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Trials Punk

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Everything posted by Trials Punk

  1. Theres trials riders in tenby again????!!! Whats going on. Depending if anyone from my way wants to ride (i think i may still be the only one) then I'm up for it. Need to get out more and loose some of this flab I've accumilated.
  2. I don't think its wise to get a hernia this early in life.
  3. A few of us will be riding porthcawl today. In the rain probabbly but its all good I like it wet.
  4. Trials Punk


    Your just jealous because you ain't got one.
  5. Gonna be riding cardiff later, about 1.00 ish. If any fancys it come on down.
  6. Even though it was an extremly odd thing to do, why was he put on the sex offenders register? Unless the bike wasn't his maybe. Hmmmmm.
  7. You'd be surprised what you can get it to run on really. I'm running it 1280x1024, then most stuff on low except for terrain and geometry (i think) which are on medium. My spec is Pentium 4 3.0ghz, 1.5gb of mixed crappy ram, and a 7600gs. FPS is good enough to play the game. Thats all on Vista too.
  8. Don't listen to him, he's just trying to suck you in. Its something someone should never go into, like a blackhole. Once your in you never come out and neither does your money.
  9. APPRENTICE ENGINEER If you can get into some form of engineering and you work at it you will be sorted. I've just started mine and can say its the best thing I've done so far. Doing sheet metal engineering. After the 4th year my pay will be over the 20k mark. Just stay in 6th from and look for apprenticeships at the same time.
  10. Theres too many Irish about these days, got everything arse backwards. "My engines making a funny noise naow" "Lets strip her, must be something bent" "Oh dear me naow it was just the spark plug" I would say 90% chance of it being electrical. When you check you dizzy make sure that the shaft has no excessive play in it. Clean all contacts and use some water dispersant on it. If any contacts are blackened or dis coloured you can give them a light sand if you havn't got any dosh to replace them. Make sure that battery is disconnected first.
  11. My mates just set up a new gaming video hosting site. For all you pc gaming loons out there to host or watch vids. Get on there, sign up. Would be most appreciated. Any feedback is welcome. www.tehnubtube.com Cheers.
  12. Nice vid. I'll have to pop over to swansea sometime when my bike and cars fixed. Wouldn't mind a bit o trials on the rocks again.
  13. I would have come for a wee ride but I'm missing a bolt for my front wheel and I'm going downhilling now. Shite. Achh well another time maybe.
  14. Played it, got bored in an hour. I need to shoot people not click linksssssssssssssssssssssss.
  15. Rhinoceros, Solid Works and Radan is what we have in work. In college were using Inventor 9. They're good. Not talking about price though. Ahem.
  16. Just to let you know a few of us will be riding bristol today. We'll be at temple meads at about 12.00ish. Well hopefully. Probabbly go straight own the harbour. Laters.
  17. This countries getting to bloody soft. I can understand how they must feel, its something they loved. At the end of the day if my dog had something that could spread to other dogs I'd get it put down, if it meant only I had to suffer thats fine. It would stop alot more people suffering weather it was to do with money or love. Anyway I need to stroke my gerkin.
  18. You start correcting things like that and you'll have the spelling bee out. Your stealing his role here.
  19. Are there any BB's that are sold off the shelf to fit in the leesons? I'm guessing no but you never know.
  20. Latley fishers have disapointed me, they hardly ever seem to have any of the avid stuff in stock. Mainly rear mechs even if it does say its in stock on their site it usually isn't. The whole back order thing as well. Sometimes we'll have a part on back order which is actually in stock and will be for 2 weeks before they realease the back orders.
  21. All you need is a knife and a ligheter. Walk out your front door find a patch of pavement which has been repaired. There should be a join sealed with tar. Heat the tar up then scrape away with the knife. You may get some odd looks from the neighbours but hey who cares.
  22. Seing as someone brought up seagulls. Anyone manage to catch one to throw in anyones tent? We were trying one night but to no avail.
  23. I bloody hope it is.
  24. Was quite good, wish the was more stuff do to (more stuff to break). Not sure who i met off here in total. Did anyone see the state on some of the bogs. Shit piled up a foot higher than the lid, sinks on the floor, shit on the floor. Butane gas cartridges on the fires were deadly. Someone blew something up in some kids tent with him in it, poor git. Wish I had brought my bike though, had to rob nmt_oli's bike twice and johns. Can't wait till next year, hopefully it will be better.
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