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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Ebay ;P A kit is about £20, but then you need the correct size drill bit, a tap wrench and a drill. Cheaper to get someone else to do it. they are piss easy to do though.
  2. Whats the password and username then?
  3. So true. Its like the chinese shops always do better chips and curry that proper chippys lol
  4. Local pizza places are always better than the mainstream ones. Its like, £4 for a 12inch, whatever topping you want. Not bad really.
  5. Asif, everyone agrees! Cant beat a cute face though. I cant explain myself properly, i can see a picture in my head of what im meaning though
  6. Si-man


    Most ive done is 4 days with lawnmower man at hinchcliffes house. My god, that was bad. Took about 3 months to recover, you get that tired that you cant actually get to sleep..
  7. Someone took a picture of him doing his work in london, the 1st time hes ever been seen doing his work. Apparently noone knew his identity till the picture was taken.
  8. Only took about an hour to download. not listened properly yet but seems good.
  9. I cant play this game, i get to much of an adrenalin rush from shitting myself all the time. It is the only game i cant play. BF2:SF expansion!!! oh my god, its like, the tits! Get the BF2 collection if you can, 4 games for about £30. all the battlefield 2 games.
  10. This it?? Is that the way its done?
  11. melons dad has one of them caleb in white haha
  12. and its australian, pfft That orange escort... im wet, that is so f**king nice
  13. nout wrong with it. Not seen one of those novas near me now for frigging ages!!
  14. Si-man

    Getting Fit

    Will do your lower back and abdomen running. Find a tree with a low enough branch on it that can hold your weight, do pull ups on it. You not got nothing with abit of weight at home that you could lift? Best person to speak to will be trials_punk as he is like an encyclopedia on legs
  15. Si-man

    Getting Fit

    f**k the gym, all you need is trainers and motivation to run. Im shit at this, but watch these people do it near me. Find a f**k off massive hill, thats fairly long, starting at the top, run down it. go back up to a set point you make on it. repaeat but as you go up next time, increase the distance by say 5m if the hill is big enough. keep increasing till you fall over or pass out. do that for couple of weeks and you should notice a difference in stamina, leg strength and breathing. Getting a road bike may help you get fit to.
  16. Bugatti are horrible thats why Id have to have an old Mk3 capri, 2.8 linjection In white, like this one... Umm
  17. Sounds good, just dont show the gun, as you are liable to be shot by the old bill if they come round your house after someone rings them
  18. Dont need to, they feel good as they are.
  19. Get someone to knock you out. that should put you to sleep for a while if done right. Go to the doctors, they will be able to sort you out. dont want to be like the guy off the film the machinist now do you!
  20. I put a note on my front door last year saying something along the lines of.. "f**k off you trick or treating bastards" worked haha Actually, had 3 people before the sign went up. Answering the door with a bat and a balaclava was piss funny though, the faces of some of them
  21. I have 939 and a 4400+ processor 1gb of ram 6800GT graphics card. Runs games sweet as, and i have most of the stuff on high aswell. Card and ram are well over 18 months old and not noticed any changes or out. For gaming aswell, cant beat an aftermarket soundcard, like a creative fatality
  22. saturday Go out with family, watch rugby, sort out moped. Sunday Pass CBT, go out for hours on the scootay. about it.
  23. You answered that yourself... its not about ability to perform a job, it's about personal image and the image the company wants to put forward. you could hide your piercings very easy by just taking them out, but for someone who has 25mm+ tunnels, you are still left with a wrinkly hole so to speak. Anyway, enough of picking on charel, he will hopefully understand what is being said.
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