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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Electric are OK. Can tickle your balls with it too if you take the head off it
  2. About 4. I have no job, no money, no get up an go attitude to anything. Pretty shit really.
  3. Got a decent set up Just didn't like the game play. At the moment, playing GTA4 and still playing BF2 after around 5 years. If you like realism games, Project Reality mod for BF2 is a must, bloody hard work, game lasts 3 hours plus, get to use skill and teamwork and its a good laugh.
  4. Nah. It will have to be pretty amazing to win me. Thing I hated about the other 2, is that it took an absolute age to kill the enemy! The plot was also pants and the weapons shit. Multiplayer was rubbish as well. Yer, i didnt like it
  5. Battlefield 3 yes. Not bad company, that game was tripe and I so hope it isn't just a mixture of that and COD. BF3 Its made by DICE. Ohhh, its going to get spoiled this game
  6. Battlefield 3 is out this year. I have literally been waiting 4 years for this to happen. Only thing is, its been made for consoles too, and games that have that happen usually end up shit. PC ***.
  7. Stuff like this really boils my blood. If I was a relation of the girl who got the brain damage, id probably be in the nick now. Something happened to my brother, world war 3 would be unleashed. Girls are getting even worse than the men now, mates a bouncer, and its always fights between woman he is breaking up. They don't hold back either he was saying. Bloody nutters.
  8. Managed to loose nearly half a stone in 2 weeks from sitting on my arse and doing the odd 10 or so press ups a day. Dunno how that works like, but i like it.
  9. Exactly. The younger ones wont find her that attractive, older ones will
  10. Si-man


    Band of brothers is supposed to be pretty mental.
  11. Share a room with my bro as we have a small house. Woke up this morning, could swear I could hear my bro breathing asleep so shouted at him why he wasnt at college, turned the light on, no one there. Yer, ghosts freak me out.
  12. 2l bottle of water with a tablespoon of sugar in it. Does wonders when you need energy fast.
  13. Loose weight yourself, or get stronger. Before you say, they are sensible answers.
  14. Si-man


    The town is also a f**king awesome film.
  15. Si-man


    Just watched salt. Gets 2 thumbs up from me.
  16. Si-man


    Your 32! I thought you were like 25 haha!
  17. Si-man


    JUst watched District 9. Thought it was going to be shit, but it was actually very good! Got Predators on now, see how good this one is.
  18. Front panel should come off. Usually just pulls from the bottom and the whole thing should come off. Wouldnt have the fan mount there otherwise. What case is it?
  19. Si-man


    I dunno. My brother has a samsung LED tv. With dynamic contrast on and set up, the colours are so vivid its untrue!
  20. Front intake, rear exhaust. Cut a hole in the side panel, mount yourself a 140mm fan as an intake. Job done.
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