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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. They actually dont look to bad. The bike is posh yes so i want a decent set that will last. Tempted by them though.. Any more people?
  2. Nah its not. Hes been a NM for years it looks and doesnt look like he posts much anyway so might not be up to sate with all the happenings on here.
  3. I am after purchasing some new forks for the old XC bike, and am clueless as what to get. Ideally I am after rock shox but not to fussed if they are good. Anyone recommend a good set of forks around the £300-350 mark. Wil be doing a mixture of off road and on road if that helps and needs to be around the 130mm mark or adjustable. Cheers, Simon
  4. Agreed. I love band of brothers and all the mentioned stuff with it. Its one of those series I can watch over an over again and not get bored.
  5. neither have I come to think of it. Dont intend to either.
  6. IF you work in an office, then none of them. If you dont and do alot of labouring, then go for the burger king meal.
  7. Tell her your even since its going to cost about the same to buy a new wheel and forks.
  8. You are in germany according to you profile. Its not exactly going to be next day is it. Could be a problem at customs, you never know.
  9. Aslong as you dont look like michael jackson then what are you moaning at?? Gloves are gloves. All you want is some plain ones with little to no padding and you will be fine. To the people who get blisters, how the f**k?? I have never had a blister from riding bikes at all, just callouses and torn skin where the finger joins the hand. Bout it.
  10. Unless you have a metal spike embeded in your head, then the dent will come out piss with just a push and pressure on the other side abit. She sounds like a fanny really, runs you over then has the cheek to get you to pay, they should have mirrors up on the walls if pullout isnt to visible. Go to her house, tell her to pop the bonnet and do it yourself infront of her, then just walk off.
  11. Ones round here are shite! Its where all the crap from the road gets throw when cars go past. The road is usually full of holes and have double drains in som places making you ride into the middle of the road to dogde em. Rode jays bike to work today to get a feel for a road bike, and f**k meee it was fast and smooth! Did 30 racing a bus, almost died like but it was fun lol Really tempted to get one now, only thing stopping me is the fast my spine felt like it had been torn out after a while. Oh, and our cycle lanes are actually on the road, not like these shite ones they put on the pavement. We have that on the promenade though, people moan at you for riding in a cycle lane and not moving for them. Rode into some guy the other week on purpose, dick.
  12. Still, with that link, wtf haha
  13. Got to be classed as disabled that haha! Just not natural
  14. I used to have a Saracen X-ray, 1st version that came out with forks that weighed about 9 tonnes. Frame is in my neighbours shed haha
  15. There used to be about 8 in blackpool i think at one time haha! Then everyone started to kill them one after the other and people got bored/ bought new frames.
  16. Snapped a pair of forks riding down the road if thats weird enough? Broke a rib doing that aswell, hurt lol
  17. Si-man

    Pop Music

    You need executing my friend.
  18. I don't care who you are really. It's your life though, we'll just sit back and watch you f**k it up Put it this way, do you want to be on the dole in a years time earning £90 every 2 weeks? How is this going to fund bike parts etc?
  19. You sound like a twat. When will people realise that theres more to life than riding!
  20. Disturbia. 9/10 Watch it if you can. there Bird in it is fit.
  21. "Beep...Beep...Beep...Beep"
  22. Im going to attempt to get into the army after my apprenticeship if i hate the job by the end of the 3 years.
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