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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. I actually cried then hahahahahaha f**king mint!
  2. Used to go out on my own riding moonrocks for hours on end and not get bored. Used to love the freedom of not being hastled and just being able to get on with riding. Do it on my XC bike aswell, stick the music box on and away i go.
  3. Training to be a service engineer on injection moulding machines. Do all sorts at work though, in the maintenance department. When i finish my apprenticeship ill be more qualified than most the people who work there haha Supreme Plastics Could get Trials-forum goodies made for dead cheap, minimum order is 250 but its like 80p for a plastic mug, shown on the site. Danny or Tomturd, if you want a brochure can get you one
  4. hahahahahahaha!!! i just spat biscuit out everywhere
  5. Just get rid of the pubes, they are the most pointless thing on the planet, not asif they help keep your manhood warm since they dont cover the whole thing. That length setting thing should do the trick though, can get the best one then. I dont have problems with shaving beards since i cant grow one haha
  6. Me eyes fell out again. 2nd time this week now because of fatties being posted on this forum Stop it!
  7. Si-man


    Has he actually set a pass though?? routers have a set pass where you can just press enter to access it. try that 1st
  8. Si-man


    You need to do port forwarding. There Do that, put the port you want into the preferences of the torrent downloader and voilla. You slag haha, just beat me.
  9. Made of cotton stuff aint it? make socks out of it i guess...
  10. f**k the rest of Europe, keep the pound! They have already tried to get rid of the pint and shit, f**k off c**ts at the EU
  11. Dont know why but i just pissed myself when i read that, just imagining your eye balls fall out your head when your watching it haha!
  12. That fat one... how the f**k... she has bits that shouldnt be allowed on anyone, EVER! *goes to the kitchen to find a spoon to scoop eye balls out with*
  13. Doesnt have to does he. Id just keep it or paint your finger gold or something. Unless you have anything else gold, I wouldnt bother really.
  14. haha this forum is turning into a namby pamby breeding ground haha.
  15. Lol, I think there is something in the water today stopping rational though, ahwell
  16. You dont 'expect' your break pad to snap in half do you, how can you prepare for something like that?? Some real idiots on here today
  17. I dont get why people are having ago at him. FFS, his pad just snapped off which could have led to him being seriously hurt. If that happened when you were doing 70 down the motorway in a car im sure you would be pissed off/ dead And before people go off on one about it being nothing like it, think before you reply.
  18. I know what you mean there, but if people call me a twat i tell them "no, im a right ©unt actually" usually shuts them up
  19. Alpha Dog 10/10 Deffinatly one of the best films ive seen
  20. Aye, that sort of thing needs a good kicking at the end to the person who said it. I think daves on about if people call you a twat or a fanny, doesnt really effect me since ive sworn all my life really because of the people ive grown up with. People at work call me a head case and a psycho all the time, doesnt really bother me. the thing is, words are just words.
  21. The hills have eyes 2 8/10 shit me up good and proper There so has to be another one after this. One of the birds got shagged by one and theres another one alive still, gotta be.
  22. Aye, bf2 for me Got 310 points in a match last night haha, 2 and a half hours the game was, got around 120 kills
  23. Perfect for making head caps, bar ends, mech hangers etc. Will be cool that, or are the above mentioned to big to be done?
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