Just take it on the chin and go ride some other place. No point in arguing. been lucky a few times where security guards have told us to go away and come back when the place closes as they wont be there and they couldnt give a shit what happens then. they get paid to move people on etc, if they dont, not going to look good from the bosses point of view is it. I kind of agree with the staying when someone tells you to f**k off though, if its public property, just get off your bike and sit on the wall and talk to her then, cant say anything to you. have to be careful when confronting people, be crafty about it Ive been chase by old men with walking sticks before and had an old man swing for me before after he wouldn't listen to reasoning. there was like 5 of us aswell, wtf was he thinking! we arent in 1940's germany anymore.