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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Si-man


    New gear kit and variator on the way to me when i order them tomorrow. Shall be fun. 30 is abit of a weird speed. Feels like nothing is happening. Cars tend to try and bully you out of the way aswell. Stand your ground, you pay road tax aswell don't forget
  2. Si-man


    Didnt you not just read what gav put?? If you get caught going more than 33 on a 50cc at the age of 16, you will get a ban. Once you hit 17 then yes do whatever. Rules are rules, no point in messing with them. Plus, if the police see any mods on it then they can do you for that too I think.
  3. Proof is needed my friend. An we dont mean a jizz filled jonny, we want videos. I wanna see these F tits in action. Lmao, good luck my son!!
  4. Monty with the white tyres is fit as f**k
  5. Been at college for nearly 4 years now, 1 year to go to get advanced apprenticeship then another 18 months after that for HNC if i wanna do it.
  6. Found a program that can optimise internet connections Before i was getting 3800kbps, now im getting 12208kbps... TCP Optimizer Select the speed with the slide bar your supposed to be getting, choose network card from the list, click optimised settings at the bottom and reboot. Sorted.
  7. Not fair that. Were supposed to be on 10mb now, but virgin being a shit company and all we are on about 3. Used to dload at 1500kb/s, now get roughly 400... All happened when the virgins took over.
  8. Im actually going to hunt down and kill the next person that says that. Can people not read or what?
  9. If you actually get the 20mb lucky sod, its not in use according to the person i rang up till August.
  10. Si-man


    Gingers are fit like, well, the women anyway. Not into fellas
  11. Just clean the camelbak with bleachy water, then water with bi carb soda in it to neutralise the bleach. Sorted.
  12. Im obsessed with Sage Francis now haha. Inner conflict is a tuuuune
  13. Si-man

    Stolen Bike

    Stand outside his house with a jerry can, a lighter and a brick. Knock in his door and tell him to give your bike back or the bricks going through the window followed by some nice flammable liquid. Just scare the bejesus out of him. The police do nothing about any bike crimes as its to much faff for them to do paperwork. Force or paying someone to do force is the only way.
  14. Si-man

    New Tattoos

    But dont get it on your arm. You will be associated with most of the chav/ dole/ smack heads in this country. Do you really want that? Not to mention people taking the piss saying you cant remember your name.
  15. Si-man

    New Tattoos

    That he does haha
  16. Si-man

    New Tattoos

    Not sure on the length of time they last. A guy at work does tattooing, he said there is some ink that fades after a month or so but I dunno. Still look abit plain on their own, looks like you have been bored and drawn on your arm with a compass lol.
  17. Si-man

    New Tattoos

    I hope the UV tattoo will be incorporated in a normal tattoo design? Other wise it just looks like a pink scar. Looks sick when theres a normal tattoo then a UV one appaears under the light.
  18. Get the longer wheelbase one. We have them at work, and you could box off the section where the sliding side door is so that just the back is for bikes, and the sliding bit can be sleeping etc. Like tardis's them things.
  19. Si-man


    Chatting to myself and shouting in my motorbike helmet. Dont know why I do it, just get bored I supposed lol Swear far to much, I blame it on being an engineer and working with older men though. I put my hand on nearly everything i pass in the street, like walls, bollards etc. Judge people and think they are twats before even saying a word to them. Probably more, ill have a think.
  20. Si-man


    My N95 adjusted it all by its self. I didnt even realise till someone on call of duty 4 told me haha
  21. What about a VW transporter? Shit loads of room in them. Get a T4 though
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