We just used to be little shits in the area i live. Worst one was in about 1994 when there was about 3 foot of snow where I live. We used to make humongous snow balls and stick them in the middle of the road to block the buses in, managed to nail some guy in the head with a snowball through an open bus window and all sorts of fighting shenanigans. Throwing an ice ball at a skytv van was the worst idea I think we ever came up with though, as he got out and chased us round all the alleyways and streets, then went and got his mates. Most of the lads were alot older than us, so when the sky man and friends caught up with one of the older lads, he was beaten up quite badly. Chases were an every night occurrence though, from getting chased by the police in vans to random people in cars for throwing eggs at them. I miss it