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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. You just take everything on here so seriously. Lighten up! Got a Dewalt 18v myself, pretty good, survived a 10ft drop onto the chuck. Hilti are the daddy though, my old works SDS drill was about £700 and eats through concrete
  2. 84 miles. Furthest ive been is Leeds.
  3. 356 downloads haha. Lots of 15 year olds wanking over that now. Girl with the massive chebs on page 1
  4. Can imagine it will be meet around the moon rocks area.
  5. Yer, i have a F1 750gb running for 2 years so far. SSD for me next, getting cheaper now.
  6. Si-man

    Motor Trials

    Check your jets no blocked again and check that your float bowl has actually filled up. Sometimes they don't
  7. Barry exploring his new plants, fired up as its all new to him so is a bit confused Stuck 2 different bromeliads in there, a ficus plant and bio active soil (mix of coco fibre, orchid bark, oaks leaves, tropical woodlice and springtails) Sat on a stick im going to be chopping and putting in, looking at his dinner. 4 crickets in less than 2 minutes, greedy sod Just chillin
  8. Ferrari block that
  9. Si-man


    Just watched all those, still doesnt make me want the game though
  10. Hopefully be working back on the beach teaching power kiting as long as we have better wind this year
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTI8s0H31ys&feature=related
  12. Si-man


    Twilight was pretty good. Watched the fighter the other night, now that is good once it actually gets going.
  13. Si-man


    Das Experiment, 2001, German version with subtitles is better
  14. Probably be around a 6 today. Just feeling generally good, even though I still have no job, £10 to my name but I have a roof over my head so isn't that bad. Could be better though.
  15. Getting on a 450cc MX bike and giving it full beans on a bend. Best adrenaline rush of my life.
  16. Can have Allah in your mouth Morning and Night
  17. It's just the playstation network, it's utter wank
  18. Can relate to this. Had to run half a mile touching cloth the other day. Literally split second more id have shit myself hahaha.
  19. The initial dip when playing sexy time.
  20. I like how the weapons on PR are. You cant just stand and spray, and if you get shot once, you have to get healed otherwise you collapse and die. Also, sniping is fun, as the noobs cant use them because they don't realise that you need to hold the weapon key down, wait for the breathing to stop then shoot. Not played it since the new version came out though so unsure on whats changed now.
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