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Trials Punk

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Everything posted by Trials Punk

  1. The Spelling Bee mostly corrects spelling. There used to be a Grammar Bee but he died.
  2. Now we could have picked on the fact that he missed out two full stops aswell. Thats just being cruel though as I know my spelling and GRAMMAR is not outstanding. Then again when you make a post like that you should try and get it right! Even though I don't know you Danny I will always love you.
  3. Yes, you may have guessed it, my summon was fake. Yours is the real summon. I just couldn't remember the sequence.
  4. Even though I'm not too fond of this whole spelling and grammar malarky, I thought I would give the young ones a chance to witness the Spelling Bee. Quite possibly the only GOD that trials forum has. So here it is my spelling bee summon. Spelling Bee, Spelling Bee come to thee, Spelling Bee we are in need Or something along those lines. Yours humblebee, Kyle.
  5. Be sure to look left and right before crossing the road. Make sure you wipe your ar*e after laying a large log. Be sure to turn lights off if your not using them because we don't want to become extinct now do we. Most importantly though make sure we spell the word grammar correct (because life just isn't the same with it spelt wrong). If you abide by these four rules we won't send you back, oh no we won't. p.s If you find any mistakes in this post please send an e-mail with corrections to itdosntreallymatterweareallgoingtodieanyway@isoldmysoultohalfords.com
  6. Awsome ride. Can't wait to get out again. Must have been about 10 riders out in the end. Awsome. Nath and ozzy you left too early You missed the group of nudist scottish women.
  7. Tell you what. you'll still be there abour 12.00 ish. If I you leav your number now or in the morning i'll txt you till say i'm at the train station or castle gardens or summat. my number is 07890484612 Its just as long as i can find you its o.k
  8. Argh. i get home from the pub now I'm confused. I wish poepl whould stick to plans mun. Then I'd know whats going on!!!. If people are still ridin let me know. I can't get there till abouit 12.10 ish. The rugby should be o.k kick off is about 2.00-3.00 ish so majority of non piss heads will be off home about 4.00-5.00 ish. Get a train home after 5,00 and your sorted. SOMEBODY LET ME KNOW BEFOREE 10am tommmmmmmm0oz. i like beer
  9. I txtd him yesturday, or day before. He said he would be there.
  10. I'd love too but I'm working. Was down there last sunday was dry but really windy. When the weather clears up a few of us are planning on staying down there for 2 nights, either a hotel or ruffing it in tents somewhere if anyone fancys it. Don't look like there will be any rain, just hope it ain't too windy for you.
  11. Yeah theres a handfull of riders in porthcawl.
  12. Yo fella. I'm from caerphilly so not far. I've ridden the bay a alot. You got an e-mail addy or anything? Old post but only just found it.
  13. Yo where too in cAerphilly do you live?

  14. You where too in caerphilly do you live?

  15. Yo. Where too in caerphilly do you live>

  16. Cardiff lot. Who are they? I think theres one rider in cardiff ATM and another from barry I'll try to get them out. I live just outside in Caerphilly and am the sole trials rider really. Dave from cardigan said he was up for it.
  17. I think alot of shit music is slowly getting phased out now. Like pop, or people just using music to make as much money as possible. Reason being with the whole illigal downloading thing going on, I can't see there being that much money in it anymore. So maybe we'll start to see more bands ect with meaning in their songs and not just some crap about going to a club getting wasted throwing up and not remembering much at all of it.
  18. As many others. Sheldon helped me to build my first wheel. R.I.P Sheldon.
  19. Well I havn't really been on the forum much. I noticed someone had R.I.P oli but it didn't really twig. I'm a bit late in reading this. I met oli twice, first time at Castle Coombe where he and prawn admired my Mini. The second time I met him in a somewhat drunken state as nass. He talked about what he was planning with the mini now and I was impressed by his plan. 16valve 1litre I think? From the small amount of times I met him he seemed like a great guy and will be missed. R.I.P Oli. Edit: Just watched the video. Very moving, pictures are amazing. I did notice one number plate in the background L509 DOB Weird but my first mini was L589 DOB
  20. Make sure you ask for a square taper crank extractor as the ISIS crank extractors are different to the square ones. So you could pick up the wrong one.
  21. Didn't you listen. I said don't quote me I wish they did though.
  22. I like the feel of the old style lever. Might have to start making a stockpile as I don't think you can get them new (don't quote me, not sure).
  23. I could never understand how magura have never improved on the design on the TPA. All the years that its been out, all of those years of product feedback and they never changed it on the first lever. Now on the new lever there are still some problems. I do like where they placed the TPA though, that makes sense to me.
  24. Its all down to your riding style really. Also how tall you are and what kind of build. Smaller cranks mean that you can perform rotations quicker (but so can gear ratios). Longer cranks mean more leverage (torque) so you may be able to put more power into things. BB's on most trials bikes seem to be quite high now, I can't see hitting the floor being a big problem unless you like to pretend your a speedway rider
  25. I'm not sure if I suggested this before. Or its just been floating in my head for a long time. Its an awsome idea just needs doing. I wish I had the great knowledge to unertake such a feat but I lack it.
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