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r2wtrials last won the day on January 5 2021

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About r2wtrials

  • Birthday 12/19/1965

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  • Bike Ridden
  • Quick Spec
    TRS 280 2017, Echo Pure
  • Country
    United Kingdom

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  • Interests
    Motorcycle trials and photography. Bike trials now stopped to preserve limbs and joints!!
  • Location
    Wick St-Lawrence. North Somerset

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  1. Two years later .. and now 55, still a few hops in me! As most of our motorcycle trials riding venues have been unavailable because of various Covid restrictions i've taken to having a few minutes here and there on the Echo again ... fitness is very lacking these days but trying to make that better!! ... had to go and buy some skate shoes again ... my 5 year old 5 10's had finally had it
  2. Found some more spare old bits in my garage ... so the old Echo is about ready for riding, probably safer for me to stay on the flat for now !
  3. A few adjustments and some Echo graphics, even had an hour hopping on the drive ... seems harder to do now I’m 52 than it was when I last did it at 40 !
  4. Gaps I don’t think will be happening much .. age and a knackered knee are against me there! ... I am just under 6 foot tall if that helps. I did look on tarty site and most bars are the same width as mine or thereabouts.. I’ll try these for a bit.
  5. ... just one question, bars feel narrow. They are 700mm .. is that normal these days?
  6. .. had a hop around on the drive today. After 40 minutes i was fecked ... but if i can eat a bit healthier it will certainly make some weight fall of. Fitted a slightly longer and more angled stem and tipped bars forward a bit and find it very comfy ... out on the motorcycle trials bike tomorrow for 4 or 5 hours, see if i can do more than two back-hops on that
  7. According to the wife this will all end in tears, and probably hospital, but after many years i have just obtained one of my old bikes and plan on having a gentle hop around again. I'm 52 now, and with a very knackered knee after 5 dislocations doing motorcycle trial ... but what the hell, you're a long time dead Bike's a bit old school but then again so am i, and it may help to shed a few kilos and possibly help with my motorcycle trials balance etc ... here's the old dog. ... any other old gits like me still having a play?.
  8. There used to be a lot more biketrial people also involved with moto trials when i was riding 10 to 15 years ago or more... personally i partly blame the silly no-stop rules we had pushed on us in the motorcycle world for turning off some of the people who would hop about on the cycles and then progress into the motorcycle side. Look at the world round riders in the motorcycle world and they were almost all biketrial champions before. Now very rarely see youngsters do either both or move from cycles to moto. ... also has to be said, we all get older and go to work and settle down into families etc. Biketrial does tend to get left behind when that all happens. Just reached 52 years old and having a small hop again
  9. Well .. it’s been a while ! Many years ago I was hopping around and on this forum daily ... time has past and I am now 52 but have recently decided that a bit of a hop again may help get my lardy arse back Into a little better shape ... still ride motorcycle trials every week as well, and got an old Onza that I can still amazingly hop around on the back wheel with, shame I still can’t do it on my TRS !
  10. Been many, many years since i looked in on this site ... reckon i was nearer 40 when i packed in riding a cycle trials bike to keep fit for motorcycle trials .. Well, i'm 52 soon ... just been hopping around the driveway on an old Onza T-Rex .. i am older and heavier and un-fit, but really enjoyed it. Think i may get some pallets out again ! Was wondering if we have many old timers on here ...
  11. Great stuff Gary... really nice to see some natural riding. I guess as a moto trials rider (and an old git!) i just can't get that excited about concrete bashing vids. What is the state of play on your moto riding? I believe you had an injury at the beginning of the season but are you back on the road again, or has the price of fuel just got too much to keep riding lower down in the UK at the national events.
  12. What has become very obvious in the last 5 years or so is the use of biketrial techniques in the moto trials... Raga was one of the first to back hop across multiple obstacles, now taken that bit further by Bou and Cabestany. If you watch Bou he uses a pre jump to get more lift on the bike for big or undercut steps. Almost all of the Spanish riders over the last 20 years who have gone on to do well on motos started in world level biketrials. Something i have been pushing in the moto world for years is that riders who are serious about getting better should all have a cycle at home to play on. Now many of the British championship riders have them. What i would like to see at each British moto round is a few areas set up for cycles, just to encourage people to bring one along and maybe encourage more riders to try it.
  13. http://www.photobysergio.fr/gefrees-warm-up.html
  14. http://www.photobysergio.fr/k124days-2011-video.html
  15. http://www.photobysergio.fr/benito-rudolphe.html
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