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Trials Punk

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About Trials Punk

  • Birthday 03/28/1987

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    Zoo Piranha, Pashely Forks, Trialtech Bar and Stem, Maggie rear, Vee front Leeson 609 & forks, CK hubs on Rhyno Lites, Middleburn Cranks, Maggies, Easton bars, Thompson stem
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  • Interests
    I just want bang bang bang.

  • Location
    Caerphilly, Cardiff, South Wales

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Trials Elite

Trials Elite (6/9)



  1. Ahh mint, cheers for that. I do need to get some for potentially re-spraying my old Giant ATX, not sure if I want to spray it yet though.
  2. I just want them back so I can nab some new decals for a re-spray!
  3. Actually, next month it's 11 years. I'm a year older than I thought....
  4. My Leeson is soon to celebrate its decade old Birthday! Best dust it off, well, bit more than dust me thinks!
  5. Still got it with me, can ride tonight if you want?
  6. Anybody in Portsmouth fancy a ride sometime one evening this week? I work in gosport every week and I'm bringing the bike down with me this week, let me know if anyones up for it.
  7. ^^^Same^^^ I've got a king on my Leeson 24", and an Echo SL on my Zoo. The Echo SL feels so much more solid than the king, the king seems to have quite a "soft?" engagement to it. Plus, if you ever break anything with the echo you can take it off the hub and just change it for a different make or newer model. If you decide to change the king to something else, it becomes alot more fun!
  8. Ha, those kids really had it in for you as soon as you started going up the plank. I thought you were going to make it at one point, think those crotch shots might have put you off though...
  9. Not usually one for "biggin up" other riders, but I've always found Mr Goddard to be silky smooth.
  10. Dam all us Welsh people! Yeah... Anyway, apart from the above statement all of what you have said is bang on. When I came across the fire, I thought that was the official TartyDays fire. As soon as the aerosols went on, I started thinking back to the NASS days.....The aerosols were definatly a step to far, but why they had a problem with the fire is beyond me. With regards to noise, even on the Saturday night I didn't think it was out of hand. If you put a bunch of lads together, and beer your going to get noise! What was with the woman at the BBQ, "donations please" (no donation), "tight"!!! I didn't even know what I was donating to! In all honesty, I did enjoy myself. Only thing I thought would have added to it was a few more obsticals in out area, maybe just some more pallents to make stuff out of.
  11. Rather than just slating him, why don't you offer advice as how to measure the wheelbase you throbber! As said throbber said, you can measure your own wheelbase. To do this get the bike resting vertically with the bars straight and measure from the centre of the one axle to the other. To measure chainstay length, measure chainstay length, measure from the centre of the rear axle to the centre of the BB (i think). The BB height will be the height that the BB sits above the wheel axle line. Measure the distance from the centre of one axle to the floor. Then measure the distance from the centre of the BB to the floor then take one away from the other. What are you using to measure the seat tube? To make sure its right, you will want to use a vernier caliper to get an accurate measurement. I'm going to hazard a guess that the internal diameter is more than likely going to be 31mm, as opposed to your 30mm. So a 30.9mm should fit perfectly. For the seatclamp your going to need an accurate measurement of the outside diameter of the seat tube.
  12. I have not seen Base around for a long time, not sure if they are trading anymore. If you are interested, I have a TA26 in silver I would be willing to sell. Let me know if your interested.
  13. Ive always run avid SD7s on the front, never really had any problems with them though. Not discounting the Shimanos as I have never run them.
  14. Can't wait for this to happen! Just gutted we can't pick up the rent-o-van till 12, so we are not going to be there till 5pm. Thinking on that, is arriving at 5pm Satuday going to be a problem? I hazard a guess it may...
  15. Another vote for Belaeys. Some people might find that they don't give the desired bite they want, but the hold is awesome. Never had a problem with the chamfered edges myself
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