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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Stick the old vids up, used to love watching them. I miss the old days of riding with cap, rossi, stan, matt, mike etc.
  2. Don't use currys, PC World, Comet, Dixons etc. They will sell you shite. Best off with Ebuyer, can get bloody good ones on there.
  3. Gets the CPU to around 50 degrees on mine.
  4. That's mine. Only shows 1 fan doing anything when I have around 5 case fans, CPU fan and the Graphics fan. All that is on idle. When you load speed fan, does a bubble appear near the windows clock telling you what it has detected?
  5. We filled a tub with petrol and lit it then belted it with a street hockey stick. That could have ended soo badly, luckily it didnt. Ended up setting fire to some guys wall and him chasing us down the alley way.
  6. Leon, shut up you dick. The lad wants to show us his riding, let him! When are you going to be posting a video then? Young people, LOL, you barely have pubes yourself boy.
  7. We used to have the biggest bon fires on earth on the top bit of the park. Council vans and people used to come and dump truck loads of rotting leaves and stuff from the park. We didn't need bin men for about 2 weeks after that as everything from the area was burnt, even next doors new fence because they were arseholes LOL. Playing on fields on them honda 50 scooters was good fun, staying in a straight line was solid. Getting off with 3 girls in a bush when I was in year 6, that was probably the best day of my life haha
  8. Ah yes, the security park wardens haha. We used to get hour long chases from them in their van with us on bikes all around this massive park (stanley park). Many a time did someone go to fast on the bends near the lake and ride straight in, all part of the fun though. We were more arsed about being caught by them than the police. Park next to my street, bowling club on it with a massive hut where the attendant used to sit. We had just discovered smoke bombs so though it would be funny to light one and throw it in while the man was making a brew in the back. Never seen so many fire engines before... British bulldogs on the bowling greens in the summer were the best thing though. Kids from all over the area would gather for a game of about 30 man bulldog. We stopped though when someone nearly got their neck broken from a high tackle. Manhunt in the trees and bushes was another mental game. hiding in massive trees or crawling round in the woods trying not to be "on" Running from a townie in a nova gte after egging his car, then a friend who was running along side took the inside of a blind corner and ran into the side of a police car LOL I proper miss childhood. The days when you were more likely to get a bloody nose than stabbed.
  9. We just used to be little shits in the area i live. Worst one was in about 1994 when there was about 3 foot of snow where I live. We used to make humongous snow balls and stick them in the middle of the road to block the buses in, managed to nail some guy in the head with a snowball through an open bus window and all sorts of fighting shenanigans. Throwing an ice ball at a skytv van was the worst idea I think we ever came up with though, as he got out and chased us round all the alleyways and streets, then went and got his mates. Most of the lads were alot older than us, so when the sky man and friends caught up with one of the older lads, he was beaten up quite badly. Chases were an every night occurrence though, from getting chased by the police in vans to random people in cars for throwing eggs at them. I miss it
  10. Si-man

    22" Monitors.

    Tescos are doing a Samsung 22" 226BW for less than £200... I paid about £250 for mine a while back, bloody mint monitor.
  11. I want to know how he still has that user name...
  12. Mate had German plates with a German plate holder on his Seat Leon Cupra R. He got shafted for having them on. Got his own plate on now with the German plate holder, he got shafted because thats german!! Does it not work the same way as bikes, where after 30 days of being warned for having small plates etc you can put them back on and they can only warn you again?
  13. Put my old bike in thats been off the road, speeding today im Cambridge apparently lol
  14. You got a spare £200k for one? Wasn't the best episode but that american bird was fiiit!
  15. My old megamo equip wheels were laced like that. Sod know why
  16. The syrup one is better. Expensive stuff though, where I used to work it was about £45 for a box of the "post mix" as its called. Tastes nice though. People usually ask for coke as its been drilled into them.
  17. Pepsi. Coke just makes my teeth feel shit
  18. Yer mine did that. Then i stopped breathing for some reason and it was like I died lol.
  19. I can jog for about 30 steps more like lol. Not ridden a trials bike in 3 years properly and the XC bike in over a year now.
  20. I really am shit at this. Gave up at level 3 as my head was starting to smoke
  21. NTLDR I think it is. NTLRD isnt booting... Try that. Take a floppy disk out if theres one in aswell.
  22. I'm getting it now mate if your stuck later still. EDIT: Got it now if you still need it, is a 48mb file
  23. I have shares with 4imprint Group who own the company I work for. Last September when I started, they were at something like 300p a share, now they are at 102p. Not really bit into it though.
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