look up to and they want to be it, so what if its only over the internet its most defiantly not one step down to what they were before. Becoming a senior member can make you get noticed more? It can have advantages, an upper hand. People might buy more things you sell and if your lucky might even get things cheaper. Theres loads of advantages not many disadvantages so why not attempt at being just that little bit more. The senior members have helped this forum no end. I was here 3 years ago and you should have seen some of the idiots then posting like mad just to get their post count up. Bill for example he posted so bloody much. Then someone decided (not sure if was tom-danny or a senior member stopped the chit chat area adding to the post count) it worked. Bill more or less died out and since the post count has been removed you hardly ever see him, he's rare. I think this is the second time you've annoyed me. The first was when after me, saying that I had gapped 8.6ft static. You said there was no way I could have done that. But I did do it, people witnessed it. I had been riding about 2 and a half years by then so I certantly had enough experience. Even though now I'm rubbish at static gaps (bloody 24"). Theres my rant over.
  15. Yeah can someone whoas got it upload it somewhere else. I could only download 3mb and it just stops saying download is compleate. Piece of poo.
  16. I can ride the 16th. But I 'm thinking it might be a bit early for some. I think bristol is the best as we have had massive rides there before withour problems just the weather. Bristol is quite close to alot of people exept for north england and wales.
  17. Well that pic of me is years old too. If you were dissing his style why did you say learn how to ride trials proper? Even though he's an amazing natural rider.
  18. Actually why don't you learn to ride. You look terrible.
  19. You might also say that mountain bikes have no place in the skatepark, or on dirt jumps. As they might as well ride skateparks and dirt jumps on BMX. Opps dam theres that mountain bike scene gone.
  20. Yeh but we all know danny(mavic) has problems with his innner self. He just can't help it sometimes. Yeh anyway. Really good video, don't know why but I think keeping it short works well. AS ALL I WANT TO DO IS SEE MORE OF IT NOW. Making me want to check that site more often. :D"
  21. What poor bugger would want to wake up next to that, they'd think they they've fallen into the local seal sanctury. BARF BARF. wobble wobble.
  22. Well I'm afraid one welshy can't make it. ME. Sorry mister ko, i'll be out riding with the misses. :mellow:"
  23. I'll have to put you on a bloody leash soon and you ain't ugly. Silly bugger. Anyway subway your very ugly, in fact scary comes to mind if I seen you waddling down towards me in the street. It would be christmas come early for some of the fat slags down the shopping centre. And what is sam up to? Oh yeh makeup sams department. :S"
  24. It is my sisters bike. But I've used and abused it and put new parts on it. I always say my bmx its automatic lol. No really. :lol:
  25. It was a great ride, well watching everyone ride anyway. Seing as I didn't have a bike to ride except my pink bmx, I must have looked out of place. Well done to everyone who turned up. R.I.P Deej
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